Treveccan | Fall 2013

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Applying information technologies to business problems

7UHYHFFD¡V &RPSXWHU ,QIRUPDWLRQ 7HFKQRORJ\ 3URJUDP RIIHUHG IHDWXUHV , ZDQWHG D SURJUDP ZLWK D successful track record, one that accommodated my schedule, and one that taught material that was relevant in the workplace. 'XVWLQ 6PLWK ¡ Transmedia Content Specialist (ePub Developer) LifeWay Christian Resources

Professor Ty Tabernik, my academic advisor, was a mentor to me and helped me Ă€QG D MRE DW 0DXU\ 5HJLRQDO 0HGLFDO &HQWHU 050& ,Q WKLV MRE , FRSH ZLWK PDQ\ IT issues, and my classes about these technologies at Trevecca prepared me to serve others in this job. Additionally, the people skills I acquired at Trevecca have proven invaluable. $OH[ %DUEHUL ¡ Help Desk Support II Maury Regional Medical Center

0\ H[SHULHQFH DW 7UHYHFFD FXOWLYDWHG DQG VXSSRUWHG ZKDW P\ IDLWK WDXJKW PH that looking out for those around me, being considerate and understanding, and ORYLQJ WKH SHRSOH , HQFRXQWHU ZLOO JHW PH IDUWKHU LQ OLIH WKDQ IROORZLQJ VRFLHW\¡V VHOI serving idea of success. (YDQV .QRZOHV ¡ Graphic Designer Trevecca Nazarene University

I build, manage, and optimize 15+ websites, a marketing automation platform which handles 150+ digital campaigns, and provide reporting and analytics on the FRPSDQ\¡V PDUNHWLQJ HIIRUWV :LWKRXW 7UHYHFFD , ZRXOGQ¡W KDYH WKH FRPELQDWLRQ RI business and people skills as well as technical understanding to build and execute these marketing plans. -DUHG 8VUH\ ¡ Marketing Specialist, SMS Holdings

Treveccan Fall 2013


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