Natural Awakenings Houston October 2023

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Read this month’s articles for clues. Across

1 A practice in which people connect and work with plants for healing and nourishment

6 “I didn’t know that”

8 Relax

9 Vital principle that gives life to physical organisms

11 One of the core ingredients of a macrobiotic diet

13 Form of therapeutic massage in Chinese medicine, 2 words

14 Loudspeaker system, abbr.

15 In the event that

16 Most white

18 Distance measurement, abbr.

20 Select

21 5000 year old Chinese healing art steeped in tradition

22 Flow of vital energy in Chinese medicine

25 Function

27 Medical practice that originated in China to alleviate pain and other conditions

28 Soothing substances

29 Connect Down

1 Type of medicine emphasizing the organic and functional relationship between parts and the whole

2 Dry red Spanish wine

3 “Set Fire to the Rain” singer

4 Popular

5 Sketch out, as a route

6 Baba ghanouj ingredient

7 Obtains from a substance

10 Music holder

12 Historic period

13 Sensory organs on the tongue, 2 words 14 Energy

16 Fruits
17 Careful reasoning
% Discount on EVERYTHING! Use Code: NAHTX
19 Ceremonial 22 Search 23
Answers on page


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Deadline for editorial: the 10th of the month.


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Deadline for calendar: the 10th of the month.


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ADVERTISING & SUBMISSIONS 5 LETTER FROM THE PUBLISHERS 6 NEWS BRIEFS 8 HEALTH BRIEFS 10 GLOBAL BRIEFS 11 ECO TIP 12 BUSINESS SPOTLIGHTS 20 CONSCIOUS EATING 22 HEALING WAYS 25 CALENDARS 27 HEALTHY LIVING GUIDE Departments CONTENTS Natural Awakenings Houston - October 2023 Issue 11 Eco-Friendly Fall Yard Cleanup 17 Traditional World Healing Wisdom Lost Practices Gain New Respect 20 The Modern Macrobiotic Diet More Than Tofu and Seaweed 22 The Healing Arts of Qigong and Tai Chi Well-Being Through Intentional Movement 24 An Ayurvedic Approach to Well-Being 17 11 20 22 24

Hello dear readers, Natural Awakenings is unique. We are the city’s only sustainability and health publication and the only one to promote a plantbased lifestyle. You will find information on these pages that you can’t find anywhere else. But we are more than just an informative magazine—we are a family.

Natural Awakenings is one of the few local publications that still prints monthly, but the magazine doesn’t just happen. It takes a national staff of writers and graphic artists working with our local staff: Cindy, myself, Martin, Nathan, Anirudh and Barbara. Because we are a free magazine, the money doesn’t just happen, either. Without our advertisers and our contributors, there would be no Natural Awakenings. Our magazines aren’t thrown in your front yard or mailed to you as if we were part of the junk mail. Each month, you choose to pick us up because you enjoy the content or that month’s cover is extra eye-catching. The store or office where you pick our magazine up is a vital part of our family, too. Finally, you, our readers, are part of our family. You are the reason we put it all together each month, and without you there would be no point.

So, what are some things that you can do as part of our family? Here a few… take part in some of the many free events listing in our calendar of events, attend one of our quarterly wellness events, drop by one of our advertisers and take advantage of the products and services they have to offer, or if you are in the neighborhood, let them know that you appreciate their support of our magazine, tell the business owner where you pick up Natural Awakenings know that you appreciate that they allow us to distribute our magazines there, make a small personal donation to help with the expense of the magazine and share these pages with your friends and family. Together, we are family.

Until next month—if you remember nothing else, remember to be kind.


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Cindy & Mike Hart

Guided Prayer Walks in the Park

Christ the King Evangelical Lutheran Church will conduct guided prayer walks in the park at 9 a.m., October 7, and 10 a.m., October 28, at Hermann Park, in Houston. The park’s beautiful natural setting can stimulate prayer and reflection.

At each stop along the walk, there will be a theme, an accompanying Bible verse and reflection questions to ponder. Attendees may deepen their spiritual practice and all will receive materials on the prayer walk to take home and use again in future.

Admission is free. Location: 6001 Fannin St., Houston. Register (required) at Tinyurl. com/ParkPrayerOct. For more information, email Lisa Brenskelle at gcs.lrc@gmail. com.

Putting Down Roots 2023

The annual Coastal Prairie Conservancy Putting Down Roots 2023 event will take place from 9 a.m. to noon, November 11, at the Indiangrass Preserve, with native prairie planting and educational activities for the whole family

New volunteers and participants of all ages are welcome to join. Free hot dogs, veggie dogs, and water will be provided or BYO. Dress for the weather, wear close-toed shoes and bring a reusable water bottle.

Admission is free. Location: 31975 Hebert Rd., Waller. Register (encouraged) at For more information, call 713-523-6135 or email

Drawdown EcoChallenge Online

The nonprofit Drawdown Ecochallenge, from October 1 through 31 online, is a fun and social way to connect the dots between climate solutions and climate actions to help reverse climate change.

Join others from around the globe, and together take action on the most substantive solutions to climate change. Participants can earn points and see their positive impact grow. The challenge, shows how a few weeks of action can add up to a lifetime of change for the planet.

Categories include electricity; industry; food, agriculture and land use; coastal, ocean and engineered sinks; health and education; buildings; transportation; and land sinks.

To participate, visit

Age-Reversing and Regeneration Retreat in Mexico

An advanced age-reversing healing and quantum regeneration retreat with pioneering doctor in psychology and holistic health Aurora Juliana Ariel, Ph.D., a leader among a team of experts in cutting-edge stem cell therapies, will take place from January 17 to 23, 2024, in Cancun, Mexico. Highlights will include a blend of advanced anti-aging stem cell therapy protocols along with spiritual psychology technology, age-reversing subconscious re-coding, Master Divine healers and more, all geared to restore youthful health and beauty from the inside out.

Participants will experience the Total Regeneration Training and Healing protocols each day plus a artial day of stem cell therapy IV and treatments of their choice, all at an outstanding, world-class clinic.

For more information or to register, call 239-207-2775 or visit

news briefs

Free Advance Alzheimer Film Screening

KnoWEwell and Natural Awakenings magazine will host a free, advance screening of Memories for Life: Reversing Alzheimer’s, a documentary film that follows the journeys of six Alzheimer’s patients that refuse to accept their prognosis and instead turn to a new, clinically proven method to help reverse the disease and retain their memories. This innovative approach, the reverse cognitive decline (ReCODE) protocol, was invented by top neurologist Dr. Dale Bredesen.

Narrated by Grammy Award-winner Michael Bublé and directed by Hideyuki Tokigawa, the film will be live-streamed on KnoWEwell’s Regenerative Whole Health Hub at 7 p.m. CT, October 14. As a bonus, Bredesen, New York Times’ bestselling author of The End of Alzheimer’s, will participate in a live post-screening Q&A session.

This is a rare opportunity to view the film at no charge prior to its formal release and to interact with the creator of this exciting new Alzheimer’s protocol.

Admission is free. For more information or to register, visit See ad on this page.

Local Resource

Resilient Health-Austin, 3410 Far West Blvd, Ste 100, Austin 512-717-9775

7 COMPLIMENTARY A DOCUMENTARY FILM BY HIDEYUKI TOKIGAWA NARRATED BY MICHAEL BUBLE Register to claim your free ticket Movie and Q&A Streamed Live in KnoWEwell's Regenerative Whole Health® Hub (Access will be available for only 24 hours after screening) October 14, 2023 8pm ET, 5pm PT ADVANCED SCREENING Dr. Dale Bredesen WITH Live post-screening Q&A with Dale Bredesen, MDNew York Times Bestselling author of The End of Alzheimer’s. hosted by
Remember, the entrance door to the sanctuary is inside you.

