March 8, 2016

Page 7

Drake Women’s Basketball finished its perfect conference season with a 105-89 victory over Wichita State on March 4.


Two editors look at housing options for sophomores, Morehouse and Ross. Morehouse is seen as a better option for upperclassmen than Ross because of distance from classes and better upkeep in general. Read more on page 6.

Second year law student, Logan Shine recounts his journey from the friend zone, to the first date, to the proposal to marriage with his high school sweetheart in this week’s Humans of Drake. Read more on page 8.

Bulldogs succeed in historic season: remaining undefeated, 18-0, in the MVC. They will face either Indiana State or Illinois State in the second round of the MVC tournament on March 10. Read more on page 12.

Former board member sues university

A former Drake trustee is suing the university, alleging he was kicked off the board after he repeatedly complained about how Drake investigated a sexual assault allegation against his son.

Trustee Tom Rossley was removed from the board last July after serving 23 years. He sued in U.S. District Court on Feb. 17.

investigator, Mary Howell Sirna, the Title IX Coordinator at Iowa State University.

Drake Assistant Director of Campus Public Safety Tricia McKinney helped conduct the investigation.

The university then expelled Rossley’s son in spring 2016 for violating Drake’s student code of conduct.

Rossley alleges that Drake mishandled the investigation by overlooking his son’s accusation that he was sexually assaulted by the female student, earlier in the evening.

of his disabled son’s rights to school officials and the Board of Trustees. Instead of remedying the school’s numerous unlawful actions, they instead instituted an immediate attack on Mr. Rossley and effectively silenced and covered up his complaints, to the direct detriment of his family, career, and Drake University’s students.”

Rossley’s lawsuit says his son has ADHD, language-based learning disabilities and anxiety.

Drake’s director of public relations, Jarad Bernstein, issued a statement on behalf of the university:

The search is on for the new Dean of Students. The search committee has selected three finalists. All three have come to speak to students, faculty and staff throughout the past week.

Dr. Khalilah T. Doss, Dr. Brandon Barile-Swain and Dr. Jerry Parker are the three finalists up for the position.

Doss presented on Feb. 24, Barile-Swain presented on Feb. 28 and Parker presented Tuesday.


Rossley’s son, a former Drake student, was accused by a female Drake student of sexual assault in October 2015. The university investigated the complaint, as required by Title IX.

Title IX is a federal law that says that students “are protected from sex-based discrimination, harassment, or violence, whether it occurs on or off campus,” according to Drake’s Title IX website. This law requires Drake to respond to and restrain sexual harassment or violence.

Because Rossley’s son was the son of a board member, Drake brought in an outside

He also alleges that the university didn’t accommodate his son’s disabilities throughout the investigation.

“While engaging in a biased and unlawful Title IX investigation of Mr. Rossley’s disabled son, the officials at Drake University purposefully ignored and failed to investigate the student’s numerous pleas for help after he was sexually assaulted by a female student,” said Andrew Miltenberg, Rossley’s lawyer who is from New York, in an email.

“My client made numerous efforts to address the heinous violations

The investigators, Sirna and McKinney, discriminated against him by not giving him “any of the necessary and legally mandated accommodations” for his disabilities, the lawsuit says.

Rossley said he informed Acting Dean of Students Jerry Parker of his son’s disabilities in December 2015, but Parker seemed “disinterested,” according to the lawsuit.

In February 2016, the university investigation concluded that Rossley’s son committed misconduct, and he was expelled from Drake.

According to the lawsuit, Rossley’s son appealed the decision, but was not successful.

“Drake University takes seriously its commitment to provide a safe and productive educational environment for all of its students. This case is no exception. After an initial review of the complaint filed by former trustee Tom Rossley, Sr., the University disagrees with the plaintiff’s depictions of the alleged actions of the parties involved. There are clear differences of opinion about how this situation evolved, and we look forward to presenting a vigorous defense in court. In recognition of the University’s obligations under federal law and out of respect for the privacy of those individuals involved, no further comment will be offered.”

In the fall of 2015, a female student alleged that she had been sexually assaulted by Rossley’s son, who was identified in the lawsuit as a member of the Class of 2016. Drake’s Title IX investigation led to the expulsion of Rossley’s son.

O’Malley talks voting rights, denounces proposed voter ID law

discourage people from voting and make it harder for people to vote,” O’Malley said.

In an address likening political strategies to plays in a football game, former presidential candidate Martin O’Malley called on Drake students to take both offensive and defensive action against measures in the Iowa state Senate that would restrict voting rights. A crowd of about 40 people welcomed the former governor of Maryland to Pomerantz Stage last Saturday, ready to discuss the implications of a proposed bill.

Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate proposed the Election Integrity Act in early February, which would require voters to show a photo ID from the Iowa Department of Transportation at election booths.

Assistant Iowa Attorney General Nathan Blake, who also spoke at the event, said signature verification has little to no evidential backing as a potential means of targeting voter impersonation fraud.

“What we see is that state after state, particularly states with republican majorities, have been pushing for voter ID requirements and laws that, under the guise of securing the right to vote, actually

Blake said that the measure is a strategic initiative to reduce voter turnout in students who tend to be more politically progressive. Jordan Sabine, who helped organize the event, said it would especially affect out-of -state students.

“It’s going to really limit Drake students because so many of us are from out-of-state,” said Jordan Sabine, senior strategic political communications major. “We may not have an Iowa ID or driver’s license and we would have to make the effort to go get one of those in order to vote.”

O’Malley urged people to voice their disapproval of the Election Integrity Act as a defensive operation against “encroachment on voting rights.” The offensive tactic, O’Malley said, is to establish a fundamental constitutional right to vote.

“I think most Americans are surprised to hear that there isn’t a constitutional right to vote,” O’Malley said. “If there were a constitutional right to vote in the U.S. Constitution, then there would be a much higher level of scrutiny that would be applied to these laws and many would probably be found unconstitutional.”

O’Malley has long been an advocate of accessible voting. Under his jurisdiction, over 50,000 felons in Maryland had their right to vote restored. He also expanded early voting periods and made same-day registration available.

“Fundamental to our system of government is the belief that we are all in this together, that we need each other, that, in fact, democracy only works when more people participate, not fewer,” O’Malley said.

O’Malley said that the key to gaining back a Democratic Congress lies with “tapping into this wellspring of younger candidates and getting them to run for state and local office.” This involves removing obstacles that impede the votes of the younger generation, including the addition of multiple days for voting, expanding early voting, easy access to absentee ballots, and extending hours on voting day.

“History has shown that dissidence only succeeds when citizens check out of the process,” O’Malley said, “when parties become weak, when the press become weak, when other institutions fail to provide the checks against the trampling of our constitutional rights.”

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campus Ivy Beckenholdt Copy Editor @pinkyisstinky98 CONTINUED ON PAGE 3
MacEnulty Staff Writer @lorienmacenulty Dean of Students
appeal to
MARTIN O’MALLEY asks students to oppose the Election Integrity Act, which would require certain IDs to vote. Iowa Secretary of State Paul Pate said it would prevent voter fraud. PHOTO BY LÓRIEN MACENULTY | STAFF WRITER Jessica
The weekly student newspaper of Drake University OPINIONS FEATURES SPORTS Vol. 136 | No. 18 | Wed. March 08, 2016

Hillel hosts first Purim carnival, teaches Jewish culture

reading of Megillah, a carnival, costumes, masks, gift-giving and hamantaschen, a special cookie in the shape of a triangle, designed to mock Haman’s triangular hat.

Drake Hillel’s Purim Carnival brought both Jewish and nonJewish students together at the Hillel House on March 3, a little over a week after a Jewish student found an anti-Semitic slur carved into a desk in Meredith Hall.

“I’m really pleased with the turnout and the amount of people that came, and the genuine interest that you could see that they had about learning about Purim,” said Breya Whitefield, Hillel board member and co-vice president of Tikkun Olam.

Purim is one of two Jewish holidays not found in the Torah. It celebrates the defeat of Haman’s plot to kill the Jews in the Book of Esther, Megillah. Typical celebrations include a

While carnivals are typical celebrations for Purim, this was the first time Drake Hillel has hosted a Purim carnival.

