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AJIRA Finance


Quick Reference Guide

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Draft Version

Copyright © 2009 Agility E Services. All rights reserved.

AJIRA Finaance

Copyrigh ht Notice Copyrightt © 2009 Agilitty E Services. All rights resserved. Proprietary Rights his documentt is confiden ntial to Agility E Services and is legallly privileged d. The The inforrmation in th informatio on and this d document aree intended so olely for the aaddressee. Usse of this doccument by an nyone else for any a other pu urpose is unauthorized. If you are not the inten nded recipien nt, any disclo osure, copying, o or distribution n of this inforrmation is pro ohibited and unlawful.

Disclaim mer



This docu umentation might m includee technical inaccuracies i or typographical errors and is subjeect to correction n and other revision witthout notice. Agility E Services. GIVEES YOU THE CUSTOMER THIS DOCUMENTATION "AS IS." EXPREESS OR IMPLLIED WARRAN NTIES OF AN NY KIND AREE NOT PROV VIDED, INCLUDIN NG BUT NOT LIMITED TO TTHE IMPLIED WARRANTIEES OF MERCHANTABILITY O OR FITNESS FFOR A PARTICULLAR PURPOSEE. Some stattes or jurisdictions do not allow discclaimer of express or im mplied warrantiees in certain trransactions; ttherefore, thiis statement may not apply to you.

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Copyrightt © 2009 Agility E Services. All rights resserved.


AJIRA Finaance

Table o of Conte ents Preface ........................................................................................................................ 1 About tthis Documen nt ................................................................................................................................... 1 Intendeed Audience ....................................................................................................................................... 1 Related d Documents ...................................................................................................................................... 1 Document Conventions ............................................................................................................................... 1 Supporrt Information n .................................................................................................................................... 2

Productt Overview w ...................................................................................................... 3 Significant Features and Benefits ................................................................................................................. 3


Browseer Settings .......................................................................................................................................... 3

Commo on Selections ................................................................................................... 4


Help Paanel .................................................................................................................................................... 5 About C Calendar ............................................................................................................................................ 5 ...................................................................................................................................... 5 Search ..................... .

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Getting Started ............................................................................................................ 6 Loggingg into the app plication......................................................................................................................... 6

Invoice SGA ................................................................................................................. 7 Invoicee SGA Processs Flow diagram m .............................................................................................................. 7 User Ro oles and Hieraarchy ............................................................................................................................. 7 Creatin ng Invoice at SSNA AP Clerk desk ......................................................................................................... 8 Requessts at FSSC (Finance Shared d Service Cen ntre) ..................................................................................... 9 Requessts at Branch Head ........................................................................................................................... 10 Requessts at Dispute manager .................................................................................................................... 11

Paymen nt Requestt ..................................................................................................... 12 Processs flow diagram m for Paymen nt Run and Ad dhoc .................................................................................. 12 Processs flow diagram m for CCWT ................................................................................................................. 13 User Ro oles and Hieraarchy ........................................................................................................................... 13 Creatin ng Payment Request by AP P Manager ............................................................................................... 14 Creatin ng Payment Request by FSSSC ........................................................................................................... 16 Submitting for Check Run by FSSC C ............................................................................................................. 17 Copyrightt © 2009 Agility E Services. All rights resserved.


AJIRA Finaance Check P Printing by AP P Manager ................................................................................................................... 18 Upload d to IFACE and d Complete Request by FSSSC ..................................................................................... 19 Paymen nt type through Credit Carrd or Wire Traansfer(CCWT)) .................................................................. 19 CCWT R Request at Trreasury Manaager ......................................................................................................... 20

Invoice Reconciliaation .............................................................................................. 22 User Ro oles and Hieraarchy ........................................................................................................................... 22 Creatin ng New Recon nciliation requ uest ........................................................................................................ 22 Requessts at Branch Trade clerk D Desk ......................................................................................................... 26

Append dix ................................................................................................................... 27 Major A Actions perfo ormed in Invoice SGA proceess .................................................................................... 27


Major A Actions perfo ormed in Paym ment Process ......................................................................................... 27 Major A Actions perfo ormed in Reco onciliation Pro ocess ................................................................................. 28


Acronym ms .................................................................................................................. 29 Index ......................................................................................................................... 30

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Copyrightt © 2009 Agility E Services. All rights resserved.


AJIRA Finaance

Prefa ace About t this Docum ment The aim o of this guide is to give a q quick walkthro ough over AJIRA Finance aapplication. TThe document also includes d diagrams, ste ep‐step proceedures and ad dditional info ormation which can be refferred by thee user while working with th he applicatio on. Based upon the usagee and functio onality of the application n, the duct. documentt has been divided into various chapterrs according tto the usabilitty of the prod

Intende ed Audien nce All the Ussers working or implemen nting the application are tthe intended audience and will be pro ovided with this d document forr reference.