Yoga for Prostate Cancer Patients

According to the American Cancer Society, about one man in eight will be diagnosed with prostate cancer during his lifetime, with six in 10 of these cases in men 65 years and older. Non-Hispanic Black men have a 75 percent higher risk and are twice as likely to die from prostate cancer than white men, with genetics accounting for some of these disparities.

Researchers from The University of Texas Health Sciences Center at San Antonio evaluated the impact of yoga on quality of life, as well as on immune and inflammatory responses. Published in the Journal of Urology, the study included 30 men with cancer that were scheduled for radical prostate removal. Half of the patients performed 60 minutes of yoga twice a week for six weeks before surgery and for three to six weeks after surgery. The other patients received standard care.

The group that performed yoga reported higher quality-of-life scores, including reduced fatigue and improvements in physical, sexual, functional and social well-being. Based on blood samples, the scientists also found that yoga promoted an anti-tumor immune response and reduced inflammatory cytokine levels. Subscribe for FREE! Text NAHTX to 66866

Fermented Foods for Brain Health

Nature’s Germ Killer

Stop bad germs before they stop you!

Scientists prove pure copper kills germs in seconds, just by touch, including viruses, bacteria, and fungus. High-power microscopes show germs instantly start dying when copper touches them.

The consumption of fermented products is on the rise as drinks like kombucha and kefir have become popular. They are a source of tryptophan, an amino acid critical to producing serotonin, the brain chemical that influences mood, and may also contain neurotransmitters in their raw form. Research has shown that eating fermented foods may have long- and short-term impacts on brain function, such as reducing stress.

Led by researchers at University College Cork, in Ireland, a new large study has begun to compare 200 fermented foods from around the world to pinpoint which ones are the most beneficial for brain health. Although still in its initial stages, preliminary results have already revealed some surprises. Almost all of the fermented foods display the potential to improve gut and brain health. While more research is needed, sugar- and vegetable-based fermented foods are likely to top the list, according to the lead researcher.

Hair Tapping

New methods for cultivating healthy hair growth have been gaining traction amongst young people on social media platforms, including hair tapping, a technique popularized in Korean and Japanese hair spas. According to hair-care experts, hair tapping is similar to a scalp massage and involves gentle drumming movements along the scalp with the fingers. Hair-tapping techniques draw from acupuncture, the practice of releasing energy by accessing certain landmarks in the body.

Like other kinds of scalp massages, hair tapping may relieve scalp tension, stimulate blood flow and improve lymphatic drainage. A Japanese study found that four-minute daily scalp massages over a 24-week period increased hair thickness by changing the expression of human dermal papilla cells in tissue under the skin. And a 2019 self-assessment survey found scalp massages improved hair growth for individuals with hair loss.

The new studies explain why ancient Greeks, Egyptians and others used copper to fight infections and heal wounds. They didn’t know about germs, but now we do.

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Critical Ocean Current May Be Near Collapse

According to a new analysis from the journal Nature Communications, the Atlantic Ocean’s sensitive circulation system has become slower and less resilient. Scientists are concerned that the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation (AMOC) could collapse any time between 2025 and 2095.

The AMOC plays a critical role in transporting warm, salty water from the tropics to the North Atlantic and sending colder water back south along the ocean floor. Because Arctic ice is melting at a rapid pace due to global warming, there is an overabundance of cold freshwater in the system, putting it in danger of irreversible collapse. Such a collapse could dramatically alter weather patterns, lowering temperatures in North America and Europe, propelling severe storms in the tropics and elevating sea levels on the U.S. Atlantic coast.

To measure the AMOC’s strength, scientists use buoys and proxy indicators, such as microscopic organisms and tiny sediments from the seafloor, and according to the data, it is at its weakest state in more than 1,000 years. Other experts suggest that the entire ocean system must be studied to more accurately predict the effect of these AMOC changes

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Eco-Friendly Fall Yard Cleanup

die back and perennials begin to go dormant. This can create a considerable amount of leaf litter and dead stalks as the once-lush garden and yard turn brown. Many people mow and rake up the debris so that the ground is neat and bare. This winter, consider allowing at least some of this fallen foliage to remain where it lands. This will benefit the local ecosystem and reduce greenhouse gas emissions in landfills.


When temperatures drop, many insects live or leave eggs in fallen plant materials. By resisting the urge to tidy our yards, we can protect biodiversity and preserve beneficial bugs, such as stick insects, pill bugs and millipedes. While bumblebees hibernate underground, other bee species find their way into the hollow stems of native plants to rest and wait for spring. Certain butterflies

find cozy shelter in plant litter, and some caterpillars roll themselves up in fallen leaves. Toads and salamanders lie dormant in the ground or under the protection of plant debris.


Birds are drawn to highly textured landscapes with a diversity of plants. They feed on seed heads left standing and forage for insects among the litter. When snow piles up on fallen foliage, voles and mice scavenge through the debris for seeds and nuts. Squirrels and opossums may find edibles in the layers of mulch. The extra plant material on the ground creates habitats for more spring insects that will benefit birds, toads and other creatures when the snow melts.


Perennial root systems tucked in for winter with a protective blanket of garden waste are less likely to be harmed

by extreme cold temperatures. The ground is also less likely to freeze and thaw as the temperatures vary.


Take a walk through the woods in the fall. Leaves drop; plants die back; and the ground is carpeted with a rich layer of composting materials. This loamy soil in the woods is some of the healthiest to be found. In the spring, plants reappear through the layer of humus without effort.


If saving the plants, insects and birds isn’t motivation enough, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency states that yard debris takes up as much as 6 percent of all waste in landfills, producing methane as it breaks down. If the garden or yard must be cleaned up, pile the material onsite or take it to a compost site instead of putting it in the trash.

eco tip

Explore the World of Tai Chi and Qigong at Blue Dragon

Blue Dragon Tai Chi for Health & Longevity (formerly Four Dragons Tai Chi) provides tai chi programs throughout the Houston area. Founder Simone Olivier says, “Our Tai Chi in the Park program offers free tai chi classes at local parks on a weekly basis. We offer tai chi classes to seniors at over 25 locations city-wide, as well as corporate locations. We also offer the opportunity for students to become instructors through our certification programs.” Admissions are open through the end of the year.

The classes are gentle and excellent for beginners, including gentle warm-ups, qigong, tai chi movement and sequencing and meditation. Each class is a complete practice of the tai chi principles. Olivier. States, “We are learning about natural breathing, body awareness, mindfulness and relaxation, all while moving slowly, gently and with intention.”

Olivier holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Industrial Technology from University of Louisiana at Lafayette, and has more than 20 years of experience, certification and training in yoga, dance, tai chi, qigong and meditation. The 22nd-generation dragon gate priest is known by her students as Li Fu, the name given by her grandmaster in China.

“Blue Dragon Tai Chi was founded in 2015, when I began teaching at Amazing Place Houston for seniors with Parkinson’s and memory care,” explains Olivier. “In no time, I was in high demand by other private senior living facilities. As the number of contracts grew beyond my personal capacity, I began training students to become instructors. Through our partnership with BakerRipley, we expanded our programming to over 15 locations throughout the city. We continue to grow with programs such as Tai Chi in the Park to give Houstonians the opportunity to experience the healing and sense of well-being tai chi and qigong have to offer.”

