9 Publications
Publisher logoThe Artist within - Applied eMotion
Pilot activities based on the methodology of Integrated Expression&Art Therapy by IKTE Association
The artist within – Applied eMOTION is a long-term European strategic partnership project funded by the Erasmus+ program. The aim is to share best practices between sectors and methods connected to art expressions. We run trainings, followed by local Pilot Actions, trying out the learned methodologies with various target groups, locations of the partners. Here you can read the results, based on the training run by IKTE. The Hungarian Association for Expressive Arts and Dance Therapy (in Hungarian: Integrált Kifejezés- és Táncterápiás Egyesület, IKTE) is offering trainings, workshops and professional cooperation based on the specific methodology Integral Expression and Dance (IED) Therapy. This approach belongs to expressive arts therapies. More info about the organisation: www.ikte.hu, https://www.facebook.com/IKTEgyesulet, info@ikte.hu More info about the project: http://www.theartistwithin.eu