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Happy Galentine’s Day!

The importance of platonic love


According to a 2020 Good Housekeeping article, Galentine’s Day (celebrated on Feb. 13) is a holiday that originated from the television series Parks and Recreation.

In a 2010 episode, lead character Leslie Knope invented the holiday because she wanted to show her friends and coworkers how much she loved and appreciated them in a platonic way.

In my opinion, celebrating platonic love is an excellent idea. Sometimes we get caught up in our busy lives and we may forget to show our friends just how much we appreciate them. This day reminds us to do exactly that.

Another positive aspect of this holiday is that it tells people that they don’t need romance to be happy. It’s a very refreshing message for people who feel pressured into performing romantic and/or sexual actions, especially those who are aromantic and/or asexual.

Here are three ideas to celebrate Galentine’s Day this year:

• Make some sweet treats.

Fruits are a healthy and tasty choice. Toss a few different kinds together in a fruit salad and drizzle with chocolate or yogurt, or use them as toppings for waffles, cereal, ice cream, etc. Honey is another good choice of topping, especially on soft ginger cookies.

Fruits, honey, and ginger are all good foods to eat when you’re sick, according

to Healthline.com. • Make cards. If you have spare construction paper and art supplies at home, you can make some cards.

Good Housekeeping has a list of 20 Galentine’s Day card ideas to check out online. To give your friend the card, mail it to them, or take a picture of it with your phone and send it to them. It’s okay if you don’t have a lot of supplies — you can still use blank paper and spruce it up with pencil crayons, markers, stickers, glitter, etc.

• Buy some plushies/

stuffed animals. Plushies are soft, cuddly and adorable. You can use sewing materials to make your own toy, or you can buy them online. According to a 2020

Guardian article, plushies can bring people of all ages emotional comfort. You can scrap the whole “plushies are only for kids” mindset.

Send your friends some plushies, and expect their faces to light up instantly.

These are just three out of the many ideas that you can do to celebrate Galentine’s Day. Whatever you decide to do, it’s important to remember a few key points: • You can still enjoy the holiday without a romantic partner. • Romantic love is not automatically better than platonic love. • Your worth is not determined by romance.

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