“We’ve tailored it to our house, to the spaces we have in our house, rather than having like a huge … carnival,” said Drake Hillel president Tali Eisenstadt.

Purim occurs on the 14th of Adar in the Hebrew calendar, beginning the evening of March 11 through March 12 of this year, but Hillel hosted its carnival on March 4 to avoid conflicts with midterms and spring break.

Eisenstadt said the holiday would always be important but was especially important in light of the recent incident in Meredith Hall and because of other attacks

happening around the country.

“In light of what happened, it has become so crucial that we get a celebration in here, and that we can find some light at this time,”

Eisenstadt said. “I think it’s bringing much needed relief and some joy to our community.”

Eisenstadt said the carnival, with an estimated attendance of more than 40 people, had a great turnout of both Jews and nonJews.

Julie Uram, a non-Jewish first-year, said she came to the carnival to support her friends in Drake Hillel. Caroline Gander, also a non-Jewish first-year, said she thought the carnival would be a fun way to fulfill a cultural event requirement she had for a class. Both students said they learned a lot about Jewish tradition and culture.

“I’ve been here for less than an hour, and I’ve already learned a ton about Purim and the Jewish tradition that I would not have otherwise learned,” Gander said. Both students expressed sadness over the Meredith Hall incident and said the carnival was an important educational experience.

“I think it’s important to learn what’s valuable and traditional to our friends and our fellow students,” Uram said. “It helps

me realize that the holidays I celebrate are not what everybody does.”

Whitefield said making connections also made the event special.

“Besides the education aspect, I think making Jewish connections is important,” Whitefield said. “Because you hear about Hillel, but it’s not the same as going to the house and meeting all the people who are a part of it.”

Organizers said this likely won’t be the last Purim carnival held.

“I think it’d be a great thing to make this an annual event if we can,” said Eisenstadt. “I think it was just really, really fun.”

Drake Hillel will be hosting a Holocaust speaker on April 7 and a Passover Seder on April 10. They also plan to hold more Shabatt dinners (meals held on the Jewish day of rest) and education events about Israel.

for Malaysian students

On March 3, the Drake Malaysian Students’ Association (MASA) hosted Mamak: The Night That Never Sleeps. The event spanned three houses: La Casa, the Black Cultural House, and the CAYA House. Arrivals were served authentic Malaysian cuisine and drinks and could play some eSports.

The event was an attempt to emulate the feel of a common restaurant in Malaysia.

“In Malaysia, mamak is a 24hour restaurant where you can get anything, like the rice and noodles you saw here. You can get random western foods, soup, you name it,” said Vidya Velloo, vice president of Drake MASA. “We just wanted to replicate that whole atmosphere here at Drake because it’s something that’s really close to all of our hearts. You’d never find someone (in Malaysia) who said ‘Oh, I’ve never been to a mamak, I don’t know what it is.’ People go there at least a few times a week.”

The president of Drake MASA, Grace Linn, said that they held the event to give Malaysians a piece of their home and spread their culture with others.

“We wanted to show what this was all about,” Linn said. “When we talk about our culture, we get so excited, but nobody knows what you’re really talking about, so we wanted to show it.”

The two said that their event, while crowded and busy, was just a small representation of what a

mamak stall in Malaysia is like.

“When we were yelling, ‘Number 85, order 85,’ that’s something that they would do, but what we did was like a fraction of that,” said Velloo. “They would be shouting from the beginning. It’s chaotic, but it’s fun, and we tried to replicate that.”

Some of the added chaos may come from actual mamak stalls being a larger-scale operation. Linn said that the stalls are typical hang out spots to watch sports and meet up with friends, and they have a lot more food than the five dishes served at Drake’s mamak event.

“There’s a large selection of food and drinks,” Linn said. “What we had tonight is less than a fraction of what they really have at a real mamak,” she said.

This isn’t the first food-based event that MASA has held.

“We did a (preliminary version) where we actually sold food,” Linn said. “We got good feedback from that. We had a large crowd, maybe a bit bigger than the one today, because we did that in Olmsted breezeway so we had more space.”

Linn said that Drake MASA generally has free food at their various events, because they want to share Malaysian cuisine with others.

“It’s also a big part of who we are as Malaysians,” said Velloo.

“We get really excited about our food. If you ask a Malaysian to tell you about themselves, they will come up with something to do with food.”

NEWS 02 | news March 08, 2017 Samantha
Contributing @samanthaohlson
CARNIVAL attendees learned about Jewish customs and traditions.
Drake Rhone Staff Writer @drakerhone Mamak brings piece of home to Des
HAMANTASCHEN is a pastry made for the Jewish holiday Purim. PHOTO BY SAMANTHA OHLSON | CONTRIBUTING WRITER

Guest speaker a ‘role model’ for those in Best Buddies

Katie Meade, the first model with Down syndrome to become the face of a national beauty brand, spoke on Pomerantz Stage on March 2. Meade’s talk was part of Spread the Word to End the Word Week, a national movement focused on ending the use of the word “retard” (R-word) to describe anyone or anything.

In organizing the week’s event with Meade, Jessica Campbell, the president of Drake Best Buddies, said that they learned of Meade as a possible speaker through Melanie Hopkins, the program manager of Best Buddies Drake.

“We worked through her a lot, but the idea came that we really wanted to challenge people’s idea of beauty,” Campbell said. “To bring someone that would redefine what people think beautiful is...”

Meade gave a brief synopsis of her life and her successes before telling the crowd how she was first introduced to the R-word and

how she believed that it should no longer be used because of the way that it makes disabled persons and their family members feel.

Campbell said that while this event isn’t the only thing the organization does for Best Buddies or Spread the Word to End the Word Week, Meade’s appearance was powerful.

“We do a lot of events,” Campbell said. “We had a table set up for a pledge during the week, we also have a fundraiser at the end of March, just because a lot of people support spread the word to end the word week, but it’s Best Buddies month. We really wanted to bring someone in as a model. Not necessarily a fashion model, but a role model for the community to see that everybody does have talents. Everybody can be anything they want.”

Campbell added that Meade could act as a model for the buddies.

“From a buddy’s perspective, it shows them, ‘Hey this is what you can do, this is what you can become,’” Campbell said. “Best Buddies is really instrumental in that.”

Meade said she chose to speak

at Drake University due to her long standing relationship with the buddy program.

“I got matched in the buddy program with Taylor from Drake,” Meade said. “And then Melanie (Hopkins) worked for Buddies in

Des Moines, and I have done lots of stuff with her like Bible study and just getting to know her and her family.”

Meade said that she believed the event had a great turnout, and that events like this one are

important to making a difference for the Spread the Word to End the Word cause.

“I’d love to come back, if you think you all would have me,” Meade said.

Former board member raises concerns regarding son’s sexual assault case


The son then sued Drake in federal court on Dec. 1, 2016, under the name “John Doe.” Rossley’s lawsuit also claimed the university “purposefully and maliciously” ignored the son’s own report of sexual assault.

After the investigation was under way, Rossley’s son reported that he had been assaulted by the female complainant earlier in the night, according to the lawsuit. Rossley’s son, reported


in his separate lawsuit, told investigators that the female “initiated the sexual contact” and he “was not able to give consent that night” due to intoxication. Rossley’s lawsuit claims that Rossley then contacted Parker to discuss the investigation.

Rossley’s lawsuit alleges that Parker said that his son’s claim was “retaliatory.” The lawsuit says that Rossley felt the university disregarded his son’s claim and immediately gave the female student “immunity.”

The lawsuit then goes on to

contend that Rossley’s son was forced to act as his own advocate during nine-hour disciplinary hearing, despite his disabilities. The lawsuit also added that in this hearing, the female accuser “admitted, on the record … to sexually assaulting Plaintiff’s disabled son without his consent.”

The case filed by Rossley cited similar allegations against Drake, including failure to conduct a full investigation and favoring the female accuser.

After the hearing, the lawsuit says that Rossley repeatedly

complained to fellow board members about Drake’s investigation. On April 7, 2016, Rossley sent an email to Parker and retired trustees Chairman Larry Zimpleman, raising concerns about how his son’s case was handled. According to the lawsuit, no one responded to the email.

On April 26, 2016, Rossley sent an email to the board to reiterate his concerns.

