UVA Lawyer, Fall 2012

Page 66

Class notes …

She has been selected as

Super Lawyers 2012. He

partner with Ulmer &

Edition in the areas of

incoming co-chair of the

was also listed in the area

Berne in Cincinnati, Ohio,

business litigation and

corporate counsel com-

of personal injury: medical

where he focuses his

intellectual property

mittee of the American

malpractice. Knopik is with

practice on product

litigation. He is of counsel

College of Mortgage

Knopik Deskins Law Group

liability and mass tort/

with Hill Ward and


in Tampa, where he

occupational exposure.

Henderson in Tampa.

Harry “Hal” J. Hicks III

focuses his practice on

Neil L. Rose has been

Patrick Gottschalk has

personal injury, wrongful

elected a Fellow of the

Kurt J. Krueger is listed in

been appointed to the

death, medical negligence,

American College of Trust

Virginia Super Lawyers 2012

has been a partner at

executive committee of

and commercial litigation.

and Estate Counsel. He is a

in the area of mergers &

Skadden, Arps, resident

member with Willcox

acquisitions. He is a part-

in the Washington, D.C.,

Chamber of Commerce.

Greg L. Musil has been

Savage in Virginia Beach,

ner with McGuireWoods

office since he left the U.S.

the Greater Richmond He is currently chair of the

named by Best Lawyers

Va., where he focuses his

in Charlottesville, where

Treasury in 2007. He is

economic development

2013 as the land use &

practice on federal and

he focuses his practice

global chair of Skadden’s

team at Williams Mullen,

zoning law Lawyer of

local taxation, estate

on working with public

international tax practice.

and previously served

the Year in Kansas City.

planning and administra-

and private closely held

He has been included

as Virginia’s Secretary of

He is a shareholder with

tion, and real estate and

corporations, as well as

repeatedly as a leading

Commerce and Trade

Polsinelli Shughart, where

corporate law.

partnerships and limited

tax lawyer in Chambers

under Governor Tim Kaine

he focuses his practice

liability companies.

USA, Chambers Global,

from January 2006 to

in construction, energy,

January 2010.

and real estate litigation;


commercial litigation; and

Stan M. Haynes has

zoning and land use.

written a book about the

Best Lawyers, and similar

John Ragosta, currently a resident fellow at the

publications. Hal and his wife, Nancy,

Sam D. Eggleston III was

Virginia Foundation for

of 27 years (“clearly the

appointed general district

the Humanities, will be

woman is a saint”) live

origin and development

John E. Osborn was

court judge of the Twenty

spending the 2012-13

in McLean, Va. Their

of American political

recently appointed senior

Fourth Judicial District

academic year as a visiting

oldest son, Josh, recently

conventions entitled The

vice president, global

and began serving the

assistant professor of his-

graduated from Dickinson

First American Political

corporate affairs at Onyx

City of Lynchburg and

tory at Hamilton College

College and is a teacher

Conventions: Transforming

Pharmaceuticals, a global

Campbell County, Va., in

in Clinton, N.Y. His second

(“much more noble

Presidential Nominations,

company engaged in

that capacity on July 1. He

book, Religious Freedom:

than tax lawyer”). Their

1832–1872. (See his

the development and

previously practiced law in

Jefferson’s Legacy, America’s

middle son, Matthew,

website www.ameri-

commercialization of

Nelson County, Va.

Creed, will be published by

is a sophomore at the


innovative therapies for

the University of Virginia

University of Richmond

com and In Print.) He is

improving the lives of

Press early in 2013.

and is on the lacrosse

with Semmes, Bowen &

cancer patients. He is

Semmes in Baltimore,

responsible for public

Md., where he focuses his

and government affairs

practice in litigation.

activities of the company

Their youngest son, Billy, is

as well as maintaining

in 10th grade. “Maybe he

key stakeholder relation-

will decide to go to college

ships. Onyx is based in

at UVA,” says Hal. “Our dog,

San Francisco, Calif. Prior

Maggie, has no plans on

team. They hope he will


school at The University.

attending UVA.”

to joining Onyx, he was executive vice president

K.C. Green is listed in Best

& general counsel with

Lawyers 2013 in mass tort

Dendreon Corporation, a

litigation and class

biotechnology company

actions–defendants and

William C. Guerrant Jr. is

Christopher Knopik has

that developed and com-

mass tort litigation and

listed in Florida Super

been named one of the

mercialized the first cancer

class actions–product

Lawyers 2012 and the 2012

Top 100 Lawyers in Florida


liability litigation. He is a

Super Lawyers Business

64  UVA Lawyer / Fall 2012

at least consider graduate

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