19 minute read


Self Love Is The Greatest Investment

by Stuti Gogia


One day I asked what Self-Love means to me Does dressing well mean Self-Love or does going to a cafe alone and having a coffee mean Self-Love? Or Maybe Solo-Travelling does mean Self-Love to me I have tried most of these but honestly, nothing of this felt like True Self-Love Maybe we can call these the ways to SelfExplore or the way to Introspect about my thoughts.

Over the last decade slowly and eventually I started to know things about me that were not so good or maybe some traits which you know make you an imperfect person. People in spirituality call it Shadow Self What I understood in later years of Life was that accepting your Shadow Self and making peace with it is True Self-Love. Also genuinely working on things that you can change to be your better version is True Self-Love

When we accept what we are and genuinely fall in love with where we are heading as a process of growth and evolution that is the Journey of True Self-Love It's a form of Art, where you are your Artist

Stuti is a Software Engineer by profession and a writer by nature. She realized her love for writing while blogging for her own page. Her work has also been appreciated by Quora users. She is God's true evangelist and her work speaks volumes about it

Loving yourself is an ART you have to paint yourself beautiful each day.

Why Do I Feel So Sad? Your Pathway to Healing Depression by Dr.

500 Easy, Delicious, Healthy Recipes by

Kavita Devgan

Shefali Batra

Everyone experiences sadness on occasion; it is a universal emotion However, persistent boredom, melancholy, changing energy levels, and sleep problems may be symptoms of mental illness. People suffering from depression or other mood disorders must work closely with a mental health professional to get the support they need to recover. While family members and other loved ones can help people move on after a depression episode, it is also critical that people who have suffered from major depressive disorder seek treatment for both the mental and physical difficulties that can accompany depression Most persons suffering from mental diseases do not seek or receive treatment Individuals are afraid of being judged, of change, of the unknown, and of what they could discover in therapy; they are too proud to admit they need help "Why Do I Feel So Sad? Dr Shefali Batra, a prominent psychiatrist, digs into the depths of sadness, providing readers with a wealth of knowledge and helpful techniques to tackle this pervasive social evil. The author gives a variety of practical techniques for recovery in a sympathetic and supportive tone. The book is divided into five parts, each carefully crafted to educate readers through the difficulties of sadness. Dr. Batra advises readers in the first section, aptly headed "Know the Enemy if You Want to Fight It," to comprehend depression, its origins, and its effects thoroughly. She helps people with the knowledge they need to combat this pernicious illness by throwing light on it The author delves into numerous aspects of depression in the following sections This book's defining feature is its distinct writing style Each chapter follows a set of thought-provoking questions encouraging readers to think about themselves and obtain valuable insights

"Why Am I Feeling So Sad? "Your Pathway to Healing Depression" is a fantastic resource for anybody dealing with depression or seeking a better knowledge of the illness.

Stress is an unavoidable aspect of our lives, and how we deal with it greatly influences our overall wellbeing Stress may be harmful to our health Thus stress management is essential In this case, stress corresponds to the time we spend preparing and planning what to make

To meet deadlines, we frequently rely on readily available quick meals that are dangerous and unhealthy Among the different stress-reduction measures accessible, our food choices have a crucial influence. Certain meals can help relieve stress in a variety of ways. Warm muesli, for example, can increase serotonin levels, a brain chemical that creates a calm sensation. Furthermore, some meals can reduce cortisol and adrenaline levels, which are stress chemicals with long-term impacts on the body. We may easily combat the harmful effects of stress by eating a balanced diet, which strengthens our immune system and lowers blood pressure "500 Easy, Delicious, Healthy Recipes" author Kavita Devgan, a seasoned nutritionist with 25 years of expertise, is no stranger to the world of books Her current product attempts to give ideas for people who want to cook at home but are limited by time while trying to eat well Kavita offers about 500 excellent food preparations that are both simple and time-efficient in response to the demand for quick and healthy meals Beyond its title, this book transcends the boundaries of traditional cuisine. Divided into nine sections dedicated to distinct food categories, each chapter delves into the significance and advantages of specific meals. "500 Easy, Delicious, Healthy Recipes" is not just a recipe book; it's a catalyst for embracing a healthy lifestyle and transforming your outlook on life.