“They knew, and it (the investigation) was not done,” Rossley wrote, as stated in the

lawsuit. The lawsuit claims that Rossley received support from other board members.

However, later that day, Zimpleman sent an email telling members not to discuss the issue, according to the lawsuit.

The lawsuit claims that after Rossley contacted trustees, the board took steps to remove Rossley as a trustee.

In July 2016, Rossley was voted off the board “for cause” during a telephone conference of trustees, according to the lawsuit.

Dean of Student applicants at a glance

Students can look at cover letters and curriculum vitae of the applicants at

Dr. Brandon Barile-Swain Dr. Khalilah T. Doss

Dr. Khalilah Doss was the first to present in Sussman Theater. She currently serves as the assistant dean of students at Lincoln University in Jefferson City, MO. Doss received her doctorate from Southern Illinois University.

Dr. Doss opened up her presentation by explaining that it took her five years to finish undergrad at McKendree University. She said that she likes to be upfront with her students because they can connect with her story.

Dr. Doss said she prides herself in supporting, educating, advocating and leading her students.

“If you want to be a change agent, you have to do the work,” Dr. Doss said.

Dr. Doss’s presentation also focused on how different lenses can affect how a student looks at Drake. In her presentation, she compared students to the film Monsters University, realizing that every student looks different when they come to college.

She ended her presentation by talking about advocacy and diversity.

“Being an advocate is a verb,” Dr. Doss said. “You can’t just sit there and say, ‘Hey I’m an advocate.’”

Dr. Brandon Barile-Swain is currently an Assistant Dean of Students at Hobart and William Smith Colleges. He received his doctorate from Northeastern University where he focused on leadership and how gender expectations play a role in that. Dr. Barile-Swain said he strives to make sure that administration understands and empathizes with the needs of students.

According to Dr. Barile-Swain’s website, teaching personal empowerment is one of the best parts of his job. He helps students develop “self awareness and self management skills based on developing emotional intelligence.”

Dr. Barile-Swain stated that he would want to amplify voices of those who feel they are not heard. According to Dr. Barile-Swain, he would listen to students regardless of their political stances.

Being an active listener is something that Dr. BarileSwain said he strives to do. In order to make a decision he said he would want to understand and coordinate with others, in order to see the whole picture.

Dr. Barile-Swain said if he were hired he would want to make efforts to connect with students in Olmsted and to walk around campus in order to get to know students.

Dr. Jerry Parker

Dr. Jerry Parke is currently Drake’s Interim Dean of Students. He received his B.A. and M.A. from Texas State University. He completed his Ph.D. at Texas A&M University. His presentation focused on civic professionalism and how it can be incorporated more at Drake.

He said the campus needs to work together with the community and that people need to have discussions with each other in order to better understand one another.

A problem that Parker said he sees on campus is the lack of respect and conversations between those who are different. A way that he said to combat this is to promote students talking to those who are different than them.

Parker also stated that he encourages students interacting with the community in order to enrich student education.

Parker said the transition from having one person handling the Dean of Students role instead of having both an Associate Dean and a Dean may be beneficial. Parker stated that this can help ensure that both the day to day and long term goals are carried out more.

NEWS 03 | news March 08, 2017
KATIE MEADE talked about what it is like to work in the modeling industry and about ending the use of the R-word. PHOTO BY DRAKE RHONE | STAFF WRITER


Consumer boycotts affect company employees, not employers

I am an avid believer that if you believe in something, you should stand up for it. However, I’m not sure I can put that same ideology towards consumer boycotts. Now don’t get me wrong, I think that boycotting the use of a product is sometimes necessary.

It can be useful when you want to make the company know that

what they are doing is wrong, that way they can change it.

For example, boycotting the use of certain shampoo products when they test them on animals is a great way to voice your opinion.

But, if you’re tweeting about not going to Starbucks anymore while using their wifi, knowing you can’t resist their Frappuccinos for too long, it may not be very useful to boycott.

Yes, boycotts may make sales go down for some time, but people will forget about it and the news cycle will move on to something else.

The thing that I struggled with, however, was if I’m really opposed to a product, I have to boycott it right? I’m starting to think that a consumer boycott is not the way to go.

Maybe I should just advocate for what I want the company to change, instead of torturing myself by going without the McDonald’s breakfast I want. I say this because I don’t think that

consumer boycotts are affecting the people at the top as much as they are the people who work for them.

If someone is attacking a brand, I think that has more power than resisting to buy a product. It would take a large number of people to stop buying this product in order for there to be a large enough consequence to the people at the top.

I feel that if sales go down, the CEOs will simply give the axe to employees in order to compensate so that the people in power can still have large financial profits.

This is something I consider when I want to boycott Hardee’s.

The CEO of CKE restaurants

— which includes Hardee’s — Andrew Puzder, has a different set of political morals than I do. He was nominated to become the U.S. Secretary of Labor by President Donald Trump, but he withdrew after numerous complaints. I don’t want to go to a restaurant that is run by a man

who, according to a New York Times article by Noam Scheiber, has a conservative agenda. While this makes me not want to go to Hardee’s, I still have to consider if me not buying a product will really matter.

I don’t think me boycotting going to this restaurant will matter, but I think effective protesting of that brand can make a difference and this is the direction people should go.

Continuing to use a product even though you disagree with the people who create it can still be difficult.

Personally, I like to use Uber and need it sometimes, but when it came to light that Uber’s CEO supported Donald Trump, it was difficult for me to use the app.

In this situation, it can be difficult to know what to do.

People whose opinions I respect say not to use Uber anymore because of the company’s decisions lately. Yet, at the end of the day, I think that it would be

more useful for me to not take my anger out on a service, but to construct it to actually make change. I think that if someone is passionate enough about a cause, they should advocate for it in whatever way they see fit, not simply by doing what others are doing.

Personally, consumer boycotts can be confusing. One day we are supposed to boycott Starbucks because of the way they treat coffee farmers, and then we are supposed to love Starbucks because they are going to hire 10,000 refugees. The way to take this is to simply fight for what you personally believe in. If a company is doing something you oppose, help fight for the issue, not against the company.

Emma Watson wrongfully faces controversy over Vanity Fair cover

HeForShe, which calls for gender equality and delivered an amazing speech about it in the process.

I’ve been a fan of Watson for a long time, not only because she is a gifted actress, but also because she continues to do great things in her personal life, such as advocate for girls’ education in developing countries and feminism.

just because she is showing a little more skin than usual.

it may seem at first because it shows that feminism is still widely misunderstood, even by selfproclaimed “feminists.”

If you’re looking for a good role model, you can’t get much better than Emma Watson.

Aside from playing Hermione in the Harry Potter film series — one of my favorite literary characters of all time (cliché, I know) — she is a Brown University graduate and a goodwill ambassador for UN Women.

In 2014, she helped UN Women create the campaign

When I heard about the controversy surrounding her recent Vanity Fair cover, I was honestly surprised. As Watson said, feminism is about choice. It shouldn’t be about criticizing or telling another woman to act a certain way. It should be about the opposite.

To hear other so-called feminists criticize Watson for being “racy” or whatever is the opposite of what feminism should stand for.

Julia Hartley-Brewer, a radio presenter, tweeted that Watson was being hypocritical for showing her breasts and speaking publicly about feminism. It is absolutely ridiculous to dismiss everything that Watson stands for


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The fact that other women are shaming Watson for this Vanity Fair cover is a bigger issue than it may seem at first because it shows that feminism is still widely misunderstood, even by self-proclaimed “feminists.”

Watson has the choice to pose for a magazine cover in any way that she wants to. Her choice should not affect how seriously she is taken as a woman and a feminist. I wouldn’t expect to not be taken seriously because I’m not constantly wearing a turtleneck.

The fact that other women are shaming Watson for this Vanity Fair cover is a bigger issue than

Feminism is not an additional restriction to be placed on people, but a means of personal freedom and choice.

One thing you shouldn’t do is shame someone for what they wear and not take someone seriously because of how they’re dressed.

Watson is surprised with the negative reactions she’s receiving, and so am I. With all of the other issues going on in the world now, I’m shocked to see that this is currently one of the most controversial issues. The debate over Watson’s magazine cover, to me, is crazy.

