Ongoing 2015 Winter

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CASC has a big focus on ‘now what’ and how to help other people have a better quality of life.

“In social justice work, I’m sometimes viewed as just a white man, ignoring my other identities,” Heller said. “One of my mentors taught me to try to be my whole self all of the time, instead of silencing parts of myself.” He attributes CASC to helping him contextualize his background, and to managing all of the elements of his life. “CASC has a big focus on ‘now what’ and how to help other people have a better quality of life,” Heller said, “and how to be sensitive to other people’s issues.” Heller says his next challenge to is put all of his learning into place as he approaches graduation this year. Since finding a social justice community at the University of Michigan, Jake is rethinking his career path and considering an MSW after he completes his engineering degree. “I’m more than the sum of my identities and the University of Michigan has helped me head into the right direction for whatever that path might be,” Heller said.

Ongoing · Winter 2015 · 5

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