Treveccan | Fall 2013

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LIFE-CHANGING MENTORS At Trevecca, we have these. Paula Jones works in the University mail room; KHU PHQWRULQJ ZLQGRZ LV RSHQ IRU VWXGHQWV (GGLH :KLWH GLUHFWV Ă€QDQFLDO aid; students speak with tears in their eyes about how his work opened impossible doors. Fred Cawthorne teaches physics; he champions his students into the best graduate programs in the nation. These people are OLIH FKDQJLQJ PHQWRUV 7UHYHFFD¡V FDPSXV LV IXOO RI RWKHUV OLNH WKHP Trevecca lost a great mentor this past year, Jim Foglesong. Jim is bronzed in the Country Music Hall of Fame Rotunda as the “Dean of Country Music.â€? He was the genius behind Garth Brooks and many others.* When I spoke at his funeral, I sat with The Oak Ridge Boys and Vince Gill, huge icons in the music world, yet none of them have touched people as deeply as a man who in his 70s and 80s decided to invest in Trevecca students. I UHDG VHYHUDO VWXGHQW WULEXWHV DW WKH IXQHUDO +HUH¡V RQH IURP $QQD 5R\VWHU I just got word that Mr. Fogelsong passed away today. Much of the world may not realize what they lost, but those of us who studied under him at Trevecca Nazarene University do. He may have been a giant in the music industry, but we thought he was a giant at life. Though he appeared to be a quiet grandfather type, his quips in class taught us to stay on our toes. He built us all up, coming to our recitals and performances, smiling blissfully the whole time. He had faith in me. When I thought I was mediocre, he encouraged me to think more highly of myself. His faith in God was at the core of his life. It leaked into everything he did. J-FO, though your passing was not unexpected, I will miss you terribly. Thank you for all your love. In a world of depersonalized service, college classrooms with one professor and 200 students, computerized OHDUQLQJ DQG LQIRUPDWLRQ RYHUORDG VRPHERG\ VRPHZKHUH RXJKW WR NQRZ D VWXGHQW¡V QDPH ORRN LQWR KLV RU KHU face, and guide that student through the deep issues of life. At Trevecca, we do that. The critical touch point of a Christian university is the space between an employee and a student. Whether that HPSOR\HH LV WKH UHFUXLWHU Ă€QDQFLDO DLG DGYLVRU DFDGHPLF UHFRUGV LQWHUSUHWHU UHVLGHQW OLIH GLUHFWRU RQOLQH WHDFKHU FRDFK SURIHVVRU RIĂ€FH DVVLVWDQW PDLO URRP FOHUN RU WKH SUHVLGHQWÂłZKHQ ZH WRXFK D VWXGHQW ZH HPERG\ Christian education. The core competency of Trevecca is life-changing mentoring. It is who we are. Maybe you can join us by being the reason a student enrolls at Trevecca.

Dan Boone President *Jim Foglesong helped start the careers of Barbara Mandrell, Reba McEntire, Duane Allen and Richard Sterban of the Oak Ridge Boys, Mark Miller and Hubie Hubbard of Sawyer Brown, John Conlee, Con Hunley, George Strait, Tanya Tucker, Donna Fargo, Don Williams, and many others.


Treveccan Fall 2013

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