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Randy Haviland: Life of a Biologist

Randy Haviland is a biologist in Saskatchewan, Canada. Connect with him on Instagram @randyhaviland and at www.randyhaviland.com



I am an ecologist and writer trying to understand our world just a little better. As a consulting ecologist, I have had the opportunity to work on an exciting number of wildlife, fisheries and natural resource management related projects throughout British Columbia, Alberta, Northwest Territories, and Saskatchewan.

This has given me the chance to work alongside numerous public groups, industry, and government organizations. Understanding the needs and the values of each group is an area I continue to explore. As I have progressed and grown as an ecologist my area of interest has followed a path geared towards collaboration.

How can we create a defined value or agree upon a resource that often times has no true objective value?

Understanding this question is at the core of my work. I believe that if we can understand the motives and values of the public and private sector we may be better equipped to develop and answer conservation issues of the future, and can begin to develop a natural resource management framework designed around collaboration.

Photo credit: Randy Haviland

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