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a graphic designer A Poem for Winter 2020

A Poem for Winter 2020


my mind is displaced my body in one space but it is itching to expand these boundaries can my soul rest among these stagnant energies ? never I want to fly but the air is too polluted I cannot see any path ahead the background buzz steadies secrets stay locked inside my head but I want to paint them in the sky put red against this grey stay in this atmosphere forever birth new stars on every coming day but for now I am lost with two feet on hardwood floors and an indefinite need to break the ceiling

Dana Share is a fourth-year English literature student at the University of Guelph. Her main interests are writing poetry and prose poems, which allow her to truly represent her own voice and thoughts and connect to every day in a meaningful way. She loves anything to do with romantic, lyrical writing, and can get lost for hours with a cup of tea and a book. If you would like to see more of her creative works, check her out on Instagram @danasstudio. Justin LaGuff is a cartoonist and illustrator currently enrolled in the studio art program at the University of Guelph. Their work has been featured worldwide in anthologies and self-published artist multiples. In their free time, they like to read or camp in Algonquin.  justinlaguff.com  &  @jlaguff

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