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As the Central New York Region’s Level I Pediatric Trauma Center, it is Upstate’s responsibility to be a resource to the medical community to promote the highest-level of care to trauma patients.

Interacting with hospitals and EMS agencies in our trauma region allows a better understanding of the care that they provide and the resources they possess.

Trauma research identifies current best practices for the care of trauma patients which is shared through formal educational programs.

National certification programs are conducted for EMS providers, nurses, advanced practice providers and physicians both at Upstate and throughout our trauma region.

The pandemic created challenges to traditional methods of visiting outside hospitals and conducting educational programs.

Virtual visits replaced those conducted on-site at outside agencies.

Virtual classrooms and on-line learning modules replaced traditional lectures while in-person sessions were still necessary for skills training and testing.


Regional Training Center grant funding helped to support several courses (ATCN, RTTDC and PCAR). The grant supports emergency preparedness training which includes trauma education. The Regional Training Center is funded by the New York State Department of Health through the national Hospital Preparedness Program grant. The Patil Grant, through the department of Pediatrics, also helped to support the funding for several pediatric nurses to be able to take PCAR.

Distinct types of training and resources are available for physicians and nurses on the delivery of trauma care.

Follow-up Letters

Hospitals that transfer patients to the Trauma Center receive a monthly report with specific information regarding those patients. The data provided includes patient disposition, diagnoses and procedures performed. Included with the data are three process improvement (PI) projects that can be implemented at the referring hospital, utilizing the data in the report, to assist in evaluating the care they provided. The PI projects are Airway Management, Hospital Length of Stay and Shock.

Follow-up reporting to EMS agencies occurs quarterly. This report includes Emergency Department disposition, hospital disposition, diagnosis, and hospital length of stay information. Suggested PI projects are Field Activations for Trauma Codes and Scene Time.

Education Programs Offered

Course Name

ATCN (Advanced Trauma Care for Nurses)

ATLS (Advanced Trauma Life Support) at Upstate

ATLS (Advanced Trauma Life Support) at Fort Drum

ATOM (Advanced Trauma Operative Management)

RTTDC (Rural Trauma Team Development Course)

Stop the Bleed

PCAR (Pediatric Care After Resuscitation)

TNCC (Trauma Nurse Core Course)

Trauma Resuscitation - Remote

Trauma Resuscitation - Upstate