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2. Clergy sexual abuse 3. Pope's silver jubilee 4. Homosexuality and same-sex marriages, '5. Abortion .



_2. Presidtmt George W. Bush 3. Archbishop Sean P. O'Malley 4.' Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta S. Kathleen L. McChesney _

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January 9, 2004

,Continued from page JJ and public policy in many countries with, in January the bishops of the United The joint statement was one of sevtained or increased their financial sup- a doctrinal note .that said Catholics in pub- States and Mexico issued a first-ever eral signs of revived trilateral collaboraport for their parishes but were less in- lic leadership positions must oppose laws joint pastoral letter calling on both their tion among U.S. Christian, Muslim and clined to' support diocesa~ and national or policies that co~flict with fundamental governments to improve immigration Jewish leaders. appeals because of the crisis. moral principles. It particularly cited hu- policies. That collaboration had waned in the \ A group of Milwaukee priests urged man life issues like abortjon and eutha" . The Holy Land saw an unending spi- wake of the 2001 terrorist attacks in the the U.S. bishops to begin ordaining mar- nasi a, but it al~o called on Catholics to ral of violence in 2003 as Palestinian ter- United States and the resurgent intifad,a i'ied men to stem the priest shortage and, oppose efforts to grant leg~1 rights of mar- ro'rists and the Israeli military responded in the Holy Land, but it gained new assure the access of Catholics to the Eu-' riage to same-sex unions. constantlY,to each other's attacks. ground in 2003 as leaders saw a need to charisl. The U.s. bishops followed up in SepChurch leaders decried the suicide forestall religious tensions over the U.S, They did not link the issue of manda- tember with a call for a constitutional bombings by Palestinian radicals but also war in Ira'q tory'clerical celibacy to the sex abuse cri- amendment to protect' the traditional criticized Israel for building a '''security In the entertainment world, Catholic sis, out some other Catholic groups made aC,tor Mel Gibson provoked controversy such a link'. They argued that the absence with "The Passion of the Christ," reportof wives and children in the Catholic eqly a violently realistic film on the last clerical culture had 'been a significant 12 hours of Christ's life, which he profactor behind bishops being more sensi, duced with his own money and plans to ,live to the spiritual and psychological release in February. Some critics who re-_ , needs of their accused priests than they viewed a draft script shortly after thc~ were to the needs of.the young victi'ms. ' filming was completed' last spr.inO' Pro-Life marchers in January marked claimed it was anti-Semitic, but several the 30th anniversary of Roe v. Wade and Vatican officials and other Catholic leadDoc v. Bolton, the twin 1973 U;S. Suers who saw private screenings of the preme Court decisions that removed vir~ nearly final edited 'versiop in the' fall retually all legal restrictions on abortion. , jected that view. The federal Partial-Birth Abortion A number of Catholic institutions lost Ban Act was adopted by Congress in Oca good friend when Joan B. Kroc: 75: tobei' and President Bush signed it in Nowidow of McDonald's founder Ray vember. Its constitutionality was immeKroc, died October 12 of brain cancer. diately challenged in court. She had donated millions to Catholic uniIn Se'ptember the U.S. bishops' AdUnited States invades without U.N. versities and other charities, including ministrative Committee c,alled'for a fed$17 million to Notre ,Dame for internasupport and over objections of many eral constitutional amendment upholding tional justice and peace studies. ' religious leaders.' Saddam Hussein's the traditional definition of marriage as Prominent Catholics who died in 2003 a union between a man and a woman. included: regime is toppled. He is captured by , In November the entire body o(bish- . . - Norbertine Father Werenfried van U.S. soldiers Dec. 13. Coalition forces' ops adopted a statement explaining why. Straaten, '90, Dutch-born priest who the Church considers marriage so cenface attacks as reconstruct.ion falters. . founded Aid to the Church in Need after tralto family life and the common goo'd World War II and raised more than $3 that the unique legal status and benefits billion over the next 50-plus years; society accords to marriage cannot be ex- Archbishop Bruno Heim, 92, tended to same-sex unions. Swiss-born veteran 'vatican diplomat and The world Anglican Communion internationally known heraldry expert faced a major internal rift when its U.S. who designed the coats-of-a 'illS of hunbranch, the Episcopal Church, ordained dreds of bishops, including two popes; as bishop ot New Hampshire Bishop V. - Daniel P. Moynihan, 7,6, a former Gene Robinson, :who as a priest has peen U.S. 