1 minute read

Your One-Month-Old, Wee� One Theme: Rest Sail Away with Me

So they went away by themselves in a boat to a solitary place.


The year my oldest son turned seven, I had children ages five, three, one, and newborn. Some days I wondered if I’d ever survive. Life with that many little people is one of constant pulling: pulling for needs, for attention, for a little piece of you. When I read in the Gospels of Jesus’ ministry, I feel a kinship with Him as the crowds seemed to almost smother Him, clamoring for a miracle, a touch, a word, just nearness. He could have healed twenty-four hours a day, seven days a week. He was fully God after all. But He did not. He knew His earthly ministry was brief—just three years! And yet He is shown in the Gospels as deliberately drawing away from the crowds to pray, to share close moments with His twelve disciples, and to sleep.

Sweet mama friend, let me whisper a secret to you: you are not superwoman. You cannot do it all and not rest. I think as mamas sometimes we expect ourselves to be superhuman, but God reminds us that we are not. In the end, remembering we need rest is remembering we need grace. It is remembering we are not God. And it is remembering we need the intimacy of time with Him and with our soul-friends to be able to do all that He asks. Will you come away with Him?

What Sabbath day habits can you develop that will eventually make life sweeter for your little one?

Speaking of rest, how does your baby like to sleep these days?

In your arms, swaddled, in the car, in a baby carrier? Describe it here.