OEA's Teacher Evaluation & Support System Guidebook

Page 45

Value Added Models VII.

OEA’S ANALYSIS OF USAGE OF A VALUE-ADDED MODEL FOR DIFFERENT PURPOSES I. Value-Added Models Used to Inform Instruction and Programs at the School Level Use of VAM

Value of Use

VAM as one measure with other multiple valid measures of student learning Low-Stakes, Moderate Efficacy to be used in a whole school Formative Evaluation process, designed to inform • Reliability & validity in increased because other muland improve practice tiple valid measures are in use (Goe, 2010) VAM as sole measure of student learning to be used as a whole school FormaLow Stakes, Low Efficacy tive Evaluation process, designed to inform and improve practice • VAM is a limited diagnostic tool, in part because in cannot demonstrate in-school variables on performance VAM to be used as a “trigger” to examine a school’s performance more closely, but not to be used as part of a final or Summative Evaluation, or used for high-stakes decision making

Moderate Stakes, Low Efficacy

II. Value-Added Models Used to Inform Instruction at the Individual Teacher Level Use of VAM

Value of Use

VAM as one measure with other multiple valid measures of student learning to be used in an individual teacher Formative Evaluation process, designed to inform and improve practice

Low-Stakes, Low Efficacy • Although reliability & validity is increased because other multiple valid measures are in use (Goe, 2010), VAM is not designed to give specific formative feedback at the individual level (essentially, its use in this regard is moot – all useful feedback would be coming from the other multiple valid measures).

VAM as sole measure of student learning to be used in an individual teacher Formative Evaluation process, designed to inform and improve practice

Moderate Stakes, Low Efficacy

VAM to be used as a “trigger” to examine a teacher’s performance more closely, but not to be used as part of a final or Summative Evaluation, or used for high-stakes decision making such as hiring, firing, or compensation, etc.

Moderate -High Stakes, Low Efficacy

III. Value-Added Models Used to Evaluate Individual Performance Careful consideration should be given to the “weight” of VAM against other measures. Use of VAM

Value of Use

VAM to be used as one measure with other multiple valid measures of stuCAUTION: High Stakes, Low Efficacy dent learning and student learning then becoming one of multiple measures of teaching effectiveness – a measure within multiple measures within multiple measures. VAM to be used as a significant percentage of a Summative Evaluation or other high-stakes decision.

EXTREME CAUTION: High Stakes, Low Efficacy

VAM to be used as a sole measure for a Summative Evaluation system, or sole STOP: High Stakes, Low Efficacy measure for high-stakes decisions such as hiring, firing, compensation, etc.


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