Washington Informer - November 15, 2012

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Women Break the Cycle of Domestic Violence By Tia Carol Jones

law enforcement. She said they threat,” she said. had come together to bring a Among the programs Marlow sense of uniformity in the way wants to see implemented are When L.Y. Marlow's 23-year- domestic violence victims and stricter restraining order policies, Visit our updated Web site old daughter told her the father survivors are treated. more rights for victim's families and give us your comments of her daughter threatened her “She's using her own personal to intervene on behalf of a vicfor a chance to win a gift from life, and the life of their child, story, her own personal pain to tim, a domestic violence assessThe Washington Informer she knew something had to be push forward,” Davis-Nickens ment unit coupled with further done. Out of her frustration said about Marlow. training for law enforcement with law enforcement's handling Davis-Nickens said anyone agencies, a Child's Life ProtecEmail comments to: of the situation, she decided to who reads Marlow's book will tion Act and mandatory counselrburke@ start the Saving Promise cam- “get it.” She said she “puts the ing for batterers. paign. case in such a way, the average “If we are ever going to eradiwashingtoninformer.com “It seems to be a vicious cycle person can get it.” She said at the cate domestic violence, wecourmust Vicki Wright-Smith will serve as a Ward 1 Advisory Neighborhood Commissioner from 2013-2015. /Photo that won't turn my family end of the day, the book will look at both sides of the coin. tesy of Vicki Wright-Smith loose,” Marlow said. Marlow help people begin to have a dia- We need to address both the vicshared her story with the audi- logue about domestic violence. tim and the batterer,” Marlow ence at the District Heights Also present at the event was said. Domestic Violence Symposium Mildred Muhammad, the exMarlow would also like to see on May 7 at the District Heights wife of John Allen Muhammad, programs designed to raise Municipal Center. The sympo- who was sentenced to six consec- awareness among children in We represent victims of major sium was sponsored by the utive life terms without parole public and private schools. She decisions jury affecting therole comdidn’t haveneed opponents. Twenmedical malpractice such as By James Wright Family and Youth Services make by a Maryland for his in mad, feels children to be educatSandra Robinson Jack Olender cerebral palsy. mission’s area. ty-three single-member districts WI Staff Writer Center of the city of District the Beltway Sniper attacks in ed about domestic violence. All 5 lawyers were again elected Commissions divided into Heights and the National Hook- 2002. not have candidate at all. pas Mildred are Muhammad is did“We havea to stop being “Best Lawyers in America” 2012 districts, which sive-aggressive UpWhile of Black mostWomen. of the attention on single-member the founder of After the Trauma, However, therewith werepoor some chilnotKaren Evans is a nurse/attorney Marlow has on written a book, roughly that 2,000helps residents. an organization the ed dren aboutsuch domestic violence,” Nov. 6 focused the federal and represent contests as veteran political Attorney/Pediatrician Harlow Case Karen Evans Melissa Rhea “ColorCouncil Me Butterfly,” is a Commissioners are not compensurvivors of domestic violence activist MarlowFrank said. Wilds defeating PaD.C. elections,which contests Robert Chabon, M.D., J.D. is story about four generations of sated and their children. Marlow has worked to break for their work. were also held across the city for tricia Ann Roberts, 52-48, in 5A01 Of Counsel. domestic violence. The book is “I lived inD.C. fear for six years. Six the cycle of abuse in her family, Former Mayor Adrian neighborhood-based representaChapplethe beating veteran inspired by her own experiences, Fenty years in fear as is aa commissioner long time. It in is and and Kevin is confident policies she served tives to the D.C. government. commissioner Leroy