Weekly Tai Chi in the Park classes are free an open to the public. There is a 12-month tai chi teacher training certification for those interested in learning more about tai chi and qigong. For those interested in internal martial arts (using martial arts as a way to cultivate personal development) there is a three-year blackbelt certification in the study of xing yi, bagua and tai chi.

With six instructors, others in training have the opportunity to start teaching while they train through an internship program. They continue to learn and grow and develop relationships with students and local program directors. “We are very community-oriented, and create meaningful connections with the communities we serve,” says Olivier. Blue Dragon is an onsite tai chi service provider while they work to move into a studio space. “We bring the Blue Dragon Tai Chi experience to you. Our business is all about compassion through service.” Corporate programs are a popular option.

Olivier shares, “The best part of tai chi is the friends you make along the way. When we come together with an intention of health and well-being, it becomes so much more of an empowering experience.”

For more information, call 832-303-8728 or visit

12 OCTOBER 2023 HOUSTON METRO EDITION business spotlights

Chiropractic Care for the Whole Family

Chiropractic & Acupuncture offers family chiropractic care, pregnancy chiropractic care and pediatric chiropractic care. Alayna Pagnani-Gendron, doctor of chiropractic and certified acupuncturist, says, “We have recently opened up more office hours to accommodate busy schedules. Our Erchonia red and violet cold low-level laser therapy has been proven to treat pain and inflammation without the harmful side effects associated with traditional treatment options. The combination of lasers also offers unique antibacterial and antimicrobial properties which can encourage established sinus relief, ear and other infection treatments.” She was also president of the Texas Chiropractic Association in 2021 and 2022.

Dr. Jennifer Jones is Webster-certified and working to complete her full Council of Chiropractic Pediatrics and perinatal certifications through the International Compliance Professionals Association. “Being able to not only provide care, but endlessly support women and children as they grow into stronger people is the most rewarding gift,” says Pagnani-Gendron. “Along with her passion for women and children, she has expanded her love for dance and physical rehabilitation through Pilates.” Jones has been a reformer-based Pilates instructor at Boost for almost two years now in Houston.

HealthPro is a boutique, family-centered practice that is dedicated to providing the highest-quality personalized car. Treatment options also including general adjustments, acupuncture, muscle therapy, nutritional support and exercise treatment plans. Pagnani-Gendron states, “As chiropractors, we look for dysfunctions throughout the musculoskeletal system and correct those issues using specific adjustments to decrease interference on the nervous system, which better allows your body to function optimally. We do this without the use of drugs or chemicals, and we focus on you as a whole, not just a condition. It is our commitment that we help our patients return to a natural state of health and to maintain a healthy lifestyle.”

Chiropractic care is important for the entire family starting at birth, notes Pagnani-Gendron. “Babies and children benefit from adjustments, too. Birth can be a traumatic experience on a newborns body. They are pulled, torqued and twisted, which can all affect their alignment of their spine. As children get older and learn how to walk, they are falling constantly. Then when they become older, children are active and play sports. All of these things can cause misalignments in their spine.”

HealthPro Family Chiropractic & Acupuncture is located at 4101 Greenbriar Dr., Ste. 135, in Houston. For appointments and more information, call 281-506-0105 or visit


Dr. Franson is a Straight Shooter

Brett V. Franson, DC, the owner of Franson Chiropractic, practices according to the “old school”, providing specific, scientific chiropractic adjustments for back and neck pain relief; health and fitness strategies; and personal coaching.

He started practicing in 1991, worked with several doctors at various clinics until opening his own in 2000, and moved the present location in 2014. Franson prides himself on a simple format, simple fees and the fact that patients see the same doctor every time. Walk-ins are welcome.

His philosophy is, “Why should I go to you instead of all the others? You shouldn’t. Life is about learning from mistakes. It is okay to go to the corporate franchise chiropractors, mostly fresh out of school with minimal experience, or to the hyper-expensive doctors with their fancy gadgets and long-term commitment plans. Give them a try first. Find out for yourself. Then give me a call. Many times, your last resort becomes your first solution.”

For those that have trepidation about trusting a particular practitioner, he says, “Getting my name in front of more people and overcoming the negative stereotypes and fears people have regarding my profession is key. If folks are afraid to go to a chiropractor, I’m the guy they need to come see. My capacity to develop great relationships with my clients can really help them improve.”

Franson Chiropractic is located at 1652 S. Dairy Ashford Rd., in Houston. For appointments and more information, call 281701-1596 or visit


Chiropractic Guide

Innate Chiropractic Healing Arts Center

Dr. Jackie St.Cyr, DC

8100 Washington Ave, #210

Houston, TX 77007


HealthPro Chiropractic & Acupuncture

Dr. Alayna E. Pagnani-Gendron, DC

4101 Green Briar Dr. #135

Houston, TX 77098


Franson Chiropractic

Dr. Brett V. Franson, DC

1652 South Dairy Ashford Rd.

Houston, TX 77077



Discover The Magic of A Healthy Spine

Since 1995, Dr. Jackie St.Cyr has been healing spines and changing lives through gentle touch chiropractic healing. She founded the Innate Chiropractic Healing Arts Center, a five-star rated Houston chiropractic office, that serves individuals and families with a holistic approach focused on wellness and stress reduction to optimize their life experience through a healthy spine and nervous system.

At her friendly practice, patients feel heard and cared for by a team that loves what they do. Dr. Jackie says, “The care received from the team at Innate Chiropractic begins with the first phone call and goes beyond the conventional chiropractic care experience. Our patients say they feel like part of the family from the very first visit. Ultimately, our goal is to help you achieve an extraordinary life and empower you to improve your life force, energy, and peak performance naturally.”

The Innate Chiropractic Healing Arts Center is located at 8100 Washington Ave., Ste. 210, in Houston. To schedule a complimentary consultation, call 713521-2104 or visit

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16 OCTOBER 2023 HOUSTON METRO EDITION Feel Better-Live Healthier with Colon Hydrotherapy Serving Houston for 41 years Urban Colonics 5042 Briscoe St. Houston, TX.77033 713-738-8199 Barbara J. Ellis, Retired RN, therapist & owner We use the Closed System & Disposable Setups. Visit our website for more information or to schedule an appointment Now Offering Mobile Colonics $4444 for Retreat and Lodging Free Consultation w/ top US Doctor in Stem Cell Therapy Field to Design Your Anti–Aging, Stem Cell Regenerative Treatments starting at $2950 for Wide Range of Conditions For more information call 239-207-2775 or visit Advanced Age-Reversing Healing Retreat w/Pioneering Doctor in Psychology & Health, Aurora Juliana Ariel PhD & Top USA Doctor & Team in Cutting Edge Stem Cell Therapies 7 Glorious Days at Oceanfront Resort Cancun, Mexico • January 17-23, 2024 A Blend of Advanced Anti-Aging Stem Cell Therapy Protocols with a Cutting-Edge Spiritual Psychology Technology, Age Reversing, Subconscious Re-coding, Master Divine Healers Assisting & More! Restoring Your Youthful Health & Beauty from the Inside Out



With time-tested wisdom and natural roots, traditional and Indigenous medicine has been an integral resource for centuries in communities around the world. According to the World Health Organization, 88 percent of all countries are estimated to use traditional medicine, such as herbal remedies, acupuncture and shamanism. The contribution of these practices is increasingly being recognized by Western medicine, especially in collaboration with integrative, holistic and regenerative medicine. The pandemic prompted renewed interest in traditional treatments, and incorporating them into wellness and healing modalities is easier and more valuable than ever.