Written by bestselling author Kavita Devgan, this book is a magnificent celebration of simple and nutritious meals prepared with minimal effort. It also features commendations and appreciation from esteemed individuals such as chef Saby Gorai, chef Tarun Sibal, Olympic champion Neeraj Chopra, sarod master Ayaan Ali Bangash, entrepreneur Romi Dev, novelist Kiran Manral, and dancer Bhavna Reddy, adding an extra touch of inspiration and credibility to this culinary masterpiece.

"Centres of Power: My Years in the Prime Minister's Office and Security Council" is a captivating autobiography penned by Chinmaya R Gharekhan, an esteemed former Indian diplomat with extensive experience serving in high-ranking positions, including

Permanent Representative of India to the United Nations

The book is divided into two distinct parts, the first delving into Gharekhan's tenure in the Prime Minister's Office (PMO) from 1981 to 1986, while the second chronicles his time as India's representative to the UN Security Council during the tumultuous Gulf War in 1990-1991 The first part is titled "THE INDIRA–RAJIV YEARS", and the second as "DIPLOMACY DURING THE FIRST GULF WAR". In the book's first part, Gharekhan provides a remarkable and revealing glimpse into the inner workings of the Indian government's decision-making processes concerning foreign policy. Through his keen insights, readers understand the dynamics and personalities that shaped the approaches of two influential Indian prime ministers, Indira Gandhi, and Rajiv Gandhi. Additionally, Gharekhan shares his challenges while serving in the PMO, skillfully navigating the delicate balance between the competing interests of various government departments and the imperative to keep the media informed while safeguarding sensitive information The second part of the autobiography focuses on the Gulf War, during which Gharekhan played a pivotal role as India's representative to the UN Security Council. Here, he recounts the intensive diplomatic efforts undertaken to seek a peaceful resolution to the conflict. Gharekhan's meticulous narrative unveils the intricate negotiations within the Security Council, offering a comprehensive overview of the positions the countries involved in the war adopted.

In conclusion, “Centres of Power” emerges as an outstanding literary work. With its profound insights into Indian foreign policy and the functioning of the UN Security Council, it represents a valuable addition to the existing literature on these subjects.

Guy Gunaratne's work "Mister, Mister" digs into the complicated identity of Yahya Bas, a young Muslim man who struggles with his sense of self in a culture where he is viewed as a threat The narrative, set in London, examines themes of isolation, radical self- discovery, and the yearning for familial connection

Yahya's story emerges in shards, vividly portraying his life and difficulties He grows up with the assumption that he is a monster, a perspective fostered by social dread and prejudice toward young Muslims. Yahya experiences a significant metamorphosis while trying to find his long-lost father, eventually realizing his ability for religious poetry. Taking the name Al-Bayn, which means "inbetween" in Arabic, he finds peace in expressing himself via his work. The narrative, although entertaining, is as chaotic and dramatic as a pirate radio broadcast, echoing Yahya's struggles and encounters with the world around him Gunaratne's writing style is intriguing and surprising, enthralling readers with its linguistic virtuosity and rich imagery With his captivating yet imperfect personality, the protagonist draws readers into his path of selfdiscovery and questions the concept of social conventions Regarding the author's writing style, Guy Gunaratne's prose exudes inventiveness, provocation, and political mileage. In "Mister, Mister," we see a coming-of-age story about radical self-invention, the dogged quest of a long-lost father, and the discovery of an alternate way of being in the world. Yahya's personality is defined by restlessness, fixation, and great rage and loneliness, converting him into a volatile emotional powder keg. The story is a thrilling and sensitive examination of Yahya's journey, infused with enormous creativity

Finally, "Mister, Mister" unearths the complexity of human existence and presents an invitation to embrace the unlimited possibility for selfdiscovery and progress via compelling storytelling. This writing style connects with readers and is enticed by the narrative's bracing and vivid nature.

