1 minute read


Family and Guest Schedule

Day 2


8 a.m.

9 a.m. 10:10 a.m. 10:50 a.m. 11:30 a.m.

Supporters Meet-Up & Breakfast | Ballroom

Find supporters from the regions you live in and chat with them over breakfast. Our Family and Guest Student Orientation Leaders will also be there to give you great conversation starters.

Welcome Back! | Ballroom

Family and Guest members will learn what activities their student participated in yesterday and develop an understanding of the importance of their continued engagement on campus.


Advising Explained | Various Academic Colleges

During this session, family members will lean about the College Leadership's expectations for their students chosen academic discipline. They will also learn about policies which may impact their student's timely degree completion and receive enrollment instructions.

Coog Talk | Ballroom

Student leaders will teach you how to speak the language of a UH student. Learn how to increase communication with your student and grow in your understanding of UH terminology.

Special Interest Workshops | Choose One

Honors College Meeting | Space City

Jumpstart Your Career | Houston Room

Center for Student Empowerment & First Generation College Students | Multipurpose Room

Learning Abroad | Skyline

Veteran Services and Military Connected Students | Heights

A Parent's Guide to College Transition with Mara A re | Theater

Join Mara A re, Associate Vice President for Enrollment Services, as she shares tips to help you transition your student to UH.

Lunch & Current Student Panel | Ballroom

Financing Your Student's Education: UH in 4, Scholarships & Financial Aid, & Student Business Services |


Learn about the University of Houston’s comprehensive plan for on-time graduation. Additionally, representatives from Scholarships and Financial Aid and Student Business Services will discuss everything you need to know about tuition and fees, how to make payments, deadlines, and nancial resources including scholarships, grants, and loans.


Networking Sessions | Various Locations

Student Health on Campus | Space City

In this session guests will meet the Student Health Center, UH Wellness, and the Justin Dart Jr. Student Accessibility Center to learn about student health insurance, care on campus, accommodations, etc.

LAUNCH Tutoring, Coaching, and Workshops: The Formula for Student Success | Ballroom

At the university level, the academic demands increase. Learn about how your student can receive course tutoring and academic support to navigate this new environment.

Career Services | Skyline

Sta from the Career Services o ce will share information about how students can search for internships and on-campus employment. They will also learn how to use new software designed to make this process more e cient.

Closing Remarks & Letter to my Student | Ballroom