Thorpe by and those of her grandmother, Ward not an easy thing to come out is pushing for will start that 4 and D.C. Council ChairDistrict residents elected adviher mother and her daughter. of,” she said. one vote. process. man Phil Mendelson [D] and counsory commissioners She neighborhood said every time she reads Mildred Muhammad said “I plan to take these policies Veteran commissioners such to as members Jack Evans [D-Ward in 296 single-member districts on excerpts from her book, she still cil people who want to help a Robert Congress andinimplore them to In Memoriam King 5C03 and Mary Muriel violence Bowser [D-Ward 4)], Election Day. Kathy Henderson, Dr. Calvin W. Rolark, Sr. can not believe the words came 2], domestic victim must change our Cuthbert in laws,” 8C03 Marlow retained said. their Wells [D-Ward 6], David Wilhelmina J. Rolark who election another Tommy fromwon her. her “Color Mefor Butterfly” be careful of how they go into “I will not stop until these poliThe Washington Informer Newspaper seats. Emerging political stars such [I-At life, Large] also worked as cies are passed.” term over“Best Dar- Catania won as a the commissioner 2007 National the victim's and understand THE WASHINGTON INFORMER PUBLISHER Commissioner Vickibe WrightIn Memoriam lene Glymph and Rodney Burton, commissioners. Books” Award. that she may be in “survival as Tia Carol Jones can reached NEWSPAPER (ISSN#0741-9414) Denise Rolark Sr. Barnes Dr. isCalvin W. Rolark, Many commissioners had no op“I was just 16-years-old when Smith of 1A02 retained her seat said that she’s pleased that the resi- mode”. at tiacaroljones@sbcglobal.net published weekly on each Thursday. Wilhelmina J. Rolark my eye andgave my position in their bid for re-election, “Before you get to 'I'm going while former public relations guru dents of first her blackened district, 5D05, Periodicals postage paid at Washing- STAFF THE WASHINGTON lips two bled,” Marlow said. to killas you,' it Campbell, started as who a verbal such Francis will Natalie WI Williams was elected to her ton, D.C. and additional INFORMER mailing of- NEWSPAPER (ISSN#0741-9414) is published her more years to represent Denise W. Barnes, Editor weekly on and Thursday. Periodicals Elaine Davis-Nickens, presi- represent 6B10 for his sixth term. fices. News advertising deadlinepostage paid at Washington, D.C. and additional them. first term representing 8A07. mailing offices. News and advertising deadline is Monday prior to publication. is Monday prior to publication. An- Shantella Y. Sherman, Assistant Editor dent of the National “I feel the people haveHook-Up spoken,” Campbell, 61, said that he will foAnnouncements must be received two weeks prior to event. Copyright 2000 by The W. Philip Thomas, one of the nouncements must be received two of Black Women, no cus on what will be done about Washington Informer. All rights reserved. Send change of addressRonPOST Burke,MASTER: Advertising/ Marketing Director said Henderson, 50.said “Wethere ran aisvery weeks prior to event. Copyright 2010 few African-American commisconsistency in the way domestic es to The Washington Informer, 3117 Martin Luther King, Jr. Ave., S.E. Washington, strong campaign and we have a Reservation 13, an area that en- sioners located west of Rock Creek byD.C. The20032. Washington All Lafayette IV,without Assistant PhotopermisEditor No partInformer. of this publication may be Barnes, reproduced written violence issues are dealt with by rights shared vision for our country and compasses the Robert F. Kennedy sionreserved. from thePOSTMASTER: publisher. TheSend Informer Newspaper cannot guarantee the return of Khalid Naji-Allah, Staff Photographer Park, won his race over Jameson change of addresses to Therates Washphotographs. Subscription are $30 per year, two years $45. Papers will be received Stadium, the shuttered D.C. Genour neighborhood.” Freeman, in 3D05 in the Palisades not more than a3117 weekMartin after publication. MakeE.checks payable to: ington Informer, Luther John De Freitas, Sports Photo Editor Advisory Neighborhood Com- eral Hospital and the