Now You See Us by Balli Kaur Jaswal Rama of the Axe by Ranjith Radhakrishnan

“Now You See Us”, written by Balli Kaur Jaswal, is based on a true story in 1991 and revolved around Flor Conception, a Filipino domestic helper accused of murder and eventually murdered in 1995. The book digs into the realities of maids and careers in Singapore via its story, illuminating their lives and hardships The plot centers on three Filipina maids who work in the homes of Singapore's upper crust Corazon, a seasoned maid, is hiding secrets from her background Donita, a freespirited young woman in her twenties, navigates life on the spur of the moment Angel, a lady with a wounded heart, seeks a new beginning and an opportunity to go on As they manage their experiences working for different families, these Filipina ladies build friendships and give mutual support. Their relationships go beyond gossip since they openly discuss their personal stories. Each woman encounters her challenges and copes in her manner. With her years of expertise, Corazon shows power and poise, while Angel demonstrates equal tenacity. On the other hand, Donita struggles to adjust and express her independence at her first work abroad The characters come to life with colorful and compelling voices, transforming the murder investigation into a thrilling and generally appealing modern drama While the presence of the investigative maids adds an exciting aspect to the plot, Jaswal's characters and interactions truly captivate readers' attention “Now You See Us” by Balli Kaur Jaswal focuses on treating domestic assistance in Singapore, highlighting both the positive and negative elements. While most of the families featured in the book are sensible, there are a few that exhibit unsavory characteristics.

This novel expertly mixes aspects of a finely observed mystery with thought-provoking social commentary on classism, all while injecting a lovely touch of humor.

"Rama of the Axe: The Epic Saga o Parashurama" is a captivating nove that combines entertainmen intrigue, action, and adventure. tells the remarkable narrative of Lor Parashurama, Lord Vishnu's sixt incarnation. The story occurs a Saptarishi Jamadagni's ashram, where Ramabhadra, the youngest son, bears a monumental prophecy. Ramabhadra, trained in martial arts and guided by seen and unseen powers, sets out on a journey to become Lord Vishnu's avatar. However, he experiences difficulties, such as the death of his father and the necessity for self-mastery. The novel vividly depicts Ramabhadra's transition into the great Parashurama "Rama of the Axe: The Epic Saga of Parashurama" has well-developed characters and riveting confrontations In the first chapter, we meet Ramabhadra, a young boy whose life takes an unexpected turn when he meets a Barasingha deep in the forest The setting, mood, and enigmatic presence of the animal create a feeling of curiosity and expectation, hinting at the fantastic adventure behind the pages. This first chapter lays a solid framework for the rest of the novel. As the story progresses, we meet some important individuals who play important parts in Ramabhadra's journey, including his adored father, Saptarishi Jamadagni, his mother, the famed healer Renuka, and his martial arts guru. The story also includes his loyal companion Akritavrana. Each character profoundly shapes Ramabhadra's path, influencing his extraordinary tale Ramabhadra meets crucial characters that affect his future, including his father, Jamadagni, his mother, Renuka, and his tutor, Veera The narrative adds tension by introducing Karthavirya Arjuna, a great warrior whose hunger for power jeopardizes dharma The book covers essential topics like social justice, the varna system, Ahimsa, and intolerance, offering readers valuable insights and perspectives However, recreating specific scenarios depicted would be a creative task.

Finally, the novel is an unashamed Hindu fantasy that will capture followers of the genre and substantially contribute to Indian literature.

