Accountability through Public Opinion Part 2 of 2

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504 Index

self-censorship, 154, 155 self-doubt, 279 self-interest information processing and, 103–4, 105 as nature of public sphere, 30 strategic communication and, 87 self-selection, 185 Selvood, Inés, 147n5 Sen, Amartya, 297, 380 service accountability in East Africa, 174 education, 362 empowerment and, 365, 366t ICT for, 169–70, 357n2 infrastructure and, 361, 365 water services, 361–62, 363–64 setting of narrative, 282 SEZs (special economic zones), 409–11 Shakespeare, William, 287 Shapiro, Robert, 98 Shaygan, Adel, 172 short route to accountability, 421, 422f short-term memory. See working memory SIDE (Secretaría de Inteligencia del Estado, Argentina), 143, 144 Simon, Herbert, 100–101 Singh, Manmohan, 405, 406 Sistema Único de Saude (SUS, Brazil), 335 Smelser, Neil, 259 snowball methodology, 393 social accountability. See also social accountability mechanisms (SAMs) access to information and, 63 associationalism and, 57–58 civil society and, 46, 47 elections as, 47 elites and, 12–13 media and, 47, 58 NGOs and, 42, 57–58, 60–63 public sphere and, 58 as public work, 291–306, 300t statutory endorsement of, 42 social accountability mechanisms (SAMs) active state support for, 38, 39–43, 40t building blocks of, 30–31, 31f conditions for increasing, 85–92 as governance process, 300t passive state support for, 38, 40t, 43–45 spectrum of state responses to, 37–39, 38–39f, 47–48 state support for, 37–48

social capital associationalism and, 68–69, 70, 307 civic engagement and, 293 study circles and, 220 social media as news source, 172 social networks civic education and, 327, 328 opinion aggregation and, 98, 112 women and, 124 Social Weather Station, 368 socioeconomic impact assessments, 411 socioeconomic status and public goods, 127–28 solidarity, 279 solidary groups, 310–17 source credibility, 90, 284 South Africa civic education in, 305n7, 320, 322, 323 legal framework in, 378–80 participatory institutions in, 235, 250n22, 377–87 Soviet Union, associationalism in, 68, 292 Soyinka, Wole, 415 Soysal, Yasemin, 17 spatial mobility, 131 special economic zones (SEZs), 409–11 spectrum of state response, 37–39, 38–39f, 47–48 Sprague, John, 98 spreading activation of long-term memory, 102 Stairway to Mobilization, 8, 423–24, 423f state-sponsored associations, 72 state support active posture responses, 38, 39–43, 40t, 60 associationalism and, 72 forbearance, 44–45 origins of, 46–47 passive posture responses, 38, 40t, 43–45 for social accountability mechanisms, 37–48 spectrum of state response, 37–39, 38–39f, 47–48 statutory endorsement of social accountability mechanisms, 42 statutory oversight boards, 41 stereotypes, 106, 115 Stimson, James, 96 strategic communication, 87, 89, 373, 374t Strömberg, D., 124, 131

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