Who cares what body parts Watson is showing? It has no impact on her being a feminist or her advocating for gender equality.

How conservative you are with your clothing is not an indicator of your status as a feminist or if you should be taken seriously or not.

Judging a woman’s intelligence based off what she wears, or how much skin she’s showing is taking a step back, not forward. Feminists know this — clothing should not be used to shame or blame.

Everyone should be allowed to dress however they want without it being damaging to how they’re perceived.

Regardless of how other people are perceiving this cover as, to me it is not a representation of Watson’s beliefs or intelligence. It is just a magazine cover with Emma Watson on it. Watson will continue to be a role model of mine, and I look forward to her advocacy plans and films in the future.

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Ivy Beckenholdt Copy Editor
SOME products Starbucks, Uber and Hardee’s have been boycotted due to choices and opinions from their business leaders. Beckenholdt thinks the boycotts lack purpose. IMAGES COURTESY OF FACEBOOK


Thundercat’s ‘Drunk’ examines the episodes of an intoxicated night

the soft rock and soul music of the ’70s and ’80s, making this Brainfeeder’s most accessible release.

“Drunk” gets off to a chaotic start, with the double-time tempo of “Captain Stupido” imagining a hangover after a night gone sour.

“I feel weird … I think I left my wallet at the club … Jesus take the wheel,” Thundercat pines, getting ready to head out again. The following “Uh Uh” is a pure jazz instrumental, evoking feelings of the whirlwind pre-gaming that’s done before hitting the bars.

Once the radio jingle “Bus In These Streets” rolls around, he’s back on his way to the club.


Thundercat is riotous on the former, where he sings about rejection: “I’m your biggest fan, but I guess that’s just not good enough / Don’t call me or text me after 2 a.m. / Unless you’re planning on giving me some.” The song is so childish and ridiculous that I legitimately laughed out loud the first time I heard it; our drunk minds seem to take things really personally, and Thundercat’s accurate portrayal of the inebriated mind makes the record relatable.

On the song “Nights,” from last year’s Blonde, Frank Ocean dropped some cutting edge knowledge on how the dynamic between sober and intoxicated lifestyles works: “Every night f**** every day up / Every day patches the night up.” These nights can be hilarious, frightening, disorienting and heartbreaking –sometimes all at once.

It’s all too relatable for many college students and other young adults who routinely make poor or unhealthy decisions on the weekends after being diligent, model students during the school week.

On Thundercat’s newest album, aptly titled “Drunk,” the man born Stephen Bruner examines that state of mind as his night progresses from sober optimism to inebriate paranoia and disappointment.

The record is as schizophrenic and inattentive as a man on ecstasy (recalling Thundercat’s breakthrough “Oh Sheit It’s X”), with its 23 tracks spanning a tight 51 minutes. (Only about half of these tracks are full-fledged songs.)

If you’re familiar with the Brainfeeder record label that “Drunk” is being distributed on, you’ll immediately recognize the jazz fusion revival that we’ve seen from artists like Flying Lotus and Kamasi Washington. But this time, Thundercat has embraced

At this point, Thundercat is pretty impaired, and we see that through his inability to focus on any one topic for a few minutes at a time.

“A Fan’s Mail,” “Lava Lamp” and “Jethro” all deal with mortality; the former talks about the death of Thundercat’s beloved pet cat. This sort of black humor is a major recurring theme within Brainfeeder’s releases, and “Drunk” is the funniest record in recent memory – a self-aware romp about how self-serious many people become when they’re intoxicated.

After dealing with his demons through his fear of death, Thundercat moves to something far more immediate: love. The lovely “Show You The Way,” featuring ’70s soft rock greats Kenny Loggins and Michael McDonald, is Thundercat trying to convince a girl that her start is struggling, and that he has the solution.

Unfortunately, as it frequently goes, his advances aren’t taken well. Thundercat realizes this on “Walk On By” as he sings “I need to know why I act this way; no one wants to drink alone, but that’s how it goes.” (The song also features an awesome and hilarious verse from Kendrick Lamar; Thundercat was featured prominently on Lamar’s opus “To Pimp A Butterfly.”) It all comes to a head on the gargantuan doubleheader of “Friend Zone” and “Them

“Them Changes,” with its thundering bass groove and passionate vocals, is Thundercat turning the melodrama up even further. “Nobody move, there’s blood on the floor / And I can’t find my heart,” he sings, stopping

the party and making a scene just because he was rejected. Afterwards, he finally gathers himself enough to just party for the rest of the night, but the damage is done.

While the album’s themes and lyrics are hilariously relatable, and the music is always pleasant, Thundercat leaves a lot to be desired as a vocalist.

His soft, airy falsetto is great for the themes of psychedelia that he tries to promote, but he is completely overshadowed by Loggins and McDonald as well as Pharrell on “The Turn Down.”

I also wish Thundercat would’ve experimented a little bit more.

For someone who cut his teeth as a bass virtuoso, “Drunk’s” music is very safe and one-note. Maybe that was intentional in an

attempt to match the pleasant overall feeling of being drunk, but it doesn’t always make for exhilarating listening.

The album’s closer, “DUI,” shows Thundercat as last call at the club is being served; “Bottom of the glass / At this point you’ve made an ass / And your friends will let you know tomorrow,” sounds uncomfortably real. But there’s a moment of hope within the darkness of a night gone wrong: “There’s always tomorrow.”

Then, when “Drunk” restarts, you realize that the melodies of the album’s opener and closer are the same; the cycle continues, with no end in sight.

The looks of ‘90s icons live on ‘in today’s fashion-savvy youth’

Britney Spears can wear anything and look amazing including a yellow snake, or even denim on denim. A daring trend that is back today.

Alicia Silverstone, famous for her diva role in Clueless, could pull off a silk slip dress like no other. She paired the tiny dress with a plain tee shirt and looked fantastic. A street style that I love and have seen many others adapting as well.

The choker movement is a

The 1990s were an iconic time of fashion. The era left the world with long lasting trends that have again appeared in today’s fashion-savvy youth. Whether it is chokers, crop-tops or Doc Marten boots, they are back, and they are not going away.

Grunge is nothing new, it has always been around and I believe it will always be prevalent in fashion. The styles that make up grunge are dynamic and constantly changing. Although there are plenty of fresh fads, right now, fashion is in retrograde.

There is nothing wrong with going backwards. After all, the trends were popular at one time for a reason. The looks of ‘90s-era fashion icons like Gwen Stefani, Britney Spears and Alicia Silverstone will live on forever.

When I think of Gwen Stefani, I think of tiny blonde space buns and crop tops. Sound familiar? That’s because if you look around at any frat party, you’ll see at least three girls in the exact ensemble.

controversial one. You either love them or hate them. I think that they are a sexy accessory that can make any outfit more alluring. You can wear them with anything from a graphic tee to a tight dress meant for a night out on the town. Types of chokers range from a skinny black lace to a thick velvet one, to a simple string with a cute jewel, like a moon, attached. Showing off your belly is seen as a rebellious thing to do. So, of course, crop-tops are a huge

favorite for many women. This trend is seen today, but is very different from the one seen in the 1990s.

Back then, low-rise jeans were favored, but these days, highwaisted jeans are very popular with a short top. In present day, women can be any shape and size and still rock a cropped shirt. Who cares if you are thicker? Society should not, it is your choice. I say, if you have the confidence to wear it, then you should wear it.

I do not own a pair of actual Doc Martens myself, but I do have a pair of army boots. Like the ’90s, they pair all too well with some faded denim jeans or sheer black tights for women. As for men, any pair of jeans with rolled bottoms go hand in hand with the boots. In today’s realm of fashion, if there is any ’90s trend you are dying to try out, go ahead and do it; grunge is in, throwback is in, so have fun with it.

05 | opinions March 08, 2017
Parker Klyn Music Critic @KlynParker
Emily Larson Fashion Columnist @emj_larson
THUNDERCAT poses submerged on the cover of his latest album, “Drunk.” PHOTO COURTESY OF BRAINFEEDER.


Campus housing showdown: Morehouse vs. Ross

Morehouse is offers more benefits for future sophomores

don’t get stuck in Morehouse because if you are a sophomore living with first years that would be just, the worst, right?