"The Korean Book of Happiness" by Barbara J. Zitwer, the author and a literary agent, invites the readers to embrace the wisdom and practices of the Korean way, offering invaluable lessons that can enhance your well-being Whether it's discovering the resilience to overcome challenges, find joy in the simplest of moments, or foster meaningful connections with others, Zitwer's narrative illuminates the path to a happier and more fulfilled life. The readers get to travel with Barbara as she ventures from the vibrant capital of Seoul to encounters with Buddhist nuns in a serene mountain temple. Following Zitwer from the bustling hub of Seoul to visiting Buddhist nuns in a mountain temple, from the strange theme park to the tropical island of Jeju, home to Haenyeo, the fantastic, elderly female divers Along the journey, she entertains us with amusing tales about her cultural gaffes, great travel recommendations and local delicacies, and wonderful moments of understanding and connection As the pages flip further, she shares amusing anecdotes of her cultural mishaps, imparts valuable travel tips, divulges local recipes, and recounts magical moments of understanding and connection with the Korean people. South Korea, a dynamic global powerhouse of culture and industry, holds a deep-rooted devotion to ancient philosophies such as Han, heung, and Jeong. These principles encompass resilience, joy, and the art of giving. Zitwer immerses herself in their essence, discovering how they can bring about a renewed sense of happiness and energy in one's life "The Korean Book of Happiness" beckons readers to embark on a captivating cultural exploration, inviting them to discover the beguiling aspects of Korean society

Whether embracing resilience in the face of adversity, finding joy in simple pleasures, or cultivating meaningful connections, this book offers a delightful and enlightening perspective on how Korean culture can enhance one's wellbeing.

Did you ever think about what you will do when the people who should save and secure your life are more terrifying than those who threaten your life? It's incredible how obstinate individuals can be, even when incorrect Even more remarkable is the refusal of those entrusted to uphold justice to change their methods despite being exposed When they devolve into a legal nightmare, one must accept that our democracy has lost its course. "The Stolen Necklace" is based on the real story of V.K. Thajudheen, who spent 54 days in prison without obtaining any compensation for the mental, emotional, and physical pain he endured. Thajudheen and Shevlin Sebastian, a seasoned journalist who has covered the case since its start, collaborated on the book. The police in Chakkarakkal, a tiny town in Kerala, wrongfully accused V.K. Thajudheen of stealing a necklace based on a single CCTV screenshot They are determined to retain him until a bribe is paid The life of a middle-aged father of three with a freshly married daughter is flipped upside down instantly He becomes a criminal stuck between shattered egos and unfair techniques The readers, in clear language, travel through the protagonist's difficulties Uncertainty and loneliness become a prisoner's permanent companions in Thalassery Maintaining his humanity in a setting where everyone is viewed as less than human becomes difficult. Days blur together, and memories start to feel less painful. Thajudheen vows to never give up even as hope progressively vanishes, repeating the mantra "Every night ends in the dawn" in his head. The story has emotions, anger, dissent, fear, doubt, and uncertainty. The narration gets into the skin, and for a second, the readers might forget they are reading a book or watching a thriller movie

This poignant tale is not an easy read, but it's worth your time and makes you think about what you can do when you are framed for something you haven't done. Author Shevlin shares this in the initial pages of the book. Don't miss this book!

Through the Broken Glass by T. N. Seshan Rejoice in Adversity, Triumph in War: A Military Memoir by Rajpal Punia

"Through the Broken Glass: A Fearless Journey of Electoral Reforms" unfolds the remarkable story of "T N Seshan", an unwavering force who fearlessly fought to reshape India's electoral landscape Seshan pulls no punches in this captivating autobiography, boldly recounting his struggles while spearheading a the transformative era of change. His unyielding resolve and unapologetic demeanor caught even the Union governments off guard, leaving an indelible mark on the nation's history. The book is divided into 23 chapters that start with his birth. What is more fascinating is the simple language in which the book is written The footnotes in some chapters are helpful too Born in Palakkad, Kerala, in 1932, Seshan commenced his career as a member of the Indian Administrative Service (IAS) in 1955 He held prominent positions, including District Collector of Madurai and Secretary to the Atomic Energy Commission, before assuming the role of Chief Election Commissioner in 1990 While Seshan's reforms encountered criticism from certain quarters, his supporters maintained that his actions were necessary to rectify Indian politics and ensure a fair electoral framework. T.N. Seshan, serving as the Chief Election Commissioner of India from 1990 to 1996, implemented crucial reforms that revolutionized the fairness and integrity of Indian elections. His notable achievements during his tenure include the introduction of photo voter I D cards, the prohibition of money and alcohol in elections, the establishment of the model code of conduct for political parties, and the reinforcement of the Election Commission's authority Despite facing resistance from some politicians, Seshan successfully transformed the electoral landscape of India, contributing to the cleanup of politics and fostering transparency and accountability in the electoral process

