Ongoing 2008 Winter/Spring

Page 7

clockwise: U-M Photo Services: Scott Galvin; U-M Photo Services: Martin Vloet; Gregory Fox; U-M Photo Services: Martin Vloet



Celebrates 50th Anniversary Clockwise from top left: Professor Richard Tolman, Alexandra Crampton (’01, PhD ’07), and Paula AllenMeares; Professor Berit Ingersoll-Dayton (’77, PhD ’82) and Jung-Hwa Ha (’02, PhD ’06); Larry Davis (’73, PhD ’77), Lambert Maguire (PhD ’79), and doctoral student David Dobbie (’03); alumni at the last session of the event

After forty years in the profession, Diane Kravetz (’67, PhD ’70) now understands why the U-M SSW faculty constantly said how innovative and cutting-edge the Joint Interdisciplinary Doctoral Program in Social Work and Social Science was. “The program is at the forefront of advancing social work practice,” she told her fellow alumni at the program’s 50th anniversary celebration on October 11 and 12, 2007. It was Professor John Tropman (PhD ’67) who suggested Kravetz go for a PhD. She thought she wasn’t smart enough, but he knew better. “You don’t have to be smart, just persevere,” he encouraged her.

“‘Well, I can do that,’ I said. It was a wonderful turning point in my life,” testified Kravetz, professor emerita at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where she served as director and associate director of the School of Social Work. “Still today the U-M SSW Joint Doctoral Program remains a unique program in the world,” agrees Eileen Gambrill (PhD ’65). “I am grateful to those both in social work and the social sciences who had the vision, the resourcefulness, the persistence, and the interpersonal skills and diplomacy required to make this program a reality.” Such praise and stories were not uncommon at the Joint Doctoral Program’s 50th anniversary conference, dinner, and tailgate party. The event featured alumni from the program and recognized their significant contributions to scholarship, education, and practice. The program, which is built upon interdisciplinary education in social work and a social science, is the only one of its kind.

Ongoing Winter/Spring 2008



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