Herbalist and spiritual coach Lucretia VanDyke integrates rituals, plant-spirit meditation, holistic food and ancestor reverence into her practice. An expert on Southern folk healing, VanDyke notes in her book, African American Herbalism, that Indigenous practices were never lost, but people had to go underground for fear of persecution.

“Herbal and sacred ceremonial practices of enslaved people of African descent were highly regulated or banned by the United States government in an effort to control the people most affected by colonization,” she explains. “In the mid18th century, Virginia and South Carolina made it a capital offense to practice herbalism, resulting in harsh punishment or even execution if found guilty. Additionally, in 1883, the U.S. Department of

Gabrielle W Perillo/

Interior came up with the Code of Indian Offenses, which implemented laws that applied only to Native people until 1978. They were punished for dances and feasts by imprisonment or withholding food rations for up to 30 days.”

Noting a resurgence of these once-forbidden practices, VanDyke adds, “Today, I see people trying to branch out on their spiritual journey and seeking sources outside their Christian upbringing to answer questions within themselves with practices like herbalism and African traditional religion coming more into the mainstream.”

Linda M. Conroy, MSS, MLSP, is an educator, herbalist and community organizer who dedicates her life to connecting with the green world. She is the founder of two annual gatherings: the Midwest Women’s Herbal Conference and the Mycelium Mysteries Women’s Mushroom Conference. She also provides herbal education, workshops and individual consultations through her Wisconsin-based business, Moonwise Herbs.

“Herbalism is a practice where people connect and work with plants for healing and nourishment,” she says. “Plants, herbs and mushrooms have been around long before we have and provide an innate connection to the earth. Everyone has ancestors that grew and foraged for their own food, and we remember that in our being. It’s a different experience from buying a plant or pill from the store shelf.”

Misconceptions about herbalism are common in America, Conroy asserts. “In other countries such as Cuba, Germany

and China, conventionally trained physicians still learn about more than 50 herbs in their training, but the United States all but abandoned herbalism after the development of antibiotics and pharmaceuticals,” she explains. “The pandemic has helped spawn a resurgence of interest, with people increasingly disappointed by Western medicine and turning to herbs for respiratory support, stress management and other conditions.”

Conroy stresses that working with herbs is both an art and a science. Learning their unique properties is key. “In order to be truly effective, it’s imperative that people know how to properly choose and use the correct herb for each situation. This includes being mindful of the dosage, method of delivery and sourcing. Herbs are much safer than most things out there, and with the right assessment skills, they can be truly transformative,” she says.

Another recommendation is to establish a wellness routine that incorporates herbs as maintenance to remind the body of their healing value. “Herbs are not drugs but can work in synergy with them. Many common ingredients can be used every day, such as a stinging nettle infusion to nourish the kidneys and lungs, and oats to fortify the nervous system,” Conroy says. “Acquiring our herbs and foods from local sources also strengthens our connection to the plants. Most things we need, such as garlic, cabbage, eggs and raw honey, we can find in our own garden, from neighbors or at a farmers market.”

Energy Healing

Billie Topa Tate’, a member of the Mescalero Apache tribe, is founder of MSI Wellness, in Evanston, Illinois, and author of the upcoming book, Spirit Guide Invocations: Seeking Wisdom from Sacred Helpers. Dedicated to creating a sacred space one person at a time through her Indigenous teachings, she is a mentor, teacher and healer. Her work has been shared by several universities and publications.

Although Indigenous healing practices

do not have scientific studies to support their efficacy, they do have the observational and traditional support of her people, Topa Tate’ says. “The Apache learned medicinal properties from the plants and honored the position of being stewards of the land,” she asserts. “We learned from our virtuous elders that plants provide us with medicine and food, as well as spiritual qualities, such as smudging, essential oils and incense, which help to cleanse the body, mind and spirit.”

According to Topa Tate’, a shamanic journey is a visit to the energy world and can lead someone to insightful wisdom regarding their life’s purpose. “The spirit world provides a release of the thoughts that limit us and brings us into a realm where we can be guided by higher thought,” she explains. “Visiting the spirit world with proper guidance allows us to access the worlds of healing, wisdom, angels, the past, the future and even the symbolic energies of our present lives through our mind. Another way to find this release is to understand that words are energy carriers and can provide our mind, body and spirit with a source of enlightenment. We do this through our drumming songs and ceremonies, but also by becoming more aware and harnessing the power of words as medicine in everyday actions.”

Energy work can help us reconnect with that part of ourselves that facilitates healing, says Topa Tate’. “I recommend beginning the day with a five-minute morning ceremony that gives thanks to the creator for a beautiful day and invokes our helpers to offer assistance with particular projects. As a healer, it is important to teach people how to

Caphira Lescante/
ND STOCK/AdobeStockcom

manage their stress with more productive platforms, such as meditation, nature walks and seeking out their life’s purpose. There is a misconception that only Native people can do this energy work, but we are all one family and can learn how to integrate the natural wellness that the Native people have used for centuries,” she explains.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

either a physical therapy or chemical therapy category and can be introduced for regular maintenance. “Acupuncture is commonly used for addressing fatigue, stress, pain, gastrointestinal issues, arthritis and improving overall well-being. Cupping is beneficial for relieving stress and muscle soreness. Tui-na, a form of therapeutic massage, is used for musculoskeletal disorders, digestive issues, pain and more. Gua sha helps manage stress and alleviate muscle tension and pain. Moxibustion can boost energy, improve digestion and address cold-related ailments. Qigong and tai chi are gentle, mind-body exercises that reduce stress and promote relaxation and overall mental well-being. Chemical therapy includes herbal medicine and dietary therapy to emphasize the connection between food and health,” he says.

“There are multiple factors to illness, but often our emotions and trauma, either intergenerational or personal, are at the core,” VanDyke says. “Creating ceremonies based on the old ways gives you the strength to show up for yourself and makes it a little easier to move through the experience. Grief is a multilayer process, and it takes a holistic approach to co-create a path to a new normal. Our emotions are like invisible chains that bind us in a trauma loop, and having support for that is important. Nurturing the spirit is one thing that Western medicine does not talk about. I find that laughter, joy, pleasure and feeding the child-like spirit in us helps with this when life gets heavy. Ask yourself how you prioritize joy, and create your own rituals that center traditions while honoring your true self.”

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) is based on the philosophy, experiments and experiences indigenous to Chinese culture. It has been practiced for more than 2,500 years and is used for health maintenance as well as the prevention, diagnosis and treatment of physical and mental illness. According to Dr. Heming Zhu, NCCAOM, a board-certified acupuncturist and Chinese herbalist, author, educator, scientist and founder of Harmony Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine, in Maryland, the basis of TCM lies in the belief that the human body is a holistic system deeply connected to the universe.

“TCM is influenced by the flow of vital energy called qi. To restore the balance of qi and gain the harmony of life’s paired aspects known as yin and yang, TCM practitioners use various techniques, including acupuncture, moxibustion [burning herbs at acupressure points], herbal medicine, massage, qigong and dietary therapy,” Zhu explains.

Zhu says that TCM modalities fit into

TCM can be incorporated into an established wellness routine, and Zhu offers a few guidelines to ensure the best results. “People should seek education on the basic principles of TCM and be intentional not to judge it by Western medicine standards. They should find a licensed and experienced TCM practitioner and keep an open mind in initial consultations. Simple TCM practices, such as mindful breathing, gentle stretching or drinking herbal teas, can be incorporated into a daily wellness routine, and lifestyle changes, such as sleep routines and stress management, are part of the healing process,” Zhu sas.

