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Circular Plaza A1

Main monumental building, 110 m long, 74 m wide and 11 m high. It is comprised by a stepped pyramidal building, attached to a sunken circular plaza with vertical stones in its entries. A central staircase connects the plaza with the top of the building, where ceremonial halls and other rooms were found. Refurbishments were made over time, and in each period they increased its size.


Two overlapped circular plazas have been identified, 22 and 35 m of diameter, which belonged to different periods. The building is oriented towards the East.

Findings In The Major Public Pyramidal Building With Sunken Circular Plaza A1

Anthropomorphic sculpture of a person with a turban.

Spondylus sp. pendant.

Preform of stone weight with gap.

Stone spindle whorl, decorated with parallel lines.

Fragment of a stone mortar or bowl.

Unfired clay spindle whorl.