This compelling autobiography is a source of inspiration for all those who believe in the transformative power of an individual's unwavering commitment to bringing about systemic change.

Major General Rajpal Punia's "Rejoice in Adversity, Triumph in War: A Military Memoir" is a unique book that takes readers on a riveting journey spanning nearly forty years Major Punia's tale of a remarkable military career, written from the perspective of a ten-year-old boy's relentless ambition to enter Sainik School to eventually become one of the best generals produced by our armed services is insightful and inspiring. Rajpal Punia's life story is captured in this memoir. Major Punia masterfully carries readers through the many stages of his voyage with a fascinating narrative Beginning with the early years, we see the unbreakable spirit of a little kid who dreams of donning the uniform and defending his nation As the pages unfold, we get immersed in the trials, sacrifices, and successes that molded the protagonist's character and sculpted their unshakeable tenacity The author's ability to convey a highly personal viewpoint on his military history distinguishes this work. Readers obtain insights into the reasons, hardships, and transforming events that have shaped his journey via their evocative narrative. This honesty helps readers to relate on a fundamental level with Major Punia, empathizing with their victories and participating in their periods of introspection and growth. It's worth mentioning that "Rejoice in Adversity, Triumph in War: A Military Memoir" isn't just for military fans Its global ideas and relevant narrative appeal to a diverse audience Major Punia's narrative technique triumphed with a vengeance! Whether one is interested in military memoirs or wants to read an inspiring story about dedication and accomplishment, this book presents a compelling and captivating narrative

Finally, "Rejoice in Adversity, Triumph in War: A Military Memoir" is a strong and inspiring book that chronicles the life of a unique guy. This book has a lasting influence on readers because of its compelling storytelling, realistic perspective, and universal topics.

Dr Nate Zinsser's "The Confident Mind" is a thorough and essential guide for those looking to develop unshakeable confidence and attain top performance. Zinsser offers readers a realistic, step-by-step programme established in research and battletested in diverse disciplines, drawing on his broad history as a former West Point psychologist and head of the school's Performance Psychology Programme. The book, divided into nine enlightening parts, begins by providing an overview of the most recent studies on confidence and performance. Zinsser digs into the multidimensional nature of confidence, investigating its various aspects and assessment methods. He also dives into the critical link between confidence and performance, addressing the fear of failure, which can stymie one's skills Zinsser provides readers with many tools and tactics for developing confidence as the book evolves He emphasizes the importance of setting realistic objectives, recognizes and helps readers overcome limiting beliefs, and provides confidence-boosting practices such as visualization and positive self-talk Including practical tasks allows readers to connect with and apply these approaches to their daily lives. In the last chapters, Zinsser looks into tactics for sustaining confidence in the face of obstacles and disappointments. He discusses the significance of developing a development mindset, properly regulating emotions, and focusing on goals. In addition, the author provides advice on dealing with anxiety and perfectionism, encouraging readers to face challenges with grit and poise "The Confident Mind" is distinguished by Zinsser's straightforward and entertaining writing style, which makes complicated topics accessible to readers of different backgrounds

Overall, "The Confident Mind" is an excellent resource for anybody trying to boost their confidence and reach optimal performance. Dr. Nate Zinsser presents readers with a wellresearched and practical handbook that empowers them with the tools and practices needed to achieve unshakeable confidence.

