2010-2011 Unity College Catalog

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courses s cheduled on alternate year b asis will b e offered. All f inal official c ollege t ranscripts m ust be part of t he st student’s ac ademic file pr ior t o August 1 for students enr olling i n t he f all s emester a nd t he f irst da y of classes f or students entering in the s pring semester. I f f inal t ranscripts ar e not r eceived be fore t he des ignated t imes, the initial transfer evaluation will be revised and credit will not be awarded.

Veteran Students Unity College welcomes applications from veterans as well as from active duty military personnel, reservists, the National Guard, w idows and w idowers o f v eterans, and w ar o rphans. Those pe rsons w ishing t o be considered for educational benefits f rom the Veterans Administration must submit to the registrar copies of discharge papers (DD-214), and, if applicable, m arriage licenses and b irth c ertificates of d ependents, a long with the appropriate a pplications. O fficial transcripts of any previous training m ust al so be s ubmitted t o t he veteran‘s office. D ependents of dec eased or s ervice-connected di sabled v eterans m ust contact t he veteran‘s c enter t hat ho lds the v eteran‘s r ecords, and i nform t he center of their intention to attend Unity College. The degr ee pr ograms of Unity C ollege ar e ap proved b y t he M aine State A pproving Agency f or V eterans E ducation Programs for persons eligible for educational benefits (GI Bill) from the U.S. Department of Veteran Affairs. Students who have que stions ab out t heir el igibility s hould v isit t he V eterans A dministration w eb site at www.gibill.va.gov or c all (toll f ree) 888.442.4551. S tudents w ho request v eteran‘s educational a ssistance a re required t o h ave al l p revious po st secondary experience e valuated f or possible transfer c redit i n or der t o be e ligible f or benefits. For more information c ontact t he registrar of Unity College. Veteran s tudents ar e ex pected t o c omplete al l of t heir r egistered c ourses eac h s emester. A ny c hange in ac ademic workload must be r eported t o the registrar. F ailure t o do so may result i n an ov erpayment. U nity C ollege‘s de gree programs are approved by the Maine State Approving Agency for Veterans Education.

Withdrawal from the College

Students are considered of ficially withdrawn when t hey complete the withdrawal process des ignated b y the r egistrar. Grades of ― “W” will be recorded if the process is finished before final examinations begin. Students who fail to complete the process are liable for academic penalty, which may include a failing grade. Students who l eave t he c ollege without of ficially withdrawing ar e c onsidered enrolled s tudents and t heir gr ades will b e recorded. T his r egulation may be waived b y t he President on t he r ecommendation of t he S enior Vice President f or Academic Affairs when circumstances warrant. Refunds are based on the published refund schedule and determined by date of withdrawal.

Statement of Academic Freedom Academic f reedom i s es sential to the fulfillment of t he educ ational pu rposes of the c ollege. E ncouragement of an at mosphere of confidence and freedom is balanced by an expectation of responsible judgment as it relates to respect for the individual and for the institution. Further, there is an obligation when expressing personal opinion to indicate it is not necessarily re presentative of t he i nstitution‘s position. T here s hall be f reedom f rom any c ensorship, t hreat, res traint, or discipline by the college with regard to the pursuit of truth in the performance of teaching, research, publishing or public service. This position is in keeping with the Statement of Academic Freedom and Tenure as published in 1940 and revised in 1990 by the American Association of University Professors (AAUP).

The Unity College Honor Code

Every member of the Unity College community is responsible for upholding the principles of academic honesty. Personal ethics and academic community integrity should govern student action.

Academic Integrity The Unity College Honor Code re quires that s tudents be h onest i n al l academic work. By j oining t he Unity College Community, students e xpress their w illingness to ac cept the responsibilities a nd p rivileges o f t he ac ademic c ommunity. Furthermore, s tudents un derstand t hat t heir na me on any a ssignment—written or otherwise—shall be regarded as assurance that the work is the result of their own thought and study, except where quotation marks, references, footnotes, or other means of attribution acknowledge the use of other sources. Acknowledgment of collaboration shall be made in

Unity College Catalog 2010-2011

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