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BS Applied Physics

The Bachelor of Science in Applied Physics is an interdisciplinary program that combines a broad interest in physics with practical career skills, networking opportunities and experience that equips students for real-world problem-solving. In addition to broad study of physics, students take technical elective courses in the areas of science, engineering, math or programming, along with courses in data, statistics or monitoring and communications.

Sample Courses


MSE 331R Fundamentals of Materials for Engineers

MSE 365 Physical Properties of Materials

Learning Outcomes

• Core knowledge that form the basis of classical mechanics, quantum mechanics, electromagnetism, optics and thermodynamics.

• Design, conduct, and analyze experiments to optimize engineering Research & Development and to investigate underlying physical phenomena.

Career Paths

• Proficiency in using mathematical or computational skills to investigate physical phenomena or to optimize solutions to technological problems.

• Ability to work in multidisciplinary teams to address technological problems arising in academic, government or private sectors.

Possible Degree Pairings

Pairs well with undergraduate programs in Physics, Mathematics, Engineering, and other majors in the sciences.

Current Location