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LaFontaine considers park shelter

The LaFontaine Town Council met at 6 p.m. Monday, February 13.

President Jay Gillespie open the meeting followed by the Pledge of Allegiance. Present was Jay, John Krhin, Lori Brane, Diana Heath, Teresa Snyder, Marty Babb, and Lance Gray. No minutes from January board meeting. Report was given on work being done on water/sewage systems by Rob of Common Wealth Engineers. He also present invoices to be paid. These were approved, with all money coming from grant money. No town Marshal Report due to being out of town. Tom Simpson presented the Fire Department Report. Lori asked for permission to close North Main Street from Kendall Street to alley behind LaFontaine United Methodist Church on March 25. This is because the church is holding a drive thru Dave Bates Memorial, Dan’s Fish and Tenderloin Fry from 4-7 p.m. This was approved.


Much discussion was on accounts being paid out of the right accounts. It was decided that Jay would come in and go over the computers system with Diana so he could understand the computer program for how, where the different counts are to be paid from. Troyer Memorial Library is to received payment of $6000.00 minus the insurance payment. Utilities report was given by Lance.

Lori asked Lance if he would look into designs and cost for a shelter for the Crumley/Cook Town Park. The town have money in a fund for this and it needs to be done. Discuss rate update for water and sewage. There has not been a raise since 2012 and 2016. There will be meetings scheduled on rates for the public input. So be sure and look for these meetings when they are scheduled. Jay asks the people present if they had any questions.

LIBERTY BELLS will meet for lunch at 11:30 Tuesday, March 1, at Eugenia’s.

“VALENTINE’S DAY” in elementary school…a special day! Whether you made your own Valentine’s, or purchased them, it was fun to drop carefully chosen ones into each classmate’s decorated box. There was special care, too, in choosing one for the teacher as well. All who attended elementary school at the former LaFontaine High School, as well as those in later years who attended LaFontaine Elementary, are in for a treat. If you had Mrs. Ruth Sheffield as a teacher, your Valentine to her, may be on display in the Parker store windows in downtown LaFontaine. Valentines displayed begin in the early 1920’s when she began teaching and were addressed to Miss Ruth or Miss Ruth Pearson. Later after marriage, they were addressed to Mrs.

Sheffield up until her retirement. Take time to enjoy the partial display of her large collection of Valentine’s given to her through her teaching career. Also displayed are two framed prints containing Valentine’s that belonged to LaFontaine resident Josephine McVicker from the early 1920’s as well. The display will be up through end of February.”

RIFE’S GENERAL STORE in Lincolnville was at the intersection of county roads 500 S and 600 E. It was built about 1913 and has been a grocery store run over the years by Viola Kulb, Jack Vickery, George Rapp, Cont. on Pg. 23.