Strategic Plan 2010-2015

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cura Personalis Strategies }

We will offer a worldaffirming, transformational

and engage our students


We will integrate international study, service and

through a community-wide

research opportunities for

of St. Ignatius across the

commitment to offer an

students, faculty and staff.

breadth of our curriculum,

unparalleled learning and

We will increase the diversity

rooted in personal atten-

living experience across all

of our campus and expand

tion, developed within the

years of study, preparing them

opportunities for multicul-

freshman seminar, and

to be leaders for change. Of

tural experiences for our

growing through academi-

necessity, this will demand


cally rigorous programs that

new and stronger collabora-

will include internships and

tions between academic and

mentoring opportunities

student affairs.

among academic advising, career services and alumni. The Universit y of Scranton

We will challenge, empower

education in the spirit

born of collaboration



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