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English skills for work & study

Being providers of education and training here at the College we are continuously encountering an incredibly broad range of skills, experiences, abilities, interests, personalities and unique wonderful humans crossing our path. A major contributing factor to teaching and education, and everyday life, is Language, and just how essential it is to humans creating and understanding meaning. Every time we speak or write, listen or read, we’re engaging in an act of communication – we are signalling that we want to be understood, or that we want to understand.

We don’t always get it right, of course. Our ability to use the English language appropriately and effectively can be impacted by all sorts of things, from how we are feeling to learning difficulties to English not being our native tongue. The good news is that with a little training, we can improve! And luckily, the College is offering a course called English Skills for Work and Study that is designed to help.

This is a course we are very proud to be able to offer our community! Helping those in need develop their reading, writing and oral communication skills in relevance to work and vocational study, creates nothing but opportunity. (As language is so much a part of our everyday lives, if we don’t have the reading, writing and oral communication skills necessary for a specific job role, or vocational study requirements, then we are impeded. We can’t do our job properly; studying proves challenging.)

Studies indicate that a high percentage of employers continue to be affected by inadequate job-specific levels of English skills among staff, the most significant impact being poor completion of workplace documentation and teamwork and oral communication problems. It’s been found that when English skills are improved, employers report better efficiency and quality of work, increased productivity, improvements in workplace health and safety, and greater innovation. And when they are upskilled, employees themselves demonstrate higher job participation, acknowledge a stronger sense of work satisfaction and believe that more opportunities are within reach. Everybody wins!

If you feel your confidence in using English for work or study reasons could benefit from participating in the course, would like more opportunities to practise your speaking and listening in a work/study context or want to learn how to read and write texts encountered in the workplace and in vocational study, then you might like to consider enrolling in our English Skills course. We’d love to support you!

Lel Sebastian - English skills for work and study trainer