Wabash Career Guide

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How to get Important Information The Internet is a wonderful tool for research on the organization and industry

Tailored resources are always best. For government agencies for example, check out www.ourpublicservice.org. For education, www.k12jobs.com has a wealth of information and resources links. In addition, if you can talk with people in the organization, they can give you the inside scoop. The Mentor system on WabashWorks is perfect for this. Research salary ranges for the position/industry/geographic location through www.salary.com on WabashWorks as well. The above resources also contain information and tips on the interviewing process. Your interviewer will expect that you’ve done your research. The easiest way to ace the interview is to research these topics exhaustively.

The Actual Interview

Interviewing is all about first impressions. Your appearance, demeanor, and attitude are the keys to success. Here’s how to be successful:  Prepare a strategy to get to the interview location at least 20 minutes early.  Make sure your interview attire and your look are the best they can be. Err on the conservative/business side. The assumption is this is the best you ever look.  Prepare situational examples detailing major events in your life (leadership, pressure, failure, etc.). Be prepared to discuss both your successes and challenges, focusing on results. Tailor your responses to the specific organization/industry.  Prepare for the ‘tell me about you’ question. A good strategy: pretend the interviewer is asking ‘why should we hire you’, and prepare your answer accordingly.  Practice, practice, practice. If English is not your first language, practice speaking clearly. Practice your answers out loud.


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