Related d Documen nts


All AJIRA FFinance documents are avvailable onlinee in both prin nted (PDF) and d online (HTM ML) formats.

Document Conve entions


Online He elp Files: An online help is integrated with the application n and the help p is provided ffor each conttext or windo ow of the appliccation

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In this manual, certain words are represented d in differentt fonts, typeffaces, sizes, and weights. This ng is systemaatic; different words are reepresented in n the same styyle to indicate their inclusion in highlightin a specific category. w table illustrates the typo ographic convventions used d in this manu ual. The below Style

Ele ements

Blue text

Ind dicates links a and cross refferences

Black bold dface

Useer interface elements succh as button names and menu items


Do ocument titless, glossary terrms, and occaasional emphasis

Courier r font

new Commands, filenames, URL’ss, Directories,, and paths

Ind dicates Note Ind dicates Tip



AJIRA Finaance

Supporrt Information Every effo ort has been m made to ensu ure the accuraacy of the do ocument. Any comments, q questions, or ideas regardingg the document contact on nline support:: ajirade evsupport@ @agilityl logistics. .com

Sa m





AJIRA Finaance

Produ uct Ove erview AJIRA Finance is an online o web ap pplication bu uilt to managge the US Acccount Payab ble process frrom a centrally located Finan ncial Shared SServices Centtre (FSSC). Th his product iss built with a BPM approaach to enable the documentss such as invo oices/ vendor statements to be scanneed into AJIRA A for processing at FSSC. Thee workflows aare designed with a decisio on centric approach, thereeby leaving th he decision m making to the bussiness users. In the first vversion it supports invoice scanning, dirrect and log p posting of invoices, approval workflow fo or log invoicees, schedulingg of paymen nts – check run, r wire traansfer, creditt card paymentss, reconciliatio on of vendor statements aand vendor m management.

Significcant Features and Be enefits • • •

Browse er Settingss


Real‐time proccessing of acccounts payablle transaction ns by multiplee users Check approvaal status with online appro ovals and approval history O One way integ gration with SSys21 application to real tiime accessibility to the invvoice data


Setting up u browser for f working with AJIRA Finance is simple. In order o to run n this appliccation appropriaately in intern net browser th he following ssettings are to be configurred: • • • •

• •

• •

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Make sure the M t Proxy Settings S in the Interneet Explorer allows thee access off the site http:// / wclogisti 55 Remove the Pop‐Up P Blockeer from the browser b or uncheck u the POP P UP Blockker in the Intternet Seettings (Internet Propertie esÆPrivacyÆ ÆPOP UP Blocker) Add the site http://coe h in n the Trusted Sites Uncheck the p proxy in intern net explorer Check for interrnet connectiivity and speeed Th he web brow wsers recomm mended for using this application are Intternet Explorer 6

n the system m configurattion (hardwaare, softwarre), internet speed and host Depending on avvailability the e application aaccessing speeed will vary. Fo or system configuration questions thatt are beyond the scope off this guide, p please contacct the su upport for furrther informaation.

Product O Overview


AJIRA Finaance

Comm mon Sellectionss Optio ons

Description n


Displays thee entire request in the list after loggingg into the application.

Group pInbox

The GroupIInbox contain n requests sen nt to one or m more than on ne User in a teeam.


Displays thee Home Pagee with all the rrequests in alll the processes of AJIRA Finance This feature is provided to move req quests from inbox to follow up folder. TThis helps useer to identify certain prioriitized requestts and process them with m more attentio on even at a later time


Follow w up

Use this op ption to add in nvoice from SSystem 21


Use this option to dettach or remo ove the invoice from th he request

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Support On nline

This icon displayed on the right most corner of eaach request o or he Complete e History of a each page can be used to track th particular rrequest.

Browse for Lists

Browse for Calendar

Use Sign in button to lo ogin to the application

To search for lists, requeests

Use this button to go to the Home paage or the inittial screen Use this op ption to save tthe data enteered

Common Selections

Use this op ption to upload the docum ment from lo ocal system fo or example in nvoice copy, vvendor copy eetc. Use this op ption to deletee the requestt


AJIRA Finaance

Help Pa anel A help panel is provide ed at right co orner through hout the appliication remin nding the thin ngs to do as shown in the below figure

About C Calendar A calendaar is provided to select the date requireed for invoice date, due date etc...


Daate selection Descrip ption

‹ ‹ ›

Click to o select preevious/next month. Click and a hold thee mouse fo or easy selectio on.


F Fields

Click to o select previous/next yeaar. Click and holld the mouse for easy seleection.

x x

Click to close the pop‐up.

