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.THE ANCHOR-Diocese of Fall River-Thurs., Jan. 11, 1968


New Broom Needed


Meeting' Backs

Pope's Plea

For Peace

The January 9' issue of LOOK magazine devoted an entire issue to the sound and fury in the arts today. VALLETTA ('NC)-An­ Movies, music, pairiting, sculpture, literature, drama, all glican -a,nd Catholic rep:F~ were scrutinized in the light of the "now" generation. The senta-tives attending fiw results of the survey were provocative. days of talks on church unity The general theme seemed to be that we are living in . here in Malta took part in joint an era where all art is influenced in some way by Marshall religious services to pray 1m. support of Pope Paul VI's plea McLuhan - the - medium - is - the - message.. Only the for international peace. momentary, the actual now, has any validity for the fol­ The assembled leaders, meJn­ lowers of this cult. bers of the Catholic-AnglicaD The result in the arts is at once catastrophic and yet. Joint Preparatory CommissiODp also prayed for Pope Paul, fOl' simultaneously fascinating. In our affluent society, more Anglican Archbishop Michael Americans than ever have shown an interest in the arts. Ramsey and for th~ir hoot, Never has the choice been less esoteric. The Church has Archbishop Michael Gonzi Qf always been a patroness of the arts. Centuries of love and Malta.. devotion to the transcendental idea of the good, the true, Preaching at the service, the beautiful, have left 'a lasting impression in the world. Bishop Jan Willebrands, secre­ tary of the Vatican's Secretariat The Church has always showed itself to be adaptable to for Promoting Christian Uni~ the needs of the cultural moment. . remarked that at no stage in the Much controversy is heard today about "jazz Masses", 400-year-old rift between them and pop art. What attitude should· the church take • . • have the two traditions been reject or canonize? Actually, .there is nothing new or closed to unity. For three days. delegates di&­ startling about folk Masses. Men such as Ray Repp and cUssed the major diHerencea Paul Quinlan, are simply earrying on a traditio~ that has, separating Anglicans and Ca~ alw.ays been in the church. William of Malmesbury, intl1e olics. These include the lnfsi- , 13th century, translated A~red the Great's Old English Jibility of the Pope, the primaq HANDBOC into Latin. Fro~ this work, dating back to of Peter among the apostles, dogmatic definitions concerning 675 A. D., we read of a rather familiar, and contemporary the Blessed Virgin, the validib' ~uation: . . , of Anglican ordinations and the "The people were very simple and not much problems connected with sacra­ \ interested in divine sermons, and left the church to go mental intercommunion. ' home to their worldy affairs'right after the Sunday Report Progress service and before the sermon. St. Aldhelm, the pastor As one' spokesman stated, tbe delegates have found that thee>­ and very 'holy man, went ah~ad of them and placed logical and practical' church himself on the bridge leading back to the oountryside problems are often approached and delayed and delighted the crowqs by singing Rt!v. John F. Moore, Sf: Joseph's; TauntOD in . the same manner by m~ humorous and secular songs. Among the secular bers of both churches. melodies, he inserted ,verses of ,seriptur:e a~d led the The meeting established ii' epecial subcommittee of tWO ' people back into the church and to right ways". Catholics and and two AnglicaM . St. Aldhelm used folk tunes to get the peOple to gQ to report ecumenical progresB' to church. Aren't we doing the same ·thing today, attempt. between the churches to Pope ing to win the .8Ittention of a restless gener~tion,to return Paul and to the archbishop 01. to the .church by using a folk ·tune approach? ,These are The children of our' age are res:tless. In many. waya Canterbury. challenging times. The ehureh· must use arid accept the it seems they have a right to be restless. The preced.iD« Both government and Chureia artistic offerings of tod~y. It needs this new style, this generations of this century have left them a rather shabby leaders here took a keen inte... new image, to help make the invisible, visible., inheritance when viewed in the total historical perspeetne. est in the discussions. A go~. ernment film unit photographed 'T'''uly talented religious artilJts and musicians are rare. Our century has been one of" ' 1lbe conversations and plans 1D The ChUrch cannot escape present movies of the discussiOll It takes monumental courage and ability to produce lasting violence, cruelty ~m a vast "''''Ie. Man has killed his fel­ this restlessness. It cannot P8IIS flo Pope, Paul and Archbishop art. Much of the pop art and most of the folk and jazz· ....... off the human facts of life JD Masses are M; best interesting. They are indicative of low man as in no other age. this age as'the mere whim of.' Ramsey. Suggestions made by delega-, a trend. The countries of the world to­ few hippies. To do this is to lo8e tion members have led to pro­ St. Aldhelm did not fear to use the secular. We too day spend much of their gross her historical continuity. posed changes in the mixed national income inventing new need boldness and courage and patience. Who knows, ways in which this murder may The Church .on an 1E:ivels of marriage ritual here and AD­ somewhere in Haight-Ashbury or Harvard Square there become more "scientific." life must meet this restless age. 