Well, I live in Morehouse as a sophomore and I think it’s the best. The rooms are big, the ceilings are high and it is literally the perfect location. And all the first-years are wonderful.

The location is my favorite part because I have gotten increasingly lazy each passing day here, and since campus is small, walking across Helmick Commons is a trek.

location is that it is a whole Helmick away from Hubbell and Quad Creek. Sometimes that can be sad, but last year I lived in Stalnaker and I would frequently make late night trips to Quad and the C-Store way too often. This distance keeps me at a manageable weight.

have to clean it. Granted, there isn’t a shower in the bathroom, so you still have to shower in the communal bathrooms, unless you head on down to the first floor where there is another single bathroom that has its own shower.

It’s March, and that means lottery numbers are out, firstyears are scrambling to find roommates and they are dreaming about the Goodwin-Kirk elevator rooms. They are also praying that they

Almost everything I need is a minute walk from me. I have the library to my right and Meredith to my left and I spend 90 percent of my time in those two buildings. If your favorite study space is the library and you are a journalism major, then live in Morehouse. No question.

The other nice thing about

If I’m guessing, a lot of sophomores overlook Morehouse because it is technically a freshman dorm, but it feels more like an old victorian hotel or bed and breakfast. The lobby is a little spooky, but charming and comforting. It’s unlike the other upperclassman dorms because it’s old and cozy, unlike Ross, which I’ve heard can be a dumpster or GK, which is like a bunker. Here is the other nice thing, there is a single bathroom on the third floor of Morehouse. So it’s really a win-win because we get our own bathroom and we don’t

Sounding good yet? Well wait, there’s more. The ceilings are very high. As a first-year in Stally, I was so excited to loft my bed, but I quickly realized it was not that great when I could hardly sit up. In Morehouse I have my bed fully lofted, which gives me more floor space and I can sit up with at least two inches of headspace above me.

The laundry room and kitchen is also a huge plus. I don’t cook, so it doesn’t much appeal to me, but sometimes I go down there to do my laundry and people are cooking up a fine meal or some chocolate chip cookies and if you’re sweet they might give you

one. Speaking of the people, they are great in Morehouse. Everyone is so social at the front desk and they always wish you a good day. People wave from the lobby and hold the door for you on your way in and out of the building. We are all kind of friends, in that wedon’t-hangout-but-I-really-likeyou kind of way.

Drake uses its freshman dorms to appeal to prospective students, and while Morehouse is not one of the main four, it is still nice. When my roommate and I were debating between Morehouse and Jewett in a spur of the moment, we chose Morehouse because it is technically a first-year dorm and Drake cares a lot more about the facilities in first year dorms than upperclassman dorms.

So, this is basically the simple summary of this whole article: consider living in Morehouse.

First-years thinking of housing for next year should avoid Ross

forgotten about. The whole building is basically a fire hazard (the elevator actually did catch fire two years ago), mostly because you can barely fit two people across on the stairs.

One of the biggest issues with Ross is that it’s not the safest.

Twice this year there’s been a shooting across the street, and it’s a longer walk to Drake’s campus. Which, late at night, can get shady if you’re by yourself.

Also, Ross has mice, and one even died in our room first semester, which you can guess was not the most pleasant experience.

The best advice I could give underclassmen: one, stop trying to do everything, and two, don’t choose to live in Ross.

Ross is the building I live in, that’s off campus and often

Ross is an old building, and is basically falling apart. The pipes will wake you up at seven in the morning, and most likely your shower has mold growing between it and the wall. On top of that, there’s a mysterious black sludge that drips out of the faucet

(just normal Ross things).

There are a few perks to being in Ross because you’re basically on your own, there’s doors that lock and a decent sized room. But it’s ridiculous that Drake has us pay the same amount for room and board here when we don’t get all of the benefits, such as the staff that clean the bathrooms in the other residence halls, a lobby that you can study or hang out in, a front desk that’s open 24 hours and mail that’s sent to your building.

You don’t only have to walk farther to get to class and Quad, but you also have to go to Goodwin-Kirk to pick up any packages you receive because the Ross front desk is only open for a few hours everyday. And forget making dinner in the kitchen, because again, the front desk isn’t open for very long.

People say we’re lucky to have our own bathroom, and I thought the same way at first until I realized you have to buy toilet paper, hand soap and extra cleaning supplies. I don’t mind having to clean, but I don’t understand why Ross residents pay the same amount when we have to pay for extra necessities and pay for facilities that don’t benefit us at all. Oh yeah, and there aren’t any light fixtures in the bedrooms so you have to make sure you buy a couple of big lamps. Basically, if you live at Ross you’re paying more than sophomores in other halls. Ross is also not handicap accessible at all. While most of Drake’s campus is not handicap accessible, Ross is one of the most badly equipped buildings. There’s an elevator, but it only goes to two different floors where

you are faced with another set of stairs to either go down or up. Ross cannot even be an option for students with handicaps, and I can’t imagine being injured and on crutches living here, that would still be incredibly difficult. Before paying for new buildings to be made, Drake needs to improve sophomore housing, such as Ross and GoodwinKirk. Drake does a great job of appealing to prospective students with their first-year housing, but their upper class dorms are going downhill, and housing for the last two years of college is pricier than it should be for struggling college students if you’re not living in a sorority or fraternity house.

To first years looking for their home for next year: don’t pick Ross.

06 | opinions March 08, 2017
Jessie Spangler Opinions Editor @jessiespangler3
Jessie Spangler Opinions Editor @jessiespangler3 FILE PHOTO

First Bubbly Tea House to open in Des Moines, attracts students

Two weeks ago a new shop popped up in DogTown, Bubbly Tea House.

This is a shop specifically serving tea, rather than a coffee shop that includes tea. This is the only tea-specific shop within a five mile radius of Drake campus and the only bubble tea shop in the Des Moines area.

Bubble tea was developed in Taiwan and is very popular in Eastern Asia.

The drinks are tea-based that are mixed with fruit or tea/coffee

flavors and often include tapioca balls or fruit jellies.

Sophomore April Xiao enjoys a close proximity to Bubbly.

“I like bubble tea because it is something reminds of home,” Xiao said. “I like the unique flavor of it and the texture of the bubbles. Before we had the the Bubbly Tea Shop, I had to go all the way to Ames to have a cup of bubble tea with my friends, but now it is just so convenient and awesome that we can have bubble tea with less than ten minutes walk.”

Ames is a 45 minute drive from Des Moines, so having to go to Ames each time one wants a cup of bubble tea is unrealistic for most students.

Since there is a lack of bubble

tea shops in Des Moines, “Bubbly” will draw in customers who are looking for something besides coffee and milkshakes.

“Bubble tea is a great drink when you want a cold drink that isn’t ridiculously sweet like a milkshake,” sophomore Allison Canaday said. “There is a huge variety of flavors like fruit and coffee which is a nice change from the typical chocolate and vanilla.”

Canaday noticed how Des Moines has a lacking of bubble tea shops and says the absence is causing people to just rely on coffee, regular tea and milkshakes.

Due to the large selection and variety of bubble tea, “Bubbly” has a customizable menu that allows each customer to create

a drink that aligns with their preferences.

Sophomore Grace Kercher had not tried bubble tea until visiting Bubbly.

“I got the ice cream matcha and it made my day so great,” Kercher said. “I’m glad I have this place to go to now to fuel my new addiction.” With this much variety, bubble tea appeals to almost all tea drinkers and even some non-tea drinkers.

When sophomore Lily Hull first tried bubble tea, she was confused by the amount of choices she could order.

After going to Bubbly, she can see a future of regularly visiting and trying many types of bubble tea.

“I love tea, so it was worth the

confusion once I got to drink it,” Hull said. “It’s a cute little shop that I think will be a cool new place to hang out at. There are so many coffee shops around that it’s nice to have a shop devoted to tea instead.”

With the variety of drink shops now in DogTown, including Mars Café, Healthy Living Juice Bar and now Bubbly Tea Shop, Drake students now have many options for a spring study spot.

Magazine designer Michael McCormick inspires students

“When we start to put an issue together for the magazine, we come up with a color palette for how the issue is going to shape up,” McCormick said.