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« « »

Click Today to se elect the current date.

Search Search functionality prrovided at thee left end helps AJIRA Finaance users to o search all th he requests, b based etc., upon status, item no e

eria changes based upon tthe processess. The search crite

Common Selections


AJIRA Finaance

Gettin ng Startted Logging g into the a applicatio on Enter the URL clogistics in the addreess bar. In thee login page enter authorized User Id and Password in the respecctive fields an nd click Sign In to access the home paage of AJIRA Acccounts Payablle Process.

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online and Offfline Support o



After loggging into the application, all the requeests of all thee Processes appears in the t Home paage as shown in the below figgure

Agility pro ovides individ dualized onlin ne and offlinee support to the Users of AJIRA Financce application n. This dedicated d online supp port team will w work thro ough the issues encounttered by useer while using the product. U User can speaak to executivves or supporrt team and ssend the revieews or comm ments and eveen can send mail to ajirad devsuppor rt@agilit tylogisti nuals: User Man

User is prrovided with some handyy online resou urces given in n document fformats. Refeer them to geet the insight concepts, guide elines, end‐to o‐end informaation effortlesssly.

Getting Sttarted


AJIRA Finaance

Invoice SGA In this pro ocess the invvoice(s) are sccanned by th he branch useer for processing at FSSC. Before scanning the invoicce, the invoicce has to be categorized into Direct or Log Invoicee. It needs to o be stamped d and relevant information should be filleed in. This is also referred tto as Pre‐coding.

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Invoice e SGA Proccess Flow d diagram

Fiigure 1: Invo oice SGA Pro ocess flow

User Ro oles and H Hierarchy

Invoice SG GA



SNA A AP Clerk

Scanning In nvoice, Creatiing Invoice as log or direcct.


Validate thee data with syystem 21, Closes request.

Branch head

Access log rrequests, App proves, Submiit to Dispute.

Disputte Manger

Resolves thee dispute, Givves the Comm ments.


AJIRA Finaance

Creatin ng Invoice at SNA AP P Clerk dessk


Creating invoice is do one at SNA AP A Clerk deskk. Here the lo ogged user scans s the invvoice from vaarious suppliers and sends to FSSC (Financce Shared Service Centre) ffor processing.


Figure 2: Scanning in nvoice

Steps to sscan Invoice

1. Place the invoiice copy in th he scanner.

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2. Frrom Scanner Config panel, select the Source from dropdown.

3. Choose the pixxel type from m the dropdow wn box as BW W(Black and W White) or Gre ey or RGB(co olored co opy) to set th he color of thee scan copy.

4. Seelect the scan n type as ADFF (Auto docum ment feed) orr Duplex(to sccan both sides of invoice ccopy) 5. Seelect the file ttype as PDF o or TIFF.

6. C Click Scan to sscan the copyy into the app plication the sscanned copyy can be seen under AJIRA A Web Sccanner Previe ew.

7. To o preview the scan copy click Preview w. Use Rotate Right and Rotate Left options o to seet the po osition of the e scanned invoice 8. Click Create In nvoice to create invoice as direct posting or click C Create Invoice e as Log to ccreate nvoice as LOG G posting. in On successsfully comple etion of the aabove steps, system creattes a new invoice request with Inv code and displays itt in Invoice List panel. It w will also print a label with b bar code to reepresent the invoice reference number in n AJIRA. Pastte the label to o the physicall invoice copyy for future reeference. •

C Check the des sired AJIRA In nv.Code and cclick Move to o FSSC for furrther processiing

Invoice SG GA


AJIRA Finaance

If there is any discrepancy o or ambiguity in invoice, FSSSC can send tthe request b back to the originator of th he request byy clicking FSSC C Rejected be efore beginniing the process.

* aree mandatory

Th he fields marked as

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If the Possting type is D Direct:



Figure 3: Requests att FSSC

C Click Requestt Completed option to closse the requesst.

If the Possting type is LLog: •

C Click Submit t to Business A Approval to seend the requeest to Branch Head for furtther processing

Requessts at Bran nch Head

On processsing the invo oice request for Log posting by FSSC and submittingg to Branch H Head, it appeears in the brancch head’s inbo ox. To accesss invoice requ uest, point the cursor to A Accounts Payaable in main menu and click IInvoice. The d default Invoicce page opens consisting o of Search and Invoice List p panels. •

In n Invoice List panel, click d desired AJIRA A Inv.Code to open the req quest form

U User will find two options‐ Approved an nd Invoice in Dispute

Iff the invoice can be approved, click Approved. A Th he invoice iteem will be moved m to FSSSC for further processs

a and d would need d the attentio on of a dispu ute manager,, click Iff the invoice cannot be approved In nvoice in Disspute to send d the request to Dispute M Manager to taake necessaryy action to reesolve the dispute.

