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Message from the Associate Dean

I am pleased to present the Lang Research Impact Report (2021-22), which highlights the Lang School’s research accomplishments over the past year. Although the Lang School has a long history of high-quality research, the addition of strong researchers to our community presents exciting opportunities for growth and development of our research contributions. The theme of this year’s report is excellence through collaboration. Throughout this report you will see examples of the exciting new partnerships that are boosting the research capacity and success of the School. An excellent illustration of this collaborative spirit is the new SSHRC Insight Grant-funded research project undertaken in partnership between two Lang Chairs – Dr. Ann Pegoraro and Dr. Laurie Barclay, which investigates the pandemic’s impact on gender+ equity in Canadian sport while assessing opportunities to aid recovery and sector inclusion. I am pleased to see established faculty working in partnership with emerging scholars, as is evident in the SSHRC Insight Development Grant-funded project undertaken by Dr. Yiguo Sun and Dr. Delong Li. We have also seen exceptional partnership with private and not-for-profit sector organizations facilitated by grants from Mitacs. These projects enable the development of student researchers in projects that are of direct benefit to our industry partners.

I wish to express my sincere gratitude to the team of people who made this report a possibility, including Diane Dobbins, Manager of Research and Partnerships, Scott Carter, Manager of Marketing and Communications, Research Assistants Casey Higgins and Alexandre Dovale.

It is my privilege to support Lang’s researchers in the creation of their excellent and varied scholarly contributions. As we pause to reflect on the achievements of the past year, I look forward to continued success in the future.

Sean Lyons

Associate Dean, Research & Graduate Studies, Lang School of Business and Economics