The universe answered Michael McCormick’s wish to work at Martha Stewart Weddings magazine.

McCormick, the Design Director for Martha Stewart Weddings, came to Drake last Tuesday evening to talk to students about the steps that go into magazine design. He recalled saying how the only way he would move to New York City was if he worked for a Martha Stewart magazine. He got his wish in 2011.

McCormick first worked at a couple of small magazines, such as Cincinnati Magazine and Indianapolis Monthly, where resources were hard to come by, thanks to small budgets.

“It’s up to you to make it good. It’s up to you to be scrappy enough and to be able to be creative enough to pull something together to put on the page of a magazine,” McCormick said.

McCormick’s presentation included pictures of his design, including magazine covers and spreads of various color palettes, wedding cakes and table settings.

The color palette creates the foundation for the magazine. Content is created through the Art Director and a stylist on a photo shoot. Generally, the writer comes last.

“We start with the concept of the story and then produce the story, shoot the story, lay out the story, show it to the editor and the editor gives it her blessing and then it goes to the writer,” McCormick said.

Melissa Studach who is a Student Assistant for E.T. Meredith Magazine Online, asked McCormick to share his experience. Studach has been working on this project since last October.

“And he was so down to come out and do it, and I was shocked because he’s like a big league to me,” Studach said.

Studach saw McCormick discuss his work on the trip that junior magazine majors take to New York City every year.

“He was at the top of my mind when looking for someone to bring in,” Studach said.

“He spoke a bit about previous experience and jobs and whatnot and so then after his presentation within the glass I thought I would come and watch delve more into his work and examples and such,”

said sophomore Anna Gleason. McCormick’s stop at Drake proved valuable to students.

Gleason felt that she benefited from seeing McCormick speak.

“I haven’t really delved into

exploring magazine design, which is an entirely different realm of work and so it was really interesting to see someone speak extensively about that,” Gleason said.

07 | features March 08, 2017
McCormick spoke to a few classes last week as well.
BUBBY TEA HOUSE serves the popular Taiwanese beverage known as “Bubble Tea” in DogTown. The drink is a mixture of tea and tapioca balls with fruit jelly. PHOTOS BY ALEXIS CRUZ | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER
Natalie Larimer Staff Writer @larimerslogic CAMPUS EVENT
Jessie Spangler Opinions Editor @jessiespangler3 MARTHA STEWART WEDDINGS
presented at Drake last Tuesday to discuss his professional journey in magazine design and to inspire like-minded students. PHOTO BY JESSIE SPANGLER | OPINIONS EDITOR
designer Michael McCormick

Chinese night gives insight

Performance showcased to create understanding of culture

The heart of China, if adequately represented by Drake University’s annual Chinese Night, must be explosively colorful. It was the type of evening that could have launched its own eyeshadow palette, featuring a deep and theatrical red entitled “Pride of the Republic” intermingled with a pastel blue called “Ode to flowing water.”

A variety of traditional colors surrounded the approximately 300 guests that attended the event on March 4 in Upper Olmsted.

“I’m not really sure that all American students know a lot about China,” said Haosong Bai, chair of the Chinese Night committee at Drake. “They know about Beijing, they know about Shanghai, but they don’t know what inner China really looks like. It is beautiful. It has mountains and lakes, not like Beijing, China: crowded, every day traffic jam, metropolis-like. From my opinion, (China) is quiet, beautiful and relaxing.”

Bai worked hard to expose this seldom associated view of China to the audience, working alongside about 15 committee members and 10-12 volunteers.

The event planning started in November with committee recruitment and getting sponsorships. After months of storyline assemblage, decisions on authentic dishes, late night scriptwriting sessions and material preparation, the show was ready to be revealed.

“We introduce (attendees) to the Chinese culture, part of it ,for a good night,” said Mark Nguyen, a performer and the emcee. “We follow a fish through a journey

through four different provinces.”

The fish, a personified sturgeon with a damaged fin, swam from trouble alongside a comical guide and together the two explored the mystical realms of both rural and urban China. The plot line progressed amidst musical numbers and individual performances that included authentic music, song and dance.

“I’m not really sure that all American student know a lot about China. They know about Beijing, they know about Shanghai, but they don’t know what inner China really looks like. It’s beautiful.”

“We are showing our audiences what China has to offer; the many delicious dishes, the costume ... and the intro video to lots of different provinces,” Bai said.

Nguyen said that while he himself is not Chinese, he enjoys the company of his fellow Asian community and studying the Chinese culture by watching ancient drama. As such, he is an advocate for multicultural exploration.

“In America, I understand we have a lot of people from different backgrounds,” Nguyen said. “By understanding what their customs are, their daily lives, we have more understanding.”

Humans of Drake

The Times-Delphic tells the stories of Drake students and faculty

Logan Shine • Second-year law student

Student comes to Drake with girlfriend graduates with his wife

Some people don’t believe in love at first sight, but second year law student Logan Shine knew he wanted to marry his wife the moment he saw her.

His wife, Jackie Shine, was his high school sweetheart and childhood friend.

“In eighth grade I moved from Hawaii to Sergeant Bluff, Iowa. We found a house and my parents were headed over to the house to sign the papers,” L. Shine said. “They found out (the owners) had a daughter my age and thought I should meet her so I would have a friend at school.”

“When we got (to the house) we sat at the table in the kitchen and she walks through the door from track practice,” L. Shine said. “I still remember. She was super sweaty and had a chicken fingers box from Dairy Queen in her hand. It was so awkward and silent after we introduced ourselves because we were in middle school and it was embarrassing. As we were leaving I told my parents that was the girl I was going to marry,” Logan said.

J. Shine was the only person L. Shine knew at school and soon after they became inseparable.

“The rest of that year we were best friends,” L. Shine said. “All of my friends knew I liked her and would make fun of me for being in the ‘friend zone.’ We dated other people, but I always had something for her.”

Things finally lined up for L. Shine his junior year of high school, and he had a date set up with J. Shine for Valentine’s Day. Although the date ended well, it had a pretty rough start.

“We had been talking for a little bit and it was Valentine’s day,” L. Shine said. “It was such

a big deal and I still remember what I wore. I was so nervous and I borrowed my mom’s car to take her out. I took a turn too quick and ended up stuck in a snowbank and her sister had to come pull me out. I was so embarrassed, but I was determined to take her on this date. So I took her to Olive Garden and I gave her a lame poem that I asked her out in and she said yes.”

The couple only lasted a week before they broke up after their first attempt.

“It was through text and I was heartbroken. We didn’t talk the whole summer. So then we ran into each other at a softball game right before the start of our senior year,” L. shine said. “We talked and laughed together that day and then we talked for a while before we finally got back together later on in the year.”

“It was so awkward and silent after we introduced ourselves because we were in middle school and it was embarrassing. As we were leaving I told my parents that was the girl I was going to marry.”

L. Shine explained that they left for different schools for college, but they stayed together throughout the years apart.

“She went to Drake. I went to the University of Northern Iowa. Things got serious so I decided to transfer. After my undergraduate degree, I transferred to Drake to come to the law school and to be with her,” L. Shine said.

L. Shine decided to take the

jump and propose to J. Shine.

“I told her I was going home for the weekend to help roof a house with my uncle, but I was really going home to ask for her hand in marriage and buy a ring,” L. Shine said. “When I asked her mom she immediately started crying and said yes. When I asked her dad, I was so nervous. He replied ‘Hell no!’ my heart goes into my stomach and I start panicking. All of a sudden he starts laughing and he says ‘yes.’ So I went and bought the ring and had to keep the secret for a whole week.”

The following weekend the couple had plans to go back home, but really he was going to propose where they first met, at J. Shine’s home.

“Jackie was asking me what was wrong because I was so nervous,” L. Shine said. “We get back to the house and I went to the kitchen because that was where I first set eyes on her. She came into the kitchen and I asked her, ‘Do you remember where we were when we first met?’ She replied, ‘Yeah we were right here.’”

He went on to tell her that even back then, that she was the one he wanted to marry.

“Since she was going to be a pharmacist, I put the ring into a prescription bottle and had it filled out for her,” L. Shine said. “She thought it was a joke, but when she saw the ring she started crying. Thankfully, she said yes.”