Emotional Healing

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The Modern Macrobiotic Diet


medicine, it really means uncomfortable. What do you do to get back into that state of ease, or balance? That’s really what macrobiotics is about; how do you rebalance the body—the organs—to be comfortable?”

Eating in accordance with the natural order—with the seasons—is an essential concept of the macrobiotic diet and includes fall, winter, spring, summer and a fifth season, “late harvest.” The idea is to follow our intuition, Pirello advises: “If you walk into the supermarket in November, you’re not immediately attracted to cherry tomatoes and strawberries, but the winter squashes, pumpkins and parsnips call your name. Macrobiotics allows us to understand that—even here in the United States where foods are so widely available that you can have strawberries at Christmas.”

So much has evolved in the 100 years since Japanese educator George Ohsawa created the macrobiotic diet. For one thing, the recipes have become more flexible, empowering people to save time and use ingredients that they love. “The modern macrobiotic diet is about much more than tofu, seaweed and miso,” says chef and author Christina Pirello, the Emmy Award-winning host of Christina Cooks, on PBS. “It’s about seasonal, whole, unprocessed food cooked in accordance with each person’s condition and lifestyle.”

“In the beginning, there was rigidity that didn’t give you the freedom to say, ‘I don’t want to eat adzuki beans again,’” Pirello says. “Variety is key. You can’t just eat kale and drink smoothies and hope for the best. You have to get balanced nutrition with enough protein, fats and carbohydrates.”

According to Pirello, “What we eat determines how we move through the world. Are we comfortable or uncomfortable? In Chinese medicine, we are either in a state of ease or dis-ease, which became the word disease, but in Chinese

Her recipe for Winter Squash Risotto, which is featured in her new cookbook, VegEdibles, is just one example of the delicious macrobiotic dishes she has developed. “This risotto is perfect for cooler weather, when we need to keep energy in our middle organs so we are warm and cozy, centered and balanced,” Pirello says. “Come winter and fall, we want foods that are going to help the body hold onto heat. Squash, pumpkin, turnips and rutabaga are going to help relax the body and the middle organs and help us keep grounded, centered and warm. The risotto is cooked really long, so there’s a lot of warming energy that will help you in cold weather.”

“There has to be a period when the body transitions from the heat of summer into the cool of the fall,” says Chicago area-based macrobiotic counselor Karla Walter. “That’s when we have those beautiful orange foods starting to come

20 OCTOBER 2023 HOUSTON METRO EDITION conscious eating

out, and the squashes start arriving. We have this really lovely, sweet time of the year that actually nourishes the body and helps the immune system ramp up and get ready for colder weather.”

Walter recommends the macrobiotic diet for finding calmness and rhythm. “When we eat healthy foods that sustain us, our goals come to the surface where we can see them a lot clearer. People don’t know their potential until they start to feel good about themselves,” she says.

Lisa Books-Williams, a plant-based chef, educator and therapist in the San Francisco area, encourages people to find their own plant-based path. “I found my answer at the end of a fork, instead of in a bottle of pills,” she says. “The most loving thing I ever did for myself started with changing my food choices. Sure, it would be more delicious to be eating a pizza, but eating a salad with beans and rice is how I love myself.”

Books-Williams believes that taking the extra time that is required to follow a plant-based lifestyle is worthwhile. “We can eat well inexpensively if we are willing to take an extra couple of hours each week to chop vegetables. We are worth the time it takes to batch-cook and freeze beans in single servings so we have them when we need them. Each of us has to be committed to our own well-being. No one is going to do it for us.”

While much has changed since Ohsawa introduced the macrobiotic diet, Pirello still adheres to its three core ingredients. “I still eat rice, seaweed and miso soup,” she says. “Not as much as I used to, but I still do, because miso is the greatest probiotic on the planet, followed by kimchi. Those are the greatest macrobiotics we could ever eat in our lives, and both are delicious.”

Veronica Hinke is a food historian and the author of The Last Night on the Titanic: Unsinkable Drinking, Dining and Style and Titanic: The Official Cookbook. Learn more at




4 medium beets, washed and with stems trimmed to about 1 inch

2 tsp ginger, finely chopped

2 Tbsp green onions, finely chopped

2 cups water or vegetable stock

1¼ cup orange juice

2 Tbsp raspberry vinegar

1 Tbsp barley (mugi) miso

½ cup chopped chives or green onions

Place the beetroot in a large saucepan, cover with water and bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce the heat and simmer until tender, about 40 minutes. Drain the beets.

Next, run the beets under cold water and peel them. The skin and stalks should fall off easily. Chop the beets into ½-inch cubes.

Reserve ⅓ cup chopped beets and set aside.

In a large saucepan over medium-high heat, combine the remaining beets, ginger, green onions, water or vegetable stock plus one extra cup of water. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer for 10 minutes.

Remove from heat and stir in orange juice.

Purée soup in small batches in a blender until smooth.

Remove a small portion of the soup into a bowl and dissolve the miso. Add miso back into the soup and stir through. Add the vinegar and stir through.

Garnish with the chives or green onions.

Recipe courtesy of Karla Walter.


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The Healing Arts of Qigong and Tai Chi


systematic review of 11 studies involving 1,061 seniors with mild cognitive impairment suggested that tai chi training could be effective in improving cognitive function, including memory, learning, mental speed and attention. And, a 10-week study by Brown University researchers reported that cancer patients that practiced qigong displayed clinically significant improvements in fatigue.

Accelerating the Healing Process

Qigong is more than a modern wellness practice. It’s a 5,000-year-old Chinese healing art steeped in tradition. At its core, qigong revolves around the concept of qi (pronounced “chee”), considered to be the lifeforce energy that permeates the universe. Like love, qi can act as a potent healing agent, restoring inner peace, balance and harmony. Gong refers to the dedication and effort invested in mastering this skill, a journey marked by patience and repetition. Qigong is a moving, meditative practice aimed at harmonizing internal energies, and it is related to tai chi, which originated as a martial art.

Benefits and Scientific Validation

The practice of qigong involves breath work, movement, mindfulness and stretching. It is performed with intention, yet emptiness (wuji), enabling practitioners to cultivate a stronger, deeper

mind-body-spirit connection that allows for heightened stillness, clarity, vitality, awareness and sense of self. It has been clinically documented to alleviate stress, enhance energy levels, improve physical fitness and promote cardiopulmonary and immune function.

A 2020 study published in Frontiers in Medicine reported that qigong improved balance and coordination in older adults. In presenting their scientific approach and rationale, the researchers noted, “Qigong is an integral part of both ancient and modern Chinese medical practice and is now a popular mind-body wellness technique in the United States, as well. An estimated 2.9 million U.S. adults practiced either tai chi, qigong or both in 2012.”

In a 2012 study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease, researchers found that tai chi could enhance brain size and improve neuropsychological measures in elderly individuals, potentially delaying the onset of Alzheimer’s. A

“Knowing yourself is the real practice,” says David Stokes Hone, a naturopathic doctor, medical qigong master and founder of the Elements of Life Institute. “As practitioners, all we’re doing is reminding people of the divine connection that’s inside of them. Qigong helps clear blockages and move the stuck qi out. Just doing the practices, we allow our bodies to heal through the movement that helps us have the faith to heal. The blocks and addictions melt into the light formed by the exercises.”

According to Hone, the profound transformations achieved through qigong can range from the dramatic, such as restoring sensation in a paraplegic’s legs, to the more subtle, like the emergence of a smile. He recalls the story of a young woman entrenched in addiction who managed to turn her life around after embracing the practice.

