The North Texan - UNT Alumni Magazine - Summer 2013

Page 4


President The sky is the limit for UNT graduates UNT helps students soar

The No r t h Texan U n i v e r si ty R e l at i o n s ,

D esi g n e r s

Co m m u n i c at i o n s a n d


M a r k e t i n g L e a d e r sh i p

k i t yo u n g

(’ 0 6)

V i ce P r esi d e n t D e b o r a h L e l i a e rt

( ’ 9 6 M . E d.)

P h oto g r a p h e r s Jana Birchum

A ss o ci at e V i ce P r esi d e n t

M i c h a e l Cl e m e n ts

M a rty N e w m a n

B r a d H o lt

( ’ 02 M . J .)

(’ 0 9)

G a r y Pay n e A ss i sta n t V i ce P r esi d e n t K e l l e y R e ese

(’ 99)

J o n at h a n R e y n o l ds


Writers D i r ec to r s

J a i m e b l a n to n

K e n n M o f f i tt

c a r o ly n b o b o

Dena Moore

E r n est i n e B o u s q u e t

R o l a n d o N . R i va s

J essi c a D e L eó n N a n c y Ko l st i

M ag a z i n e S ta f f

A d r i e n n e N e tt l es

M a n ag i n g E d i t o r J u l i e E l l i ot t Pay n e

Bu d dy P r i ce ( ’ 97)

E l l e n R osse tt i

(’ 0 0 , ’ 0 8 M . J . )

c l au d i a tay lo r E d i to r s

M a r g a r i ta v e n eg a s

R a n d e n a Hu l st r a n d Jill King

( ’ 88, ’ 07 M . J . )

L esl i e W i m m e r

(’ 96)

(’ 07 )

( ’ 9 3 M . S ., ’ 00 M . A .)

O n l i n e Co m m u n i c at i o n s Ch r i st i n a d ow e r s

M i ch e l l e H a l e

E r i c Va n d e r g r i f f

A rt D i r ec to r

P r o j ec t m a n ag e m e n t

Se a n Z e i g l e r

( ’ 00)

(’ 07, ’ 1 0 M . J . )

E r i c a B lo u n t L au r a R o b i n s o n

P h oto E d i t o r Angilee Wilkerson

S t u d e n t Co n t r i b u to r s L e i g h da n i e l s

I n t eg r at e d B r a n d i n g


J oy H o u se r

c r ysta l h o l l i s Mollie jamison

f u n d r a i si n g co m m u n i c at i o n s

j e n n i f e r k r a u se

m e r e d i t h d i ck e n s o n

ju n m a O l m a r V e n eg a s

The North Texan (ISSN 0468-6659) is published four times a year (in March, June, September and December) by the University of North Texas, 1155 Union Circle #311070, Denton, Texas 76203-5017, for distribution to alumni and friends of the university. Periodicals postage paid at Denton, Texas, and at additional mailing offices. The diverse views on matters of public interest that are presented in The North Texan do not necessarily reflect the official policies of the university. Publications staff can be reached at or 940-565-2108. It is the policy of the University of North Texas not to discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, age, national origin, disability (where reasonable accommodations can be made), disabled veteran status or veteran of the Vietnam era status in its educational programs, activities, admission or employment policies. In addition to complying with federal and state equal opportunity laws and regulations, the university through its diversity policy declares harassment based on individual differences (including sexual orientation) inconsistent with its mission and educational goals. Direct questions or concerns to the equal opportunity office, 940565-2759, or the dean of students, 940-565-2648. TTY access is available at 940-369-8652. Postmaster: Please send requests for changes of address, accompanied if possible by old address labels, to the University of North Texas, University Relations, Communications and Marketing, 1155 Union Circle #311070, Denton, Texas 762035017. The UNT System and the University of North Texas are the owners of all of their trademarks, service marks, trade names, slogans, graphic images and photography and they may not be used without permission.


V. Lane Rawlins President

URCM 6/13 (13-004)



No r t h Texa n



Summer 2013

Leslie Wimmer

O n l i n e E d i to r

UNT has always been focused on the success of our students, and there is no better reward or milestone than seeing them graduate. At the May commencement, I joined the UNT community in celebrating the more than 4,000 students who earned their degrees, becoming part of an annual graduat- President V. Lane Rawlins speaks at commencement this May. ing class at UNT that More than 4,000 students earned degrees. UNT graduates more than 8,500 students each year. is 8,500-strong. Graduation is a time for both our students and our university to relish the fruits of our labor. The students’ hard work has paid off in the form of a college degree and a future ripe with possibility. And our overarching commitment to our students annually produces thousands of new UNT graduates who will excel as leaders, doers and thinkers. You can read more about the greatness of our alumni, students and faculty in the President’s Annual Report 2012 at This is public higher education at its best because it shows how UNT is a place of transformation. Each one of us is making a difference in our students’ education, whether we’re educators, mentors or proud alumni. Many of us also are making a difference in more direct ways through our comprehensive fundraising campaign, called The light is green. The time is now. The Campaign for UNT, which we unveiled this spring. You can read more about the campaign on page 26 and about its leadership on page 38. The Campaign for UNT is about much more than raising money. Like everything we do at UNT, it is ultimately about showing our students that the sky is the limit and helping them soar to the greatest heights.

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