Brick World Review 1/2015

Page 54

Marcheluzzo secures new contracts in Russia and Chechnya

Marcheluzzo Impianti - (Castelnovo d’Isola Vicentina, Italy)

Marcheluzzo cresce in Russia e Cecenia Marcheluzzo Impianti is continuing its positive growth in Russia and neighbouring countries. It recently supplied Russian manufacturer Revdinskiy Kirpikniy Zavod with a new customised brick cutting line designed to be integrated into an existing plant. The line features a fully automatic system capable of producing standard bricks and blocks with a very high throughput of close to 4 seconds per cutting cycle with standard solid bricks. Special importance was given to the precision of the chamfering process, which will be performed on four sides of the brick using hitech materials to ensure the maximum toughness and durability of the chamfering tools and a high flow index of clay trims after cutting. The entire line is designed for the maximum simplicity of use and maintenance. The cutter is mounted on a sturdy frame to ensure a long lifetime even with heavy use. This latest order closely follows the testing of the chamfering cutter supplied by Marcheluzzo Impianti to Norskiy Keramiceskiy Zavod for a production of 17,000 pieces/hour. The latest turnkey project built by Marcheluzzo Impianti is a new brick and block factory in Grozny, Chechnya which completed testing in late October 2014. The presence of Chechnya’s President Ramzan Kadyrov at the opening ceremony testifies to the importance of the installation for the country’s industrial development. The factory extends over an area of 1.3 hectares and has an annual output of 60 million standard bricks, facing bricks and wall blocks.


B RICK W o rld R eview n. 1/ 2015

Continua il trend positivo di Marcheluzzo Impianti sul mercato russo e nei Paesi limitrofi. È infatti recentissima la realizzazione di una nuova linea di taglio per mattoni presso la Revdinskiy Kirpikniy Zavod. La linea, espressamente studiata per le esigenze del produttore russo, integra un impianto esistente e si caratterizza per il sistema completamente automatico in grado di produrre sia mattoni standard che blocchi, con capacità di produzione molto elevate che sfiorano i 4 secondi per ciclo di taglio con il mattone standard pieno. Particolare importanza è stata data alla precisione della bisellatura, che verrà effettuata sui quattro lati del mattone con l’impiego di materiali hitech studiati per ottenere la massima resistenza e durata

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