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(Above) This pretty 1941 Culver Cadet was flown in by Ted Giltner (A/C365) of Tamaqua, PA. (Right) Our own Norm Petersen spent a few moments with the An足 tique/Classic portable speaker system to interview Roger Fiennes about his deHaviliand Fox Moth. Roger' s wonderful sense of humor proved to be a big hit among the crowd who gathered to learn more about the antique British aeroplane.

(Above) Things are always hopping in the Antique/Clas足 sic Type Club tent. Be sure to put it high on your " must do" list when you come to the Convention. (Left) If you haven't gone to the Antique/Classic picnic before because you weren 't sure you 'd know anyone, look at this crowd. If you still couldn't find anyone you knew, make some new friends!


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