District’s Jail. King, Jr. Ave., S.E. Washington, D.C. Dorothy INFORMER Rowley, Online Editor “I will work to make sure that area of Northwest. Thomas, 27, missions are the body of govTHE WASHINGTON 20032. No part of this publication may 3117 Martin Luther King, Jr. Ave., S.E. • Washington, D.C. 20032 ernment closest to the residents any plan that the city has for Res- said that he will work on having be reproduced without written permisBrian Young, Design & Layout Phone: 202 561-4100 • Fax: 202 574-3785 sion from the publisher. The Informer in the various neighborhoods. ervation 13 will benefit the resi- “streets paved and trying to keep E-mail: news@washingtoninformer.com AssureTech /www.scsworks.com, Webmaster Newspaper cannot guarantee the return They consider a wide range of dents and not negatively impact the traffic flowingly smoothly.” www.washingtoninformer.com of photographs. Subscription rates are Mable Neville, Bookkeeper “Many people believe that compolicies and programs that af- area,” he said. $45 per year, two years $60. Papers will Mickey Thompson, Social Sightings columnist Anthony Muhammad, who won fect their communities, including missioners in Ward 3 do not have PUBLISHER be received not more than a week after Denise Rolark Barnes traffic, parking, recreation, street his election as the commissioner a lot of work to do but that is not publication. Make checks payable to: Stacey Palmer, Social Media Specialist STAFF improvements, liquor licenses, for 8E02 with no opposition, also, true,” he said. “Remember, we have REPORTERS THE WASHINGTON Brooke N. Garner INFORMER Managing Editor Tia C. Jones, Ed Laiscell, zoning; economic development, said he will focus on improving universities and colleges in this area REPORTERS Carla Peay Luther King, Assistant Managing Editor Odell B. Ruffin, Larry Saxton, 3117 Martin Jr. Ave., S.E police protection, sanitation and Ward 8. Ron Burke D.C. 20032Advertising and Marketing Mary Wells, Joseph Young Washington, and there are always municipal imMisty Brown, Michelle Phipps-Evans, Mable Whittaker Bookkeeper trash collection and they weigh in “There are always more chal- provements that need to be done.” Phone: 202 561-4100 LaNita Wrenn Administration PHOTOGRAPHERS Eve Ferguson, Elton J. Hayes , Gale Horton Fax: 574-3785 on the District’s budget. lenges and I will work to improve John202 E. De Freitas Sports Gay, EditorBarrington Lafayette Barnes, IV, The commissioners will be Salmon, Stacey Palmer, news@washingtoninformer.com Victor Holt Photo Editor Commissions present their posithe ward,” said Muhammad, 53. John E. De Freitas, Maurice Fitzgerald, SuttonJackson, ,JamesRoy Wright, Joseph sworn in on January 3 after the www.washingtoninformer.com Zebra Designs, Inc. Layout & Graphic Charles Design E.Joanne Lewis, Robert tions and recommendations to city “I am going to focus on improvYoung Ridley, Victor Holt Ken Harris /www.scsworks.com Webmaster agencies and officials in the execu- ing the literacy of our residents and D.C. Council members take their L.Y. Marlow CIRCULATION tive and legislative branches and, advertising employment opportu- oaths, in a separate ceremony. HenPaul Trantham PHOTOGRAPHERS sometimes, to federal agencies. In nities for Ward 8 residents through derson said that she will continue John E. De Freitas, Roy Lewis, to do what she has always done. city matters, by law, commission newsletters.” Khalid Naji-Allah, Shevry Lassiter “I will work to improve the lives recommendations must be given There are 176 commissioners “great weight” when officials must who like Campbell and Muham- of my constituents,” she said. wi 4 / May 15 - 21, 2008 The Washington Informer / www.washingtoninformer.com 4 Nov. 15, 2012 - Nov. 21, 2012 The Washington Informer www.washingtoninformer.com WI Staff Writer

ANCs Hold Elections

We have to stop being passive-aggressive with poor children about domestic violence. I plan to take these policies to Congress and implore them to change our laws. I will not stop until these policies are passed.


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