First Year Latin: Preparatory to Caesar

Page 169



1. The Ablative of Specification is used also with digous, worthy, and Indigo us, unwortky; as,hooore digoi, wortllY of honor.



ante, adv., before. antecl§do, ere, ceslli, cessiirus, I precede. auctorttlls, litis, f., auth01'ity, influence. • digous, a, um, wOl·thy. fidl§s, el, f .• confidence. oihllo, abl., by nothing. paulo, abl., by a little.

post, aftenoards. solvo, ere, solvl, soliitus, Tloose , of ships, unmo01'" olivl§s solvere, set sail. .upero, I, I surpass. taleotum, I, n., a talent (about $1200). vl§odo, ere, vl§odidl, vl§od1tus, I sell.


356. 1. Ipse cum equitatu anteeedit, 2. Paucts ante diebus profectt sumus, 3. Paulo post naves solvit, 4. Adversum proelium equestre paucis ante diebus factum erato 5. Haee civitas erat magna auctoritate, 6. Nihilo minus Helvetit id, quod constituerant, facere conantur, 7. Hos agros sex talentls vendidit, 8.. Ille dignus est fide. 9. Omnes dignitate superat, 10. Tunis deeem pedibus quam munttio altior fuit. 11. Nonne hto homo amtcitia vestra dignus est? 12. Nemo te auctoritate superat. 13. GallI cum magna. man'ii. hoe oppidum oppugnare ooeperuut .

357. 1. Caesar set out with four legions. 2. He returned home with his brother. 3. A few years before, Caesar had first come into Gaul. 4. A few years after, he returned to Rome. 5. This plan is much better. 6. He sold this house for ten talents. 7. Are we not worthy of the highest honor? 8. This man surpassed the rest in virtue. 9. The enemy were superior in number.

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