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I wish I finally

I wish I had my chance to say goodbye to everybody. I just wish I could run

I wish I could have played my spring sport. got the chance to just hang out on the field in the sun and eat Waffles and Dinges with my friends after 3 and a half years of just putting my head down and studying. I know around campus and give evit’s not anything we could have predicted, I wish we got the chance to spend erybody one last hug before leaving.

I wish I could have just not cared about school for a month. I wish I could have said “so what?” to a cut slip. I wish I didn’t but it’s still a bit unfortunate. And I wish I could have visited all my teachers and thanked them for all the work they had put into making me a better student and a better person. I’m going to miss them. time hanging on the field for senior spring. have to do homework.

I wish I fired my ceramic pieces. I wish we had more time together as a grade to participate in traditions like senior scream.

I wish I took more chances and more frequently considered what I want to do/what will make me hap

I wish I got to perform my one man show :( py rather than only thinking about what I need to do. I suppose I’ll get to do F reely be my awesome self :D R un around the field this whenever graduation happens, but I I mprove school spirit starting also wish I were able to say goodbye to the with myself spaces. I can always reach out to people, E at yummy chicken in the cafe and, however difficult it is to say over a screen, depart, but I really will miss the library, the caf, and most of all the robotics lab.

I wish I was able to spend more time in the pool after school. N ot always go to class D on’t worry so much about silly homework assignments S pend more time with friends and sleep on Four Acres

Quick interactions with friends and even random people in the hallway are special and duly missed. In the future, I’ll try to make the most out of every passing “hello” in the hallway!

Junior year and senior fall are stressful. I get it. Stop spending every hour of your weekends writing supplements or studying for a test. Take a break and get dinner with a friend for an hour. Go to your friends game on a Friday night. Watch the musical. It’s worth it. I missed my chill senior spring and I long for those wasted hours from junior spring and senior fall.

I would definitely say HM’s teachers. Every single one of the teachers here is absolutely phenomenal (even if you don’t love their teaching style or they give too much reading). I wish I could tell my freshman-year-self to try to spark up more conversations with teachers and get to know them better. Their passion for what they teach is infectous and will lead you to a deeper understanding and admiration for your class. Another slightly more obvious one is the clubs. There are so many wonderful clubs/opportunities on campus that I encourage every student to try at least a handful of new ones each year, even if it’s just a couple of meetings (especial- ly robotics–everyone should try robotics!).

The facilities are seriously incredible and so accessible, better than most colleges: small things like being able to check out a graphing calculator in Katz, there almost always being empty practice rooms, and the pool deck being so wide!

Each other. Be it grade wide meetings or senior evenings, take advantage of the time together.

Quarantine has given me an appreci- ation for the nature right outside my door. Before it, I would just whisk myself to school, to activities, to homework without thinking of the environment I was in. Quaran- tine has also helped me realize the pleasure of taking a step back and taking life a little slower for once, which was usually quite difficult in a pre-Covid life. I’ve been given a little more time to think deeply of my own accord, and I’m trying to look for the positives in any situation.

I don’t think I realized how much I count on my friends until quarantine, and I’ve really found a deeper appreciation for them. I miss the small interactions with friends and teachers. I now know that my community will stick by me and support me even when we aren’t together.

Since social distancing, I’ve realized how much of our physical and mental health revolves around social interaction.

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