2012 WellBEing Resource

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Glossary of Holistic Terms the large intestine to dislodge impacted material and dilute bacteria and toxic concentrations. Colon Hydrotherapy to improves muscle tone and facilitate peristalsis action. Dreamwork – Dreams contain metaphorical, symbolic, and archetypal language and images. Many are multilevel, with messages relevant to various aspects of one’s being: physical health, emotional well-being, and soul level. Dreams may contain literal information about potential future paths. Dreamwork explores meanings of dreams and reveals how the different layers relate to one’s life. The dreamer is the authority on the meaning(s) of the dream; the dreamworker(s) offer insights using the “if this were my dream” format. Shamanistic dreamwork includes shamanic journeying on the dream images. EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization & Reprocessing) – An advanced, rapid therapy approach for stress-related symptoms, traumatic memories, and to shift core beliefs. With bi-lateral stimulation of both sides of the brain, EMDR allows the brain to reprocess the experience and go for a healthy resolution. The eye movements process the unconscious material like what is happening in REM or dream sleep and unlock the nervous system which allows re-integration of positive information and outcome. Your own brain with this technology does the healing and you are in control. Eurythmy Therapy - A movement therapy that harmonizes the whole being by balancing the physical body with the life forces and soul forces, drawing upon the formative forces of the creative World Word, the planets and constellations, and the four elements. A key modality in Anthroposophical medicine, Eurythmy Therapy has been successfully practiced for more than 90 years, with application used for many indications from small children to senior citizens. These are non-aerobic exercises done in standing, wearing normal street clothes. Feng Shui – The ancient Chinese art of intentionally arranging the spaces in which we live and work so that they are energetically balanced, so that they comfort and nurture and fully support and help us manifest what we need and want. Following the principles of feng shui, we place our furniture, introduce color and accessories, apply cures, and use our intention to create abundance, joy, and harmony in our lives. Homeopathy – A natural pharmaceutical science that utilizes substances from the plant, mineral, and animal kingdoms and is based on the premise that these naturally occurring substances can cure disease symptoms similar to those they produce if taken in overdose. Each medicine is individually prescribed according to how it stimulates the immune and defense systems of the sick person. Sometimes it is called the “royal medicine.” Hypno-Birthing® – The skill of intentionally going into a profoundly relaxed state, mentally and physically, for comfort in childbirth. Hypnotherapy – Hypnotic techniques can induce everything from a light to a heavy hypnotic state to help a client overcome psychological or physical problems, overcome a craving for cigarettes or overeating, managing chronic pain from an illness/accident, reducing or eliminating fears, and a wide variety of other issues to be overcome. Jin Shin Jyutsu – Brings balance to the body’s energies, which promotes optimal health and well-being, and facilitates our own profound healing capacity. It is a valuable complement to conventional healing methods, inducing relaxation and reducing the effects of stress. Lapa’au – a Hawaiian healing art practiced for thousands of years in Polynesia. During the healing session the practitioner becomes a bridge for healing, connecting the spirit of one or more Lapa’au Kahunas, the client, and the energies of the client’s Aumakua (personal guardian spirits). The client’s energy is balanced, distorted thought forms (that may result in illness) are removed, and energy links draining the client are disconnected. When the 91

WellBEing Resource • 2012 Edition

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