1 minute read

Editor’s note

EDITOR-IN-CHIEF LIKA LEZHAVA editor@dailyillini.com

he new school year will soon be upon us, and The Daily Illini is here to welcome you to the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign.

The Daily Illini is the number one student news source on campus, now featuring editorial selections written and built up by your fellow students once a month.

The Daily Illini is here to tell you what is going on across campus and around the world. We have sent you this special edition to help you start your college journey on the right foot.

Editorial Team

Editor-in-Chief: Lika Lezhava editor@dailyillini.com

Managing Editor for Reporting: Piotr Fedczuk reporting@dailyillini.com

Managing Editor for Visuals: Jacob Slabosz visuals@dailyillini.com

Managing Editor for Online: Rohit Chatterjee online@dailyillini.com

News Editor: Marta Narag news@dailyillini.com

Features Editor: Lillie Salas features@dailyillini.com

Our team of talented writers have put together a selection of articles that will help to guide you through our beloved University before you even step foot on campus.

TYou can spend endless hours online scouring articles containing tips for surviving your first year in college, but nothing can substitute genuine advice from students at your school.

Think of it this way: This paper is your upperclassman best friend.

We send you this editorial edition before the school year starts so that you have time to read through our curated articles — or even explore our website, which is filled with even more tips, stories and general information about our University.

Even with this tool in hand, remember to maintain an open mind and construct your own perspec- tive as you learn.

A brand-new year and a brandnew place can mean something different for everyone. Give yourself the opportunity to adjust your goals and priorities — allow yourself to try things that you wouldn’t before. Having a “college experience” isn’t going to be the same for everyone, so take this as a sign to create your own.

Join the clubs you want to join. Prioritize the friends that make you feel best. Dress the way you want to dress. Become the person that’s going to make you happy. You have entered your adult life, so give yourself the opportunity to build the life that you’ve always wanted.

Have an amazing rest of your summer and get ready for an exciting ride come August.

@thedailyillini @di.sports buzz Editor: Sarah Bond buzz@dailyillini.com

Opinions Editor: Raphael Ranola opinions@dailyillini.com

Sports Editor: James Kim sports@dailyillini.com

Photo Editor: Jacob Slabosz photo@dailyillini.com

Graphics Editor: Amy Sanchez graphics@dailyillini.com

Design Editor: Sophia Kim design@dailyillini.com

Copy Chief: Haley Jin copy@dailyillini.com

Social Media Director: Lauren Jenkins social@dailyillini.com