Invoice SG GA


AJIRA Finaance

Paym ment Request In AJIRA ffinance the p payment requ uest is initiateed by AP manager There are 3 types o of payments being handled from AJIRA 1. Paayment Run : Payment for many invoicces 2. Adhoc Paymen A nt: Payment ffor a single in nvoice 3. Paay by Creditt card or Wirre Transfer(C CCWT): Immeediate Paymeent through payment gatteway ussing card or w wire transfer

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Processs flow diag gram for P Payment R Run and Ad dhoc

Figure 6: Pa ayment process for Adho oc and Payment Run

Payment Request


AJIRA Finaance

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Processs flow diag gram for C CCWT

Figure 7: Pro ocess flow fo or CCWT

User Ro oles and H Hierarchy User

R Roles

AP maanger

Create Invoice(Adhoc, Payment Run), Print Check, Ente C er P Payment Ref no. for CC. C Confirmation at System 21 1 data, Close rrequests, Upload in BOA

FSSC D Desk Brancch Head

Creates Invoicce (CCWT), geet data for iteem ref., Makke Payment fo C or C CC

Treasury Manger

E Enter Paymen nt Ref no. for WT, Make Paayment for W WT

Payment Request


AJIRA Finaance

Requessts at Bran nch Trade clerk Desk k On proceessing the req quest by FSSSC to Branch h Trade clerkk for credit PIV P for all in nvoices wherre the statement value does not match with w the Systtem 21 valuee appears in the t inbox of the Branch Trade T Clerk. ws the invoice and makes the required d change in Syystem21 and then, Here, the Branch Trade clerk review clicks Cred dit PIV Done to move the request to FSSSC.



F Figure 24 PIV V Credited by b Branch

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On successsful complettion of the fo ollow up actiivity by the concerned, c m move the reco onciliation tyype of these invo oices to Exactt Match in Syys21 and conffirm that stattus is moved to Ready for Payment. On nce all the invoicces are move ed to Ready ffor Payment or Invoice Caancelled clickk Reconciliattion Completted to move the request to co ompleted state.

P or Invoice Canccelled To complete recconciliation, all invoice(s)) must be in Ready For Payment Status.

Invoice Reeconciliation


AJIRA Finaance

Appendix Major A Actions pe erformed i in Invoice SGA proce ess Task Exe ecuted

Dispute Resolved

Invoice Seent to Disputee Manager wiill be resolved d.

Invoice D Dispute

The Invoicce Dispute is send to Disp pute Manageer by Branch Heead.

FSSC Rejjected

If there is any discrepaancy in the invvoice the request d at FSSC Desk. is rejected

Need mo ore Informattion Dispute

The request is sent back b to Disp pute manager by more information. FSSC for m

Request Completed

The Requeest is closed aat FSSC .

Get Dataa

Get the daata from Systtem 21.




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Submit to Businesss The requeest is send to o Branch Head for invoicce as Approvaal log by FSSSC.

Major A Actions pe erformed i in Paymen nt Process


Task Executed E

Create Ad dhoc Payment

Createss a request for Payment for one partticular supplier or invoice Createss a request for Payment fo or many Invoices or supplierrs

Create Payment Run


Submit fo or Check Run

The request is send tto AP Manageer by FSSC

Check Prin nted

The cheeck is printed by AP Maanger and seend to FSSC

New CCW WT Payment

New reequest is creeated for Creedit Card orr wire Transfer Payment


AJIRA Finaance

Acron nyms Descriptio on


Automatic Document Feeeder


Bank of Am merica


Black and W White


Credit Card and Wire Traansfer


Finance Shaared Service C Centre


Portable Do ocument Form mat


Purchase In nvoice


Red Green Blue

Stationary ggeneral administrator

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Tagged Imaage File Formaat


AJIRA Finaance

Index x



About Cale endar, 5

New Reconciliation n, 23


O Onlin ne Help Files, 1 1



Check Prin nting, 19 create CCW WT, 20

Paym ment Request, 17 Postiing type is Dire ect, 10 Postiing type is Logg, 10


Bank of Am merica, 20 Branch Traade clerk, 27




Dispute manager, 11

Reco onciliation Stattus, 26 Relatted Documentts, 1

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H Help Panel, 5



Signiificant Feature es, 3

Inbox, 4


T Treassury Manager,, 21

Logging intto the applicattion, 6



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AJIRA Finaance

Contaact Informattion Agility E Services (p) Ltd. 4 FFloor, C Blocck, My Home e Hub, Madh hapur, Hyd derabad‐ 50 00 081. Tel: +91‐40‐665 571717 Fax: +91‐40‐665 571919 th



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