Rizwan Virk's "Wisdom of a Yogi" is a riveting study of the eternal wisdom in Paramahansa Yogananda's outstanding work, "Autobiography of a Yogi " Yogananda's Autobiography, as one of the most powerful spiritual writings of the twentieth century, has influenced the lives of countless people all over the world. However, in our fast-paced world driven by technology and scientific discoveries, it is easy to doubt the relevancy of old Himalayan tales of gurus, swamis, and miracles. Virk, a famous author, entrepreneur, and venture investor, rises and puts these profound truths in a modern-day context. "Wisdom of a Yogi" is divided into five sections with fourteen insightful teachings It mixes anecdotes from the Autobiography with modern experiences Virk deftly weaves together stories from college professors, students, entrepreneurs, and modern seekers, bridging the gap between ancient knowledge and the reality of our technologically driven culture The author uses examples from YouTube, video games, mobile phones, and social media to explain how the principles of karma, yoga, meditation, and siddhas may be applied to our increasingly complicated and linked lives. Virk's method is notable for his ability to revisit timeless stories from the Autobiography of a Yogi while infusing them with a scientific viewpoint. He masterfully digs into the heartcentered issue of spiritual study, resulting in a thought-provoking and illuminating book. The author communicates a plethora of knowledge with clarity and grace throughout the book's fourteen chapters, emphasizing meditation, yoga, and karma Readers will become engaged in the lessons he crafts and the knowledge he conveys as he skilfully recounts Yogananda's trials from his early years to his emergence as a respected saint

This book is a wonderful gem that inspires readers to delve into their faith's depths while accepting modern life's complications.

(Reviewed by Swapna Peri)


This Month Aries, you are confused or indecisive on important decision which you have to take for your life and you have two options and both seems to be promising Just be practical and meditate and have a proper research and then take the choice as it will affect you in long run


Taurus, it’s the month of getting appreciation from your superior and all your hard work will be appreciated You will surely get salary increment and promotion. You will be recognized by your boss and surely will receive a trophy from him.


This month, Gemini you might explore new ideas and opportunities which require intellectual skills It also indicates, thirst for knowledge where you might learn new skiils for your new project It is the good month for learning new ways for improving communication skills.


This month, Cancer, you can take actions to get success in your life It is the month of financial gains and Abundance Also, if you are planning for a baby, it is the good month for you. Also, you might get new creative opportunities It is the month to spend more time with your partner


This Month, Leo,you need to have strong willpower to complete your goals Also, it requires courage and determination to face all the challenges in your life to be successful It is time to stay focused in your goals


This month, Virgo, you will be passionate and ambitious about your goals. You will be in leadership position in your workplace and lead your team to work towards a common goal. You have a clear vision and manifest towards it to achieve


This Month, Libra you will be hopeful and have faith in the Universe that you are blessed and happy. It’s a peaceful month for you with success coming in your doorsteps. Some might be bringing significant changes in their life and rediscovering purpose in life.


This month Scorpio, is the month of transition or change in your life which is for your better It can be relocating to different city or it can be change of job. It also indicates travel Just think this change will give you a better position in life


This month, Sagittarians, you need a break from your busy and everyday life Just go out for a holiday and take rest to recharge your energy It is not the time to take any important decision. It is the time to heal your body and mind


This Month, you might be having unconscious fears from your past which is making you anxious and you are unable to move forward It is the time to learn from your mistakes and move on. Don’t take any decisions at the moment as you might not in a position to take decision


This Month, Aquarians, It’s the time to celebrate your anniversary or marriage with your family It also indicates, housewarming party or success in your workplace If you want to start something new, it’s the right month.


This month, Pisces you might face an unexpected change in your life which might shake you to the core It can be breakup, Laid off from the job or Financial loss. But this change will make you strong and this phase will also pass soon Just tune yourself spiritually and I am sure you will come out

I am Himani Goyal, By profession, I am an HR Manager working in Banglore. Reading is my hobby which led me to write reviews for my readers I have read and reviewed numerous books so far I am also a practicing Tarot consultant and would be sharing daily, weekly, monthly horoscopes for you all here.

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