Trudi Catalogo Generale Export 2011

Page 193

190 191

52016 cm 15 inch 5,9

51037 cm 15 inch 5,9

52026 cm 15 inch 5,9

Donkey Asino Esel Âne Burro

Kangaroo Canguro Känguruh Kangourou Canguro

Basset Basset Basset Basset Basset

50973 cm 15 inch 5,9

51023 cm 15 inch 5,9

52081 cm 15 inch 5,9

Pig Maiale Schwein Cochon Cerdo

Panda Panda Panda Panda Panda

Squirrel Scoiattolo Eichhörnchen Ecureuil Ardilla

Hound Hound Hound Hound Hound

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