The Cabin's Writers in the Attic Anthology: Game

Page 82

to talk about later.” The Drifter winked at her knowingly and the poker players laughed. The woman prepared a stinging response but then stopped, crossed her arms and looked at him. “OK, Mister, I’ll be your Lady Luck. Why don’t you have a seat?” she said as she pulled out the remaining chair at the table. As the Drifter lowered himself into the chair, she leaned close and whispered, “By the way, that’ll be 10% of your take. Lady Luck isn’t free you know…” “I bet…," the Drifter said with a wink and as the woman’s face turned angry, he turned to the other players, “that you boys aren’t playing New Frisco rules. So, what’s the game here tonight?” “Five Card, ten-credit ante, no funny stuff,” rumbled one of the card players. The Drifter grimaced, “Of course. Let’s get this party started.” The other players anteed in, excited about their prospects. The Drifter’s grimace smoothed to a tight grin. They thought this game was just beginning. Only he knew it was already over…


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