The Temple Magazine (10) Unity August 2017

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without judgement, you are expressing the level of respect, love and intimacy you have for each other and how united you are in nurturing this connection • See the Soul: Take the time to sit and be in silence with your partner while looking into their eyes, which are after all the window to the Soul. Listen to what their Soul wants to share with you without the use of spoken words as this is where you will hear what it is that is uniting you both in unconditional love. Come back to seeing each other as Divine Loving Souls who are perfection and imperfection all at the same time. Physical Touch: In a world filled with connections often relying on technology, there is an even greater need for you and your partner to engage in physical touch as it is an extremely powerful and loving way to come back into unity with each other. Use your hands to tune into each other’s bodies, allow yourself to sense your partner and learn how they like to be touched physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually. Whether through massage, a gentle touch to the shoulders or neck, a hug, kiss there are many ways to engage in touch as an extremely intimate act to bring you back into unity with each other’s energy at a Soul level.

Let go of all expectations about what you think your partner desires, needs or feels and allow your Souls to come back to each other, to expand your connection through intimacy, to into the truth of who you both are – because at a Soul level you are always truly united, there is no separation….You just need to take the time to re-connect with each other’s Souls.

Leanne, The Barefoot Medium is an International Medium, Trance Channel, Psychic Detective, Twin Flame Connector, Spiritual Teacher

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