He proposed on Sept. 28, 2013 and they were married on Jan. 3, 2015.

FEATURES 08 | features March 08, 2017 STUDENT LIFE
STUDENTS shared the Chinese culture though art, metaphor and performance on Saturday evening. PHOTO BY LORIEN MACENULTY | STAFF WRITER


Baseball club new to campus, hopes to compete in intercollegiate games next year

An outstanding promise hovers over many students at Drake University that anyone can start any club they want. There’s scheduling, planning, paperwork and recruiting involved but the promise held true for Josh Cook when he started the baseball club this year.

Drake boasts an NCAA Division-I level softball team, but hasn’t had an outlet for baseball fans for years.

Cook hoped to remedy this by successfully putting together a club of interested members.

“People like baseball quite a bit,” Cook said. “I lived with a bunch of kids on first floor in Stalnaker last year who were huge baseball fans (wh0) also played it and wanted to play more. I had more and more people asking me about it.”

From there, Cook said he realized a club to play baseball either for fun or competitively could have a niche at Drake and went through the proposal process, working with Student Senate and a representative from Drake Athletics.

“Before I even started it, I had like 20 guys worth of interest, which is more than you need for a baseball game anyway,” Cook said and noted that the number has increased since then to about 35.

Given the weather and the club’s lack of access to a baseball field, Cook has yet to get formal practices underway.

“A normal practice is probably

about 10 guys (who) show up, we start by stretching our arms out a little bit and playing some catch and then there’s batting cages we can use in the field house,” said Payton Diamond, a friend of Cook’s who has been supportive of the baseball club from the beginning.

“The intramural fields are an option for us but what we’re trying to do is find a high school in the area that will let us practice right before they get out of school … or let us play there on off days if we keep up the field,” Cook said.

up jerseys and hats, something Cook hopes to turn into a fundraising event where other students can buy their designs as well and the proceeds can go to a league fee for the club.

While the baseball club is designed as a club and not an official sports team, Cook hopes

form teams to scrimmage against each other and also create “a competitive roster” of interested members to compete in club leagues and play against similar organizations from other colleges.

Cook said he was already contacted by University of Iowa to compete against each other but will need time to organize and find a field to play on.

“We’re still very much in our infancy right now,” Cook said. “My plan is, even if we don’t get into a club tournament this summer or spring, to have a competitive roster established for fall and maybe play some fall ball.”

Most members of the baseball club have a history of playing baseball but hardly have an opportunity to anymore.

“I started playing T-ball at about five and I’ve played ever since then,” Diamond said. “I had a couple offers to go play at small D3 schools but decided to give up being an athlete to come have a better education at a school like Drake.”

There is still a lot of work to be done with the club, but Cook said he wanted to start the club simply because Drake didn’t have one and this will give interested students a chance to pursue a shared interest in baseball.

“I think it gives us the opportunity to go out and play a sport that we really love that a lot of people coming to Drake never thought they’d have the opportunity to do,” Diamond said.

Cook said he’s been working on organizing and planning the logistics of the club but it’s taking time to coordinate.

For equipment, Cook said the group has been supplying their old helmets, balls, gloves and bats and their next step will be making

for it to have two purposes in playing baseball.

For all members, he hopes to be able to have enough people to

The club is open to both men and women. To get involved, the best way would be to email Cook at

FEATURES 09 | features March 08, 2017
Haley Hodges Staff Writer


Drake gets swept, then sweeps in two Milwaukee matches

early because the other two Drake pairings (Summer Brills/Jaglarz, Alex Kozlowski/Lomas) came away with wins.

Drake Women’s Tennis took part in two sweeps last weekend: one positive, the other negative.

On March 4 at Marquette University, the Bulldogs fell 7-0, but bounced back the next day with a 4-0 win over the University of Wisconsin — Milwaukee.

Senior Tess Herder and sophomore Joely Lomas both nearly put Drake on the board against Marquette, but came up short in first-to-10-format third sets.

It was the first loss of the season for both Herder and Lomas.

Herder, paired with junior Mela Jaglarz, was able to win a doubles match, but the other two Drake duos lost, allowing the first of seven points to go to Marquette.

Momentum from that quality performance, even if it ended with a loss, carried Herder into a win against UWM. In singles she dominated in straight sets, 6-1, 6-2, to prevent a losing streak and improve to 5-1.

Even though Jaglarz and Herder had won in doubles against Marquette, head coach Mai-Ly Tran still switched up the pairings against UWM.

Herder was paired with sophomore Kenya Williams, although their match ended unfinished, tied 5-5. It was called


Brills and Williams both won in two sets to seal the team victory. This weekend the team is scheduled for a pair of spring break matches. The Bulldogs will travel to Saint Louis University on Friday before returning home to face Eastern Illinois University on Sunday. On March 19, the day before classes resume, Drake will host Gustavus Adolphus College.

How the rest of the MVC is doing:

Bulldogs ranked again after upsetting University of Washington

the one-point difference in the match.

He lost against Minnesota, falling to 5-6 on the season, although he’s 2-2 on the second court.

Even with a loss to the University of Minnesota, Drake snuck back into the nation’s top 50 teams after falling out last week.

Against no. 47 University of Washington on March 4, that point made the difference as Drake won 4-3. But the doubles point went to waste against no. 32 University of Minnesota; it was one of Drake’s only two points on March 5.

Unsurprisingly, the second point against Minnesota came from sophomore Vinny Gillespie who is already in double digits in the win column at 10-1. He is now ranked 48th in the nation in singles.

Junior Calum MacGeoch didn’t play throughout the weekend. He had been hampered with a shoulder injury over the last few weeks and is on a fourmatch losing streak.

Junior Ben Stride filled in on court no. 2. It paid off against Washington. He won in straight sets 7-5, 6-3, which helped make

The clincher against Washington came from sophomore Tom Hands on court no. 4. Each set came down to the wire. He fell in the first set 6-4, but tied up the match with a 7-5 win in set two. He sealed the victory in a third set tiebreaker. He is now 7-3 in 2017.

Including doubles — which he won 7-6 (6) with Gillespie — Hands played a total of 48 games. The other doubles win came in a tiebreaker as well. Juniors Bayo Philips and Ben Wood won 7-6 (3).

The Bulldogs will be busy competing over spring break. They’ll play the University of Michigan on March 10. Two days later they have a doubleheader against Western Michigan University and Michigan State University.

Following those matches, the team will travel to California for the San Diego Spring Break Tournament, hosted by the University of San Diego.

SPORTS 10 | sports March 08, 2017
SUMMER BRILLS AND JOELY LOMAS (top) congratulate each other after a doubles point on Feb. 7. (Bottom) Kenya Williams crouches, waiting for her doubles partner to serve. PHOTOS BY ADAM ROGAN | MANAGING EDITOR HEAD COACH DAVIDSON KOZLOWSKI (top) watches a doubles match while junior Bayo Philips and freshman Barny Thorold take a breather between games. (Bottom) Junior Calum MacGeoch ices his right shoulder while his fellow Bulldogs watches a teammate still competing on Feb. 12. PHOTOS BY ADAM ROGAN | MANAGING EDITOR Adam Rogan Managing Editor @adam_rogan 1. Creighton (17) 7-0 2. Northern Iowa 7-1 3. Indiana St. 6-2 4. Wichita St. 5-2 5. Missouri St. 4-2 6. Illinois St. 5-3 7. Drake 5-3 8. Evansville 3-3 9. Bradley 3-4 10. Southern Ill. 1-3 *No conference games played yet Adam Rogan Managing Editor @adam_rogan

Men’s Basketball’s season ends with 67-58 loss to Bradley

Drake eliminated in first round of MVC Tournament for the fifth year in a row

The Drake Men’s Basketball season came to an end last night in the first round of the Missouri Valley Conference Tournament.

The seventh-ranked Bradley Braves stifled Drake’s no. 10 offense. The game ended 67-58, tying Drake’s third-lowest scoring performance of 2016-17. It was the Bulldogs’ 10th consecutive loss and the third time Bradley bested Drake this season.

“This game seems to have been very reflective of how our season has gone these last couple of weeks,” interim head coach Jeff Rutter said in the post-game press conference.

