First Year Latin: Preparatory to Caesar

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verte> verto, ere, verti, versus, turn. ; terga vertere, flee. Verucloetius, i, Verucloetius, an Helvetian envoy. vesper, i, m., evening. vester, vestra, vestrum, your. veteranus, a, um, vetm路an. veto, are, ui, itua, forbid. vetus, gen. veteris, old, long-standing. vexillum, i, n., banner, flag. vexo, 1, harass, annoy; ravage. via, ae, f., way, road. victor, oris, m., victor, as adj., vietorious, victoria, ae, f., victolOY. vicus, i, m., village. video, ere, vim, visus, see; in pass" be seen; seem, appear; seem best. vigilia, ae, f., watch (of the night). viginti, indecl., twenty. vimen, inis, n., osier, willow shoot. vineo, ere, vici, viet us, conquer. vinea, ae, f., vineyard, trellis; shed, used to protect soldiers in siege operations.



vulnus vfnum, i, n., wine. vir, I, m., man. vires, pi. of vis. Viromandui, orum, m. pl., the Viromandui, a Belgian tribe. virtus, tiitis, f., valor, virtue. vis, vis, f. (ace. vim), violence; number; vim faeere, do violence, violate; pi. vires, ium, strength. visus, perf. pass. participle of video. vita, ae, f., life. vito, 1, avoid. vix, scarcely, with dijJIculty. voco, I, call, summon; name. volo, velIe, volui, loish, be willing, (搂 269). voluntas, atis, f., wish, desire, willingness, consent. vox, vocis, f., voice, word, exclamation. vulgo, gen路erally. vulnero, wound. vulnus, eris, n., wound.

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