Kevin Chen, Ph.D., a qigong master and associate professor at the University of Maryland School of Medicine, introduced qigong to his father with chronic back pain as a way to alleviate his suffering and avoid a recommended surgery.


Principles of Qigong

For beginners, Tai Chi Master Violet Li emphasizes relaxation and mindfulness. “True relaxation is more a state of mind,” she explains. “When we pay attention to our body, the qi will follow.”

Troy Bennett, a doctor of acupuncture and qigong master from Newfoundland, Canada, shares eight principles that he learned from Qigong Grandmaster Effie Chow.

MEDITATE. Whenever a problem arises, meditate and wait for the answer to come. If you come to the conclusion that you can’t fix the problem, then it’s not in your hands, so don’t worry about it.

BE LIKE THE WILLOW TREE Learn to be flexible in the body, mind and spirit.

BREATHE The quality of your breath will determine the quality of your life. Breathe like a newborn baby.

CONNECT Everyone and everything in the universe is connected through qi. Remember the smallest thing you do in life will have an effect on the universe. Always hold the intention of love.

TRAIN FOR SUCCESS. Remember to always help people become the best that they can become.

LEAVE A BLESSING. Whenever you meet someone, always give a blessing. Your kindness can have the most powerful effect on someone’s life and transform them in ways you can only dream of.


LAUGHS DAILY Don’t take life so seriously. Learn to laugh and enjoy life.

LIVE When Dr. Chow was asked, “What happens when you die?” she laughed and said, “I cannot answer that question. There is no such thing as death. There is only life.”

Nadia Linda Hole is a medical doctor, qigong master and pioneer in bridging Oriental, Western and energy medicine with Hawaiian-style qigong. She served as a consulting editor for the book

Chinese Medical Qigong and contributing author in medical textbooks on complementary medicine.

23 TAI CHI IN THE PARK Classes are FREE and excellent for beginners and all levels of Tai Chi players. Find your tranquility through the healing practice of Tai Chi. TUE. THURS. FRI. SAT.

An Ayurvedic Approach to Well-being

One of the fundamental truths about the knowledge of life or the ancient medicine of the indian subcontinent, Ayurveda, is that we are multidimensional beings. Understanding a human’s existence, which is not limited only to the physical body, psyche and emotions, or even the energies, but also includes one’s intricate story of birth, ancestry, beliefs and spirituality, opens up many doors into living a healthier life according to this knowledge. This Vedic science’s soft and individualized approach, merged with its multidimensionality, has made it a sustainable and long-lasting system of (preventative) healthcare for millennia.

Ayurveda understands and places consciousness as the centerpiece for its definition of health. An individual’s degree and quality of connection to their innate intelligence and the purity of each level of their existence define their state of well-being, according to this model. A connection that binds the physical, energetic, emotional, mental, causal and bliss bodies to their essence and soul and eventually, the unified field of consciousness, demonstrates a whole and healthy human being.

As life is looked at as one interconnected intelligence in our physical reality, Ayurveda uses nature as the ultimate representation of such capacity, and continuously inspires to offer guidance toward balance, remedies, rejuvenation and healing . This, however is not the end-all-be-all approach to this knowledge. Ayurveda sees the root cause of all diseases as the “mistake of the intellect”, or Pragya Aparadh, where the faculties of the mind consciously and subconsciously, overrule the inherent intelligence and unique nature of the body and beyond. Knowing that, through understanding at which level the root of any misalignment stems from, the individual and the practitioner are on the right track towards healing and wholeness.

Getting to know oneself better is another important concept encouraged by many practitioners of Ayurveda. In the day and age of information and technology, developing more self-awareness through embodiment practices like yoga, qigong, tai chi and other martial arts or exercises where concentration and breath join hands with physical presence, as well as meditation techniques such as effortless, heart-based meditation or mindfulness practices, are fundamental to building trust as what ultimately serves us right. The more we are connected to our bodies and presence, the higher is our degree of intuition and awareness. Hunches are no longer guidance from the outside, but are embodied, personal and unique to the individual.

Ultimately, the journey into healing and restoring one’s health is never an easy one. The deeper we go, the more we see potential causes for misalignment. In order not to fall back into the realm of the intellect and its limitations, taking heart and centering within it brings a much-needed balance. Reopening our hearts and developing its many facets, such as joy, forgiveness and more have experientially led to tangible results, while we strengthen our knowledge of the self and acknowledge, nourish and heal all our layers of existence.

Asal Shokati is an Ayurvedic practitioner and educator in Houston. For more information, visit

Happiness is a warm puppy.

calendar of events October 2023

Send your event information to



Drawdown Eco-Challenge. Connect the dots between climate solutions and climate actions to help reverse climate change with Drawdown Eco-Challenge! Join others from around the globe, and together we’ll taking action on the most substantive solutions to climate change. For more information, see this link:



The Culinary Getaway Weekend. Under large, looming oak trees, guests will experience a light lunch of Texas ranch, Southern and Creole cuisine with wine pairings prepared by Chef Ric. $1,800. Spread Oaks Ranch, Markham, TX. SpreadOaksRanch. com or contact Ged Durham at or 979-429-3026.


Guided Prayer Walks in the Park. 9 am. Connect with God as revealed through creation at Hermann Park in this guided prayer walk in the park, using the park’s beautiful natural setting to stimulate prayer and reflection. Specific meeting location in the park will be sent to all registrants several days prior to the event. Register for one of the walks on at: https://


Our Climate and Health. Your Faith Community Can, Too! 3 pm. Eating plant-based for our climate will help as much as solar, reports Project Drawdown. Plus, health experts are encouraging us all to eat more plant-based foods. Nan Hildreth, leader of the Climate Action Team at First Unitarian Universalist Church, and team member Karoline Mueller, Ph.D., will tell the story of their church’s journey toward plant-based eating. Register for this event. https://www.


Memories for Life: Reversing Alzheimer’s. 7 pm. A documentary film that follows the journeys of six Alzheimer’s patients that refuse to accept their prognosis and instead turn to a new, clinically proven method to help reverse the disease and retain their memories. FREE. https://tinyurl. com/2ke826sj


Guided Prayer Walks in the Park. 10 am. Connect with God as revealed through creation at Hermann Park in this guided prayer walk in the park, using the park’s beautiful natural setting to stimulate prayer and reflection. Specific meeting location in the park will be sent to all registrants several days prior to the event. Register for one of the walks.



Annual 2023 Tapestry Gala 6:30 pm. Interfaith Ministries will celebrate dialog, collaboration and service at it’s annual Tapestry Gala at Hilton Americas. Interfaith Ministries President and CEO Martin B. Cominsky and Board Chairman Randall Evans invite guests and supporters to an inspiring eventing celebrating the work of Interfaith Ministries.

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wednesday monday

Free Outdoor Zumba 6:30 pm. Join the party and sweat with Tiny Fitness to rhythms from around the world! This hour-long Zumba fitness class will have you grooving, shaking, and toning to salsa, hip hop, samba, and bhangra beats - and so many more. Open to all fitness levels and recommended for ages 16+ Levy Park, 3801 Eastside, Houston 77098.

IGNITE! Sessions. 6 pm. Find your purpose with igniter/artist/intuitive guide Sarah Gish in 30- or 60-minute sessions ($50 or $100). You’ll leave with a personal mantra that reinforces what the heart-centered connection uncovered. Call for appointment: 713.993.0550. Body Mind & Soul. 7951 Katy Freeway.


Qi Gong: 7pm-8pm. Learn to heal yourself using Qi Gong with Master Wong with over 40 years of experience. Qi Gong can calm & reduce stress. Bellaire Yoga Tai Chi 2537 S Gessner Rd #131, Houston77063. Fee $25.

