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EAT & drink Embrace vibrant wellness

Renew, rejuvenate with spring reset


Spring is a time of renewal, rejuvenation and growth. It’s the perfect season to reset the body, mind and spirit. This winter was challenging for many people living and working in the Tahoe area. Now is a good time to recalibrate the diet and reframe old patterns. As the days get longer and the weather shifts, spring provides the opportunity to shed old patterns and embrace the new. A dietary reset helps shed extra winter weight that some people tend to gain over the winter months. The recommended reset is 21 days or longer, although 14 days can help create a shift.

Change your diet

During this period, eliminate processed foods, sugar, caffeine, dairy, gluten and alcohol from the diet. Food with these items can make us feel sluggish. When undertaking a reset, it’s essential to focus on eating whole foods and organic whenever possible. Removing unhealthy foods helps balance the systems of the body.

These dietary shifts help rejuvenate, re-invigorate and renew emotional, mental and physical well-being. These changes, in turn, will provide improved energy, vitality and a renewed sense of wellness.

Incorporating plenty of lean, clean, organic protein; organic fruits and vegetables and whole grains into the diet is key in creating a spring reset. Eating with the seasons is equally essential. Choose local produce that is available in the spring at one of the area farmers’ markets. Find a list of local markets in this edition and at TheTahoeWeekly. com.

Start with lemon water

Drinking plenty of water to stay hydrated is imperative to help support the body’s systems. Waking up and drinking a glass of warm lemon water helps digestion and promotes hydration.

Exercise to boost energy

Exercise is another essential factor for spring reset and continued good health. Not only does exercise help to boost mood and energy levels, but it also supports the physical being. Find an activity that brings joy and commit to doing it regularly. Yoga, hiking, biking or walking are great ways to improve physical, mental and emotional states. Spring is an excellent time to start a new meditation or yoga practice.

Rest and recover

Rest and recovery are as equally important as exercise when it comes to resetting the body. Try to get at least seven to eight hours of sleep each night and establish a consistent sleep schedule to support the body’s natural circadian rhythm.

growth. Connecting with nature inspires and uplifts. Being outside, getting fresh air and basking in the sunshine is important. Tahoe provides a beautiful outdoor environment.

Also, it helps to set intentions for springtime. Spring cleaning and purging the home, decluttering and getting rid of things that are no longer needed are helpful. A clean space promotes a balanced emotional and mental state.

A spring reset is a powerful way to recalibrate the body’s systems. The key is to focus on clean organic foods, regular exercise, rest and recovery, practicing stillness, communing with nature and setting intentions to help create a foundation for vibrant health and well-being.

In addition to taking care of physical health, focusing on mental and emotional well-being during a spring reset is essential. One effective way to do this is by practicing meditation and mindfulness, which involves being fully present and aware in the moment. This can include activities such as meditation, walking, yoga or simply taking a few moments each day to focus on breathing and quieting the mind.

Spring is a season of renewal and

Eat healthily, pursue a new hobby or passion and set clear intentions. It generally takes 21 days to begin to effect a noticeable change. Take time to reset and cleanse this spring to experience renewed energy and vitality. n