City of Williamsburg FY 2014 Budget

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BUDGETARY ACCOUNTS Budgetary Accounts and Responsibility The City of Williamsburg operates its budgetary system on a fund accounting basis. The funds used by the City of Williamsburg are Governmental and Proprietary. The Governmental Funds consist of the General Fund (01) and the Capital Improvement Program (Sales Tax 04). These funds are combined in the City’s Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR), but for budgeting purposes, are kept separate due to the operating and capital differences. The Proprietary Fund is an Enterprise Fund (10) which accounts for the city water and wastewater as the Utility Fund. The General Fund is used to account for all financial resources except those required to be accounted for in one of the other funds. The General Fund encompasses all city departments, except utilities, and also includes entities funded through city government such as constitutional officers, detention, schools, library, and outside agencies. Capital Improvements Program is used to account for major capital outlay items. Historically, the city has used the State’s 1% sales tax revenue to fund capital projects. Enterprise Funds are used to account for operations that are financed and operated in a manner similar to private business. The intent of these operations is that the cost of providing continued services to the public be financed primarily from user charges and fees. Expenditures of the City of Williamsburg are classified by fund, and within each fund by department. Expenditures are classified by object (line item) within each department. Departmental Codes and Responsibility, lists the individual responsible for submitting and managing each departmental budget. In the case of outside agencies, Appendix A lists the city employee responsible for overseeing agency funding. Revenue Sources and Trends, documents all existing and potential sources of revenue received by the City of Williamsburg to finance its operations each year. It contains a thorough description of each revenue source, trends, and other pertinent information that should help the reader gain an understanding of the basis of each of these sources. Expenditure Classifications, provides an explanation of each line item to help in properly and consistently classifying expenditures.


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