Tai Chi in the Park - Evelyn’s. 9 am. These classes are open to the public and are excellent for beginners and all levels of sincere Tai Chi Players. These classes are geared towards health and well-being and are gentle enough for Seniors and those who are recovering from illness or injury. Please join us. 4400 Bellaire Blvd, Bellaire 77401.

Tai Chi in the Park – Woodchase. 7 pm. These classes are open to the public and are excellent for beginners and all levels of sincere Tai Chi Players. These classes are geared towards health and well-being and are gentle enough for Seniors and those who are recovering from illness or injury. Please join us. 3951 Woodchase Dr, Houston 77042.

Dawn Mountain Teaching First and third Tuesdays 7-8:30 Sept 5 thru Dec 5: The Awakened Heart: What’s Love Got to Do With It? 7-8:30 Online, in person, or recorded. Find more information and registration at

Yang Tai Chi: 12 Noon–1 pm. Join Master Wong in this simplified Tai Chi class appropriate for beginners with emphasis on foundation. Good for maintaining health and increasing flexibility. Bellaire Yoga Tai Chi 2537 S Gessner Rd #131, Houston 77063. Fee $25. Website:

Faithful Resilience: A Study on Climate Resilience for Faith Communities. October 11 – November 15, 6 p.m., Online. Each week in this six-week weekly exploration considers resilience from a different angle, to achieve a broad understanding of the topic. Join us to consider how your faith community can become a force for climate resilience. To learn more/ register, see: https://www.eventbrite. com/e/faithful-resilience-a-study-on-climate-resilience-for-faith-communities-tickets-710704394977.


Qi Gong: 6pm-7pm. Learn to heal yourself using Qi Gong with Master Wong with over 40 years of experience. Qi Gong can calm & reduce stress. Bellaire Yoga Tai Chi 2537 S Gessner Rd #131, Houston 77063. Fee $25.

Tai Chi in the Park – Levy. 7 pm. Thursdays @ 7pm. These classes are open to the public and are excellent for beginners and all levels of sincere Tai Chi Players. These classes are geared towards health and well-being and are gentle enough for Seniors and those who are recovering from illness or injury. Please join us. 3801 Eastside St, Houston 77098. bluedragontaichi. com

Chen Tai Chi: 7:10pm-8:10pm. All styles of Tai Chi comes from Chen Tai Chi. This is an authentic class taught in the lineage of Chen Zhao Kui that focuses on self defense and healing. Master Wong has been training in Tai Chi for over 40 years. Bellaire Yoga Tai Chi 2537 S Gessner Rd #131,Fee $25.


Tai Chi in the Park – Levy. 9 am. These classes are open to the public and are excellent for beginners and all levels of sincere Tai Chi Players. These classes are geared towards health and well-being and are gentle enough for Seniors and those who are recovering from illness or injury. Please join us. 3801 Eastside St, Houston 77098.


Tai Chi in the Park – Discovery Green. 10:15 am. These classes are open to the public and are excellent for beginners and all levels of sincere Tai Chi Players. These classes are geared towards health and well-being and are gentle enough for Seniors and those who are recovering from illness or injury. Please join us. 3801 1500 McKinney, Houston 77010.

Reiki Circle 2:00 pm. Reiki Holy Fire Experience healing circle, held on 2nd Saturday of every month. A chosen issue for healing will be the focus of each circle. Everyone is welcome.Location: 9039 Katy Freeway, building 500, suite 504, Houston, TX 77024. Fee: Love offering. Contact: April 713-9223474. Website: dharmareikiacupuncture. com


Free Outdoor Zumba 9am. Join the party and sweat with Tiny Fitness to rhythms from around the world! This hour-long Zumba fitness class will have you grooving, shaking, and toning to salsa, hip hop, samba, and bhangra beats - and so many more. Open to all fitness levels and recommended for ages 16+ Levy Park, 3801 Eastside.

Free introductory teaching on Buddhism 10:30-11am followed by Sunday Meditation 11am-12pm. In person at 4916 Main St., Suite #100, Houston (through the front door of Houston MET Dance) or via Live Broadcast at

Teaching topic: Intro to Buddhism Part 1: Origin, Core Teachings, Where Does Mindfulness Come From? Thru October 29th


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We offer comprehensive and customized therapeutic plans that address chronic illness & autoimmune disease for patients seeking support both in-person and virtually.

Phoenix Rising Integrative Medicine takes an integrative approach to addressing chronic illness and autoimmune by combining ancient healing tools of Traditional Chinese Medicine with modern functional medicine, including evidence-based lab testing, clinical nutrition, lifestyle modifications, herbal medicine and acupuncture protocols that are customized for each patient. We also work with patients suffering from environmental and food allergies, reproductive and fertility issues, breast implant illness, and emotional health issues. Visit our website for more information or to book an appointment.

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December UPLIFTING HUMANITY & HOLIDAYS For special rates Call 713-443-3186


Online sales only. 833-AUSTIN-1

Focused on helping others achieve greater balance in life, our high-quality kratom products combine the best in variety with affordability. Sourced directly from top-rated kratom vendors that share our vision of helping others, Austin Organic Village is proud to offer a diverse line of kratom products for sale online. We believe that nature holds the key to true wellness, and offer our high-quality kratom products in the hopes of improving the health of others, the natural way. We ship nationwide and check out our prices and our quality. Call or visit our website for more information or to place an order. See ad page 16.


1973 W Gray, Suite 23 Houston, TX 77019 713-369-0946

A BBB Accredited Business

We provide the choicest healthy Botanicals garnered from some of the most exotic corners of the world. Only The BEST! We ensure quality by going to the source, checking our international vendors 1st hand, and using USDA Certified Organic vendors when applicable. We stand by our products and our services! If you are unsatisfied with your order we will return, exchange and or refund your money. We got you covered!

See ads on pages 2, 12, and 31.


1308 James Street Rosenberg, TX 77471 281-232-7336

Health conditions can interrupt the normal flow of lymph, causing lymph fluid to build up in a particular area of the body, often in the arms or legs where it can and may cause blockages. Lymphatic therapy can reduce swelling and improve circulation throughout the lymphatic system. By appointment only. Be well – Stay well. CALL TODAY!



2990 Richmond Avenue, Suite 440 Houston, TX 77098 832-526-6520

Are you in pain? Well, you don’t have to live like this. We are here to heal your body and mind through massage and energetic practices. We offer a wide variety of massage modalities designed to fit your needs. We offer both onsite chair and concierge table massage. Call today to book your appointment at 832-5266520. Our mission is to heal your mind and body. We accept both PSA and HSA cards for payment.


6600 Harwin Drive Houston, TX 77036 713-974-0360

Learn massage and holistic health. Train for a career you will love. New Program: Online classes combined with on campus classes! Open your own practice. Find employment at Luxury Spas, Fitness Centers & Rehab Clinics. Finish in as little as 5 ½ months. Join one of the fastest growing Health Care Professions. Visit our website or call today for more information or to schedule a tour of our school. See ad page 5 and back cover.


Dr. Mary A. Washington, FACP 2525 N. Loop West, Suite 600 Houston, TX 77008 832-306-3941

Are you overweight or obese? Do you suffer from diabetes or have high blood pressure? Are you ready to take back control of your health? Dr. Mary A. Washington is Houston’s first plant-based kidney doctor and has over two decades of experience as a Nephrologist. Let her design a diet and exercise plan customized just for you. Dr. Washington doesn’t just tell you, but she shows you and motivates you to make the changes you need. Visit her website TODAY for more information about her programs and events or to schedule your first appointment. See ad on page 12.