'ambas~ador, four-term U,S. senaliving in an openly gay relationship for tor from New York, Harvard professor, more than a decade. author and administration official under The ordination provoked ecumenical four presidents; stresses as well. U.S. Presiding Bishop - Cardinal G, Emmert Carter, 91, Frank T. Griswold, who conducted the who as a young bishop participated in ordination, resigned as Anglican co-chair the Second Vatican Council and as archof the Anglican-Roman Catholic Interbish,?p. of Toronto 1978-90 was one of national Commission to avoid having the Canada's leading ,Church figures; controversy jeopardize .the work of that - Robert G. Hoyt, 81', founding, editor He marked his 25th year as pope; led official dialogue between the two of the National Catholic Reporter newschurches. . a diplomatic campaign to prevent war paper; Artificial contraception came back - Patriarch Raphael Bidawid, 81, a / in Iraq; traveled to Spain, Croatia into the news in several ways. . bishop since 1957 and leader of the and Slovakia; beatified Mother The California Supreme Court in Deworld's Chaldean Catholics since 1989; cember heard arguments in a Catholic Tere,sa,' crea,ted 30 new cardinals,' and - RetiredArchbishop John R, Roach Charities challenge, on religious freedom of Bt. Paul-Minn~apolis, 81, 'a noted adissued an encyclical on the Eucharist. grounds, to a state law thatrequires emvocate of the poor and powerless who ployers to include contraceptives 'among headed the U.S. bishops' conference drug prescription benefits in their health 1980-83; insurance plans. ' - Bob Hope, 100, legendary enterThe U.S. Conference of Catholic tainer who was longoassociated with variBishops registered its opposition to ,a ous Catholic causes and became a CathoFood a!,1d Drug Administration proposal , lie after his retirement from show business; to permit over-the-counter sales of cer~ - lame,S P. Shannon, 82, noted edutai n er.nergency contraceptives. cator and philanthropist and a former In November the bishops approved a Catholic bishop who resigned in 1968 proposal to draft a new pastoral state-· ' because he could not accept papal teachSource: CNS poll of Catholic newspaper editors ment in the coming year explaining ing on birth control; excommunicated Church teaching that th'e use of artificial © 2003 eNS Graphics after he married in 1969, he was reconcontraception in the conjugal act is inciled with the Church several years betrinsically wrong. fore his death; President, Bush helped. turn world at c , definition of marriage. In November they wall" which, if completed as intended, - 'James O'Gara, 85, who·as editor tention to the growing' problem of AIDS issued a bri~f statement explaining why will stretch along some 200 miles of the and managing editor of Commonweal in Africa with his state of the union, ad- the Church upholds the special place of Israeli border. magazine for 32 years was a leading voice dress in January. He pledged to seek$15 marriage'. In December 32 U.S. Christian, Mus- for Church renewal and lay engagement; billion from the federal budget over the Despite complaints by Church lead- lim and }((wish leaders, including two Not Cathblic, but certainly one of the next five years to combat AIDS around ers that crackdowns on immigrants' do Catholic cardinals, urged the Bush ad- most recognized and beloved U.S. relithe world, with a special focus on Af- , little to combat terrorism, for the third ' ministration to take new leadership on gious figures to die in 2003 was the Rev. rica. straight year the United States admitted the issue and spelled out a 12-step pro- Fred Rogers, the Presbyterian minister who In January the Vatican addressed grow- far fewer immigrants than were allowed gram to giv~ new impetus to the peace for 38 years hosted the PBS children's proing conflicts, between Catholic teaching under federally ser quotas. . , process. gram, "Mister Rogers' Neighborhood." . . .




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