Transfer-juniors De’Antae

McMurray and T.J. Thomas paced the Bulldogs in the final game of their first seasons in Drake blue. McMurray led the team with 13 points and four assists.

“(McMurray) been a beast all three times that we’ve played (Bradley),” Rutter praised.

Thomas followed with 12 points and a team-high eight rebounds.

“I’m extremely motivated,” Thomas said. “I’m looking forward to getting in the gym in the offseason.”

“His motor was running, had great energy, was active,” Rutter added, speaking to Thomas performed in the team’s lone postseason game. “He used all that 6-8-plus length and bounce. He’s got some skill. T.J.’s best days are ahead of him.”

Junior Reed Timmer was the only other Bulldog in doubledigits. He finished with 11 points on 2-9 shooting.

Last week, Rutter had emphasized the team’s need to stay competitive reboundingwise. Drake did just that, finishing with two more boards than Bradley: 38-36.

The biggest problem the Bulldogs ran into was making shots from the floor, just as they have all season — Drake’s shooting percentage was second worst in the MVC.

The Bulldogs shot only 32.8 percent from the floor in what

will be their only game of the conference tournament. From 3-point land they went 4-22, below 20 percent.

Three Bulldogs didn’t make a single shot from the field: sophomore Billy Wampler (0-5), sophomore Nick McGlynn (05) and redshirt-junior Graham Woodward (0-6).

After the Braves got ahead six-and-a-half minutes into the first half they didn’t relinquish it, although the lead was never more than nine. Bradley couldn’t quite put Drake away, but the Bulldogs weren’t able to get “over the hump” that Rutter had mentioned in a pregame press conference on Feb. 28.

The difference was trimmed to two twice in the second half, but was never any closer than that. That’s why the Braves will take on Wichita State on March 3, and Drake will be returning to Des Moines.

The Bulldogs’ final record for the season is 7-24, the exact same as their 2015-16 record. Their conference ranking is the same as well: 10th.

Drake will only be losing one

senior, center Jacob Enevold, to graduation this year. The native Dane averaged 5.1 points and 4.5 rebounds per game in his four years with the Bulldogs.

Next season, the Bulldogs will be top-heavy with at least six seniors on the roster: Ore Arogundade, McMurray, C.J. Rivers, Thomas, Timmer and Woodward.

Rutter spoke highly of each player, but gave special attention to the career-long leadership of Timmer.

Rutter said that Timmer’s biggest asset is his confidence in being able “to go out and make plays,” something that’s been consistent since he was a freshman.

Timmer has led the team in scoring and minutes every year since he was a freshman.

“He needs to trust in the entire process,” Rutter said. “He’s made big strides in his game this year,” particularly in improving his right-side drive.

“This group has got bright days ahead, no doubt about it,” Rutter said to close the press conference. Even if experience is likely for

the 2017-18 Bulldog team, who will lead it is still in question. According to a Drake Athletics press release sent out earlier this week, a national search for longterm head coaching candidates is underway. Athletic Director Sandy Hatfield Clubb said in the press release that Rutter is a frontrunner to keep the job.

Final Standings after MVC Tournament

SPORTS 11 | sports March 08, 2017
Rogan Managing Editor @adam_rogan
THE BULLDOGS huddle up during their loss to Bradley University on Feb. 25. Although Drake lost to Bradley three times this season, each game was decided by less than 10 points. After defeating Drake in the first game of the conference tournament, Bradley lost to Wichita State in the second round by a score of 82-56. PHOTO BY CONNOR FINHOLT | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER
1. Wichita State* 17-1 2. Illinois State 17-1 3. Southern Illinois 9-9 4. Missouri State 7-11 5. Norther Iowa 9-9 6. Loyola 8-10 7. Bradley 7-11 8. Evansville 3-3 9. Indiana State 5-13 10. Drake 5-13 *Clinched NCAA Tournament berth with conference championship
JACOB ENEVOLD (left) throws a shot towards the basket during his final game in the Knapp Center. His parents flew in from Denmark to celebrate Senior Day with him, a surprise organized by Drake Athletics. (Right) Junior Reed Timmer at the free throw line. In the 2016-17 season, Timmer scored 82 of his 275 points from the charity stripe. PHOTOS BY CONNOR FINHOLT | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER

Bulldogs perfect in the MVC, 18-0

Conference tournament set to tip off with Drake as the top seed

The Drake women’s basketball team capped off the Missouri Valley Conference’s first undefeated regular season this week with wins over Missouri State and Wichita State. The undefeated season is yet another milestone the team has achieved in its historic season.

Game one of the weekend featured action against the Missouri State Bears, currently ranked third in the conference.

Drake got out to an early 12-2 lead and rode it to a 12-point advantage after the first quarter. Despite the hot start from the Bulldogs, the Bears started to claw their way back during the second quarter. Heading into halftime, Drake held a 10-point lead.

“I think we started out really well on both ends of the floor,” said head coach Jennie Baranczyk in a post-game press conference, “But you’ve got to give a lot of credit to Missouri State.”

Drake held onto a small but shifting lead throughout the second half. Missouri State brought the game to within one with seven minutes left in the third quarter, but a quick 6-0 run restored Drake’s comfortable lead.

Heading into the final quarter, Drake held a six-point lead. The lead would be cut to four at one point in the final quarter, but clutch free-throw shooting from the Drake squad at the end of the game gave the Bulldogs the final edge, 98-91.

Drake once again performed exceptionally well from the field, shooting at a hot 52.3 percent, including 46 percent from beyond the arc. 36 of Drake’s points came from its interior game and 28 came off the bench.

Becca Hittner led the charge for the Bulldogs with 22 points, five rebounds and two assists. Lizzy Wendell posted a 21-point performance along with eight assists and four rebounds. Four other Bulldogs finished in doubledigits: Brenni Rose (16), Caitlin Ingle (11), Sammie Bachrodt (11) and Nicole Miller (10). Ingle also added eight assists.

In the regular season finale, Drake took on the Wichita State Shockers at the Knapp Center.

It seemed like fate. The Bulldogs started their conference season with a win over the Shockers. Now it would end with one.

Drake faltered a bit at the start, heading into the second period down by a point (28-27), a spot the team isn’t accustomed to being in. The Bulldogs pulled back into the lead in the second quarter, taking a seven-point lead into the half.

Drake’s depth once again played a crucial factor, as the team hit its stride right as the Shockers fell out of their rhythm.

Wichita State took a two-point lead with five minutes left in the third quarter, but Drake was ready to bounce back.

The Bulldogs closed out the quarter on a 27-6 run, featuring 12 consecutive unanswered points and headed into the final quarter with a massive 19-point advantage. The fourth quarter stayed competitive, but Drake would ultimately take the game 105-89.

In a dynamic scoring performance for the Bulldogs, three different Drake players finished with more than 20 points: Lizzy Wendell (25), Sammie Bachrodt (23), and Brenni Rose (22). Drake’s 55 percent shooting percentage certainly aided in the effort, as well as its 61 percent performance from downtown.

The victory was also the final game in the Knapp Center for seniors Ingle, Wendell and Cortni Rush.

Drake’s next action will be postseason play. After a bye, the Bulldogs will play either Indiana State or Illinois State, depending on which of the two wins their first-round game.

Tip-off for the Bulldogs’ game will be at 12 p.m. on March 10 in Moline, Illinois. It will be broadcast live on ESPN3.

SPORTS 12 | sports March 08, 2017
Joseph Miller Beat Writer @josephmiller3 SENIOR LIZZY WENDELL ready for the tipoff of Drake’s final home game of the season, a win over the Wichita State Shockers. The Bulldogs won the game 105-89 for their 19th consecutive win to finish the conference season at 18-0. Wendell scored a game-high 25 points, the 18th time this season she’s scored 20 or more points PHOTO BY CONNOR FINHOLT | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER SOPHOMORE NICOLE MILLER (upper-left) goes up for a contested layup against UNI on Feb. 24. (Bottom-right) Drake fans cheer on the Bulldogs from the front row of the Knapp Center. (Bottomright) The Drake bench cheers during the team’s regular-season conference-clinching win two weeks ago. PHOTOS BY ADAM ROGAN | MANAGING EDITOR AND CONNOR FINHOLT | STAFF PHOTOGRAPHER
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