Online only at this time. 713-630-0354

In person Sunday meditation at 4916 Main St. Suite #100, Houston (within the Houston MET Dance space)

The mission of Dawn Mountain is to further the spiritual growth of our diverse community as a living bridge between traditional Tibetan Buddhist teachings and curious people everywhere. Dawn Mountain offers weekly meditation from 11am to noon each Sunday, “First Sunday” teachings on the first Sunday of each month at 10:30am, followed by our regular Sunday Meditation. Donations accepted. All sessions are archived on our YouTube channel. Please visit our website for more information and consider taking advantage of our many offerings,

29 KRATOM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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MEDICAL CLINIC . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Make and IMPACT on your community! Call 713-443-3186 for Special Rates


3425 Golf Dr

Houston, TX 77018


Welcome to the Houston Center of Self Realization Fellowship.

Paramahansa Yogananda, the Father of Yoga in the West, founded Self-Realization Fellowship in 1920 for the purpose of dissemination of Kriya Yoga, a definite scientific technique for attaining direct personal experience of God. Our services includes prayers, readings from the works of Paramahansa Yogananda, chanting, and most importantly, meditation. If you want to experience our services and the power of group meditation, you may attend the Sunday reading service at 11 a.m. which is preceded by a meditation service from 10:00 to 10:45 a.m. Please visit our website for more information.



123 Midway St, Bldg C Spring, Texas 77373


We are a retail shop and also have an online store. We can also custom-make many of our product lines. Our products include a range of metaphysical items, clothing, books, stones, jewelry, candles, soaps, teas, incenses, herbs, blades, and accessories for spiritual work. We also have some unique renaissance festival and gothic clothing and accessories. Check out our gaming and sci-fi themed products as well. We offer daily in-house Tarot reading and conduct private Old Town Spring Ghost tours. Open 7 days a week.


1900 Blalock Rd Ste P Houston, TX 77080 281-974-1043

We serve our customers with knowledge, enthusiasm, generosity, and humor. Come visit us for a wide range of crystals and gems, fossils and specimens, silver and gemstone jewelry, sage and incense, home decor, new and used books, Tarot and oracle decks, and an ever-growing supply of handcrafted products by local artisans. Or stay informed with upcoming classes and events. Start your journey, learn something new, make new friends - it’s all possible here at Indigo Moons. See ad on page 16.



Dr. Gracie G. Chukwu, ND, CTN 6401 Southwest Freeway, Suite 250 Houston, TX 77074 713-781-9991

Dr. Gracie Chukwu is a Doctor of Naturopathy and a Certified Nutrition Counselor. She has been assisting people for over five years with holistic medicine, diet, nutrition and supplement support to enhance her client’s health and overall well-being. If you are suffering and cannot find relief, give Dr. Gracie a call.See ad on page 31.



Homeopathic Pain Relief Cream


Need Relief from Arthritis? Try Aunt Alberta’s Remedy to ease muscular aches and joint pain. Her Remedy is a homeopathic pain relief cream that penetrates deep into the skin and muscle tissues. Get beneficial relief from sciatica, fibromyalgia, arthritis, neuralgia, gout, and more. All-natural ingredients! Do you want to feel a real difference from the nagging aches of arthritis? Feel less pain & have more range of motion? Great buy, get a 4oz jar for $18 plus postage. Visit website for other options.

See ad on page 19.



Tiny changes Big Results 832-730-3048

Let’s make your life feel amazing! See results fast with personal training...join the Zumba Fitness party, FREE...put yourself to the test in HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training), Kickboxing, or Beginner Bootcamp...or just let it all go in a Recovery Workshop...but whatever you do, start today for an even better tomorrow. Visit our website to sign up for a class or make an appointment for personal training.



“Better Health Naturally”

Dr. Gracie G. Chukwu, ND, CTN 6401 Southwest Freeway, Suite 250 Houston, TX 77074 713-781-9991

Breast thermography has the ability to warn woman up to 10 years before any other procedure that a cancer may be forming; thus, allowing for prompt and timely treatment. Thermography uses no radiation and poses absolutely NO health risks to the patient.

If you are a woman, over 20 years old and have not had a breast thermograph, call Dr. Gracie TODAY.

See ad on page 13.

TAI CHI . . . . . . . . . . . . . .



Have you ever wanted to learn Tai Chi? Now is your chance. Join us for any of our FREE Tai Chi in the Park classes. Return your body and mind to its original pure and healthy state and is taught as a life nourishing, restorative and spiritual practice.

See ad on page 23

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PERSONAL FITNESS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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your healthy living business! Call 713-443-3186 for special rates.


3821 Richmond Ave.

Houston, TX 77027


Trendy Vegan offers delicious dining and takeout to Houston, TX. Trendy Vegan is a cornerstone in the Houston community and has been recognized for its outstanding Vegetarian cuisine, excellent service and friendly staff. Our Vegetarian restaurant is known for its modern interpretation of classic dishes and its insistence on only using high quality fresh ingredients.

See ad on page 13.


200 Westcott St. Houston, Texas 77007


The Breathing Room was founded by Alicia Gordy, RYT-500, out of a desire to share with others the movement practices and healing modalities that brought about significant change in her own life. The unique yoga and Pilates studio and wellness center is focused on mindful, breath-based movement, as well as other modalities to support the wellness journey. All levels, from the beginning student to the advanced practitioner are welcome. We have found yoga and Pilates to be complementary, mindful, breath-based practices that when practiced consistently and with attention and care, yield profound results. We also offer sessions in meditation, breathwork and reiki, and share space with other practitioners specializing in physical therapy, massage and esthetics.


600 N Shepherd Dr., #449 Houston, TX 77007 800-215-3190

The studio is dedicated to self-study through movement, breath and meditation, and is committed to upholding the tenets of authenticity, sincerity, inclusion, and integrity without exception. We offer a variety of classes including Vinyasa, The Rest of Yoga (™), Yin, Hatha, and Myofascial Release. Classes are in-person, streaming and on-demand. Owner and lead instructor, Kim Taurins has been practicing yoga since 2001. She is a 500 hour E-RYT level with an emphasis in yoga therapeutics, Daoism, Reiki, and bodywork. Visit our website for more informationor to sign up.

31 VEGAN RESTAURANTS . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
YOGA . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
If you want to awaken all of humanity, awaken all of yourself.
—Lao Tzu

Get Quality Holistic Education at Phoenix School of Massage

n Earn a professional wage in as little as 6 months. $51,699 Texas Labor Analysis, Experienced Wage

g As a licensed massage therapist you may own your own private practice or work with spas, massage franchises, sports rehabilitation centers, medical offices, and others.

n As a licensedmassage therapist you may own your own private practice or work with spas, massage franchises, sports rehabilitation centers, medical offices, and others.

g Classes combine 2 day WEBINAR and 2 days ON-CAMPUS. Monday through Thursday. Day or Evening.

n Classes combine 2 day WEBINAR & 2 days ON-CAMPUS. Monday through Thursday, Day or Evening

g Earn a professional wage in as little as 6 months. $51,699 Texas Labor Analysis Experienced Wage.

n Begin your classes Monday, July 31-August 22.

n Graduate as early as Jan. 24, 2024

g Begin your classes October 9th through October 24th and graduate as early as April 16th.

n Scan to view a Student Video Testimonial.

Call 713-974-5976

Phoenix School of Massage

Call 713-974-5976

Phoenix School of Massage


TDLR MS#0008

From Phoenix Graduates to Massage Therapy Professionals!

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