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Exhibitors A-Z Profile Listings

3DRP www.3DRP.co.uk

3DRP are the leading supplier of 3D systems equipment in the UK and Ireland! We Provide machinery and support to a number of industries such as; Jewellery, Casting, Aerospace, Engineering and manufacturing!

Additive Manufacturing UK (AMUK) L30 www.am-uk.