Talk of the Town Spring 2012

Page 88

Top 10

Sports Movies It’s a funny thing. Our TVs get bigger and clearer, our audio gets louder and more fine tuned, yet sometimes it seems that these days only one in every 100 movies is actually worth seeing even once. Sports movies are a different breed. Oftentimes, it is not a writer, who comes up with an idea, but rather the sport that creates the story. This year, Undefeated took home an Oscar for the Best Documentary. It chronicles a story that no writer dreamed up, a story about an impoverished team in Memphis coming together in the face of a bleak future, and winning through the obstacles. Sports already have their way of gripping us, but a great sports movie, well, those are the ones we watch over and over. Talk of the Town has compiled its list of the ten best sports movies. Most are true and some are not, but either way, they are perfect for your big screen.

Remember the Titans In 1971, T.C. Williams High School in suburban Virginia is forced to integrate. The African-American head coach, played by the always beloved and intense Denzel Washington, begins the incredible journey to change an entire community’s outlook on equality, starting with its football team. As he teaches his players to step up and become bigger men, to work with each other and trust each other, the team begins to transform the town. United by everyone’s shared passion of the game and Coach Boone’s drive for perfection, the individuals, team and community are transformed for the best. Coach Boone: This is where they fought the battle of Gettysburg. Fifty thousand men died right here on this field, fighting the same fight that we are still fighting among ourselves today. This green field right here, painted red, bubblin’ with the blood of young boys. Smoke and hot lead pouring right through their bodies. Listen to their souls, men. I killed my brother with malice in my heart. Hatred destroyed my family. You listen, and you take a lesson from the dead. If we don’t come together right now on this hallowed ground, we too will be destroyed, just like they were. I don’t care if you like each other or not, but you will respect each other. And maybe... I don’t know, maybe we’ll learn to play this game like men.



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