Londonderry Comprehensive Master Plan

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Why Plan? The citizens of Londonderry value its rural character and small town charm. A great school system and many recreation and sporting opportunities significantly contribute to the quality of life enjoyed by current residents. Additionally, residents and visitors from around New England enjoy the luxuries of Londonderry’s expansive natural areas, trail systems, and apple orchards. Despite all of these amenities, Londonderry is facing some challenges going forward. Demographic data shows that Londonderry’s population is disproportionately composed of seniors and elderly citizens. While people in this age cohort have much to offer the community in the way of experience and wisdom, an imbalance in the demographic profile of any community can become unsustainable. Not only is the population of Londonderry aging but there is an abnormally large gap in the population between the ages of 20 to 34, the future leaders within a community. As a result of the aging population, school enrollment is down, giving the school department the ability to utilize school facilities more efficiently and catch up with much needed improvements. However, residents participating in Planapalooza expressed concerns regarding the future of public investment in the schools, as a growing segment of residents do not have school aged children. In Londonderry, a decrease in school funding could be particularly problematic because the superior education and activities offered by the schools

appear to be the number one reason that people move to Town. The indication from residents interviewed at Planapalooza was that their primary motive to move to Londonderry was the quality school system. This is evidenced by the number of real estate signs that pop up in front yards around Town at high school graduation time. The previous Master Plan is now 10 years old. As with many of the documents written prior to the Great Recession of 2007, the last Master Plan could not have anticipated the financial hardships and resulting lifestyle changes that have occurred in the past five years. Not only have many people changed the way they live because of economic necessity, but before the downturn, many people had already begun to reshape the “American Dream” into a vision that did not consist solely of the large detached single family house on a one acre lot. Many people are now striving for pedestrian friendly, walkable neighborhoods where the requirement of driving everywhere, for everything can be mitigated and alternatives are available. With the economy now in recovery mode, development pressures are again mounting in the region and in Londonderry, with major projects in the pipeline, such as the current widening of Interstate 93. These pressures will continue to increase as the housing market gains strength and banks once again begin to make commercial loans. Now is the time to prepare for the anticipated growth.

Comprehensive Master Plan


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