Latin Grammar

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Clauses of Characteristic. 2. Clauses ofCh~racteristic are used especiallyafter such expressions as, est qui; sunt qui; nemo est qui; niillus est qui; iinus eat qui; scHus est quf ; quis est qui; is qui; etc. Thus:-

sunt qui dicant, there are (some) wlzo say; namo est qui putet, tlzere is nobody who thinks; sapientia est iina quae maestitiam pellat, philosophy is the only tlzilzg that drives away sorrow; quae civitas est quae non everti possit, what state is there that cannot be overthrown? 110n is sum qui Improbos laudem, I am not the sort of man that praises the wicked. a. Sometimes (very rarely in Cicero and Caesar) the clause of characteristic is used after comparatives; as,-

non longius hostes aberant quam quo tiHum adigi posset, the enemy were not too far 0./1 for a dart to reach them (lit.further 0./1 than [apoint] to whiclz a dart could be cast). 3. The Clause of Characteristic often conveys an accessory notion of cause (si1-1ce)or opposition (altlzouglz). Thus:a)

Cause. The relative is then frequently accompanied by ut quippe, utpote; as,o fortiinate adulesoens, qui tuae virtiitis Homerum praecdnem Invenerfe, 0 fortunate man, since you have found a Homer as the herald of your valor; ut qui optimo jiire eam provinciam obtinuerit, since he lzeld that province by excellent right.

b) Opposition:egomet qui sero Graecas litteras attigissem, tamen compltlres dies Athenis commoratus sum, I, altlzouglz I had taken up Greek literature late in life, nevertheless tarried several days at Atltens. 4. Clauses of Characteristic !l1ayalso be introduced by quin = qui (quae, quod) non; as,namo est quin saepe audierit, there is IlO one who has not ofteÂť lzeard; namo furt mfli.tum quin vulneraretur, there was no one of the soldiers who was not nuounded. 5. Related to Clauses of Characteristic are also phrases of the type: quod aciam, so far heard,

as I knO'Wi quod audierim, so far

as I have

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