1984 Gem of the Mountains, Volume 82 - University of Idaho Yearbook

Page 208


The towel _ _ eel to act a. a relea_ for Tru_bo'. frwolrado. . AI' hi. oew off~_ laUed to launc:h tbe Vandal. and b18 new career. (Ploloto by .\•. McDonald) .

Near tean.

Pain In the neck..

The aogullth felt by Trumbo wa. ofteo e;llcrudallog &II he walched hilt youog tea. make ..llItake8 that e"eotually COtli the. a wlaal.og _a800 aod left the. 10 tbe UIA' Sky ba!loemllot. (Photo by M. ;\tcDooald)

Trumbo c:ould tolerate 810ppy play If oec:e_ry hut fouod the referee8 barllh Judge.eol call8 hard to 11....1.10.... (Photo by M. McDooald)


Bill Trumbo

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