'glican delegates have been 'in­ may be a nascent Aldhelm who some day will do great The emotional yo-yo of this If not, the lag between civiliza­ vited to speak to Maltse priests. The conversations were the , eentury has bred murder, vio­ tion and the church's work OIl things for God and church. lence, war and depression. This earth -will continue to increase third in a series. Two earlieli' meetings were held in Italy anCl is part of the legacy which we at a rapid pace. This would England. .' have given the children of our makl!! her role seem completebr For years there has been eriticism of the Italian time. irrelevant. make-up of the VaJtican Curia. For years there has been N<aJ[l'tl'il® Msgr. Higgins agitation both to widen the nationality aspect of the Curia and to revamp it and modernize its structure and functions. Christ became incarnate. He throw out the baby with the C@lJ'il'i)lJ'il'i)oU'U'@e Advisor 'TALLAHASSEE (NC)-Msgi:. Rather than draw up the plan himself-and thus be assumed the completeness of bath water as some have at­ George G. Higgins, director oR humanity. He was really present tempted. accused of "&tacking the deck" in his own favor, the Pope We must enter into this ques­ the Social Action Department. has listen~d to what the Council had to say, listened to the in time as well as eternity. So to the Church, "The city on the tioning and restlessness to gift United States Catholic ConfeP­ recommendations of the Bishops' Synod, consulted With the Mountain cannot be hidden." it point and direction. If we ence, will serve as advisOll' to 8IlI. various Congregations and Commissions, and the plan was It must be contemporary; it fail to do this, other forces .win interim state legislative commit­ ,evolved. must be present. It cannot hide fill the vacuum of .our' negli­ tee formed to study Florida'll Those who say that the ChurCh moves slowly and auto­ its .light under the bushel bas­ gence. This would be a disaster migrant labor problems. It has no reason to fear for Christian civilization. State Senator Lee Weisse!P cratically should see in this weil-planned program a refu­ ket. restlessness and questioning. It born of Miami who heads the The Church cannot be a mere tation of their own asse"rlion. And they should also see should be ever willing to meet relic of history but must alw~ Mf·grant Labor Committee said that against the backdrop of long centuries the Church in the market place of life the remember that she is the exten­ the group will examine aU knows the value of taking an added year or two to make forces that control the exter­ sion of Christ in time. phases of the, ~tter includlDg pay scales, housing, health and changes and thus insure that the changes are significant nals of our existence. The legacy of the past has education. and all-embracing rather than quickly-planned' token been handed on. We must live Court Backs Bible "We will seek out and piDo ge~ur~. . with it. There are some in the As Literature point the problems and 1lheIi church, both clerical and lay, OLYMPIA (NC) -A course we will come up wdth suggested who would have us retreat to to solve the prob-' the ivory tower of a comfortable teaching the Bible as literature legislation lems." Sen. Weissenborn stated. at the University of Washington Christianity. Others would have He said hearings will be held hi us face this generation in street does not violate the constitu­ , Lake Okeechobee· and Sod tional principle of church-state battles and civil chaos. glrowing areas arid in other Both are extremes and both separation, the Washington Su­ Dade preme Court said in an 8-1 nil­ parts of the state where JlB.. C'ffiCiA!. NIEWSI?A~ER OF THE DIOCESE OfF fAll RVV!ER' are to be avoided. We cannot ing. 8l'ant labor is employed. . _The State Supreme Court up­ 410 Highland 'Avenue ~@liU$@«:(j'«nG'®<dJ ~B$I}u@[P) held a lower court ruling ~all River, Mass. 02722 675-7151 ~®~ l?'lfesident GUATEMALA CITY (NC)­ against a suit brought by two PUBLISHER Father Richard J. Ham, 46-year­ DENVER (NC)-Father ~ fundamentalist min i s t e rfl Most Rev. James L. Connolly, D.O., PhD'. old Maryknoll missioner from against the university. They had G. Mattione, S.J., president @jj GENERAL MANAGER ASST. GENERAL MANAGER Chicago, was consecrated a charged that the course coristi­ Rockhurst High School, K&nm;i! R~. Rev. Daniel F. Shalloo, M.A. Rev. John ·P. Driscoll bishop here by Archbishop tuted an attack on religion be­ . City, Mo., has been named p~ MANAGING EDITOR Bruno Torpigliani, apostolic cause it· i~ored the Bible's ident of Regis College here, et­ Hugh J. Golden nuncio to Guatemala. flective March Ao divine origin.




At Que.stioning People

A Restless Church

Curia Changes

.@rhe ANCHOR


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