2 minute read

Private Certified vs.

OPINIONS EDITOR AARON ANASTOS aaronda3@dailyillini.com

Located at the corner of Sixth Street and Armory Avenue, Newman Hall would likely be mistaken for an English building or library, if not for the conspicuous — and often amusingly imposing — statue of Jesus in its South Courtyard.

Yes, Newman is the University’s “Catholic” dorm, but fear not, because its residents are by no means required to abstain from meat on Fridays or be assailed by intermittent bouts of deep guilt.

The religious community and resources are all there if one so desires to engage with them — however, what really matters to this column and the curious reader is the day-to-day life at Newman Hall.

Luckily, Newman is tted with not only the same facilities as the ner dorms on campus, but also sports a few additions that truly carve its own niche in the assortment of University housing.

Upon waking in one’s room on one of the seven oors of the two wings, there’s no need to worry about making a trek to nd sustenance. Newman has its own cafeteria and catering courtesy of College Fresh, boasting one of the highest, if not the highest, quality dining experiences on campus.

The dining hall is out tted daily with a fantastic brunch spread, followed by a lunch and dinner that o er not only both vegan and vegetarian options, but also a Fresco Grill from which solid and delicious reliables like chicken ngers or burgers can be ordered if the main spread is not to one’s liking.

After a nourishing breakfast, whether hot or continental, there’s also no need to worry about rushing to class — Newman is located an immensely convenient oneblock distance from the Main Quad, making any transit an easy task.

Once a long day of classes has ended, Newman becomes less of a dorm and more of a second home, with countless cozy corners in which to unwind, from the woodpaneled Lewis Lounge to the lounges on oors two through four, which feature pool, ping pong and air hockey tables.

A guide to Newman Hall

Any upperclassman knows that life at college isn’t all relaxation once the school day ends. Fortunately, Newman features free in-house laundry and Wi-Fi, so any tedious chores and homework are just that much easier to complete.

What makes Newman truly unique, aside from its excellent dining and prime location, is its community. No matter a resident’s religion, the atmosphere at Newman is incredibly warm and tight-knit.

This is due to the fantastic RA sta and the event-planning committee, known as SPARK. The RAs are all very friendly and knowledgeable, ensuring a smooth start of the school year for any new resident. SPARK plans monthly events that draw massive attendance from the dorm population, from creating its own escape room to hosting variety shows.

This sense of community is also felt deeply by spending time in the common areas, like the dining hall. Friends and familiar faces are sure to always inhabit the dining hall, ensuring that eating or studying alone becomes a foreign concept.

After homework and relaxation have worn out their welcome, returning to one’s dorm room is by no means an undesirable task. Every oor has two wings — the North side, costlier with more singles and private bathrooms, and the South side, which is more a ordable with communal bathrooms and more doubles and triples, yet boasts a much closer community.

No matter which wing, each dorm room at Newman sports its own AC and heating unit and ample space for couches or dressers. This, combined with close parking and helpful on-site sta , check o the basics for a solid dorm while the community and ne dining of Newman give it its own unique avor.

A day in the life at Newman Hall is guaranteed to be reliably convenient and full of helpful amenities that, along with its tight-knit atmosphere and central location, make the start of the school year that much smoother.