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Spotlight on Community Action Derby

Spotlight on...


Kim Harper, Community Action Derby

Community Action Derby is a registered charity providing support and guidance for voluntary and community groups. We interviewed Chief Executive Officer Kim Harper to find out more.

1. What support does Community Action Derby provide and to whom? Community Action Derby is an infrastructure organisation - we provide support and advice to voluntary and community organisations in Derby on everything from starting a new group (constitutions, opening bank accounts etc.), to training workshops, bid writing and promoting voluntary sector events.

2. Is there a stand out example of a charity or voluntary sector organisation that you’ve helped get off the ground or helped survive and thrive? Our Development Team works directly with organisations and supported Ashbourne Road Allotments Association (ARAA) to successfully apply for Big Lottery funding for eco-toilets at the allotments site. This made it possible for people to spend more time there and so increased well-being.

ARAA also took part in a ‘Dragon’s Den’ style event - organised by Community Action and BITC (Business in the Community) which resulted in a great relationship with local building firm G F Tomlinson.

And the story doesn’t end there! In May ARAA is launching a Growing Academy to teach anyone and everyone how to grow vegetables and new 'starter plots' that will include support and all the tools needed to grow your own!


3. How do you help not for profits access grants and other funding? We produce a monthly Funding Bulletin for voluntary and community organisations listing the latest grants and funding available. We run workshops and surgeries with specific funders to give organisations the best possible chance in successfully applying for funding. We also offer a paid - for bid writing service.

4. Crowdfund Derby sounds like an exciting initiative. Explain how this has helped kick-start some valuable community projects? Community Action works in partnership with Derby City Council on the Crowdfund Derby project. We support organisations through the process to help give them the best chance of success. Crowdfund Derby has helped lots of local organisations, including restoring part of the Derby and Sandiacre canal and providing food hampers for older people.

5. Is there a particular book, person or philosophy that inspires you? I love the books of J R Tolkien, whose imagination showed no limits in providing vivid explorations of the natural world, the environment and a totally different universe!

For more information about Community Action Derby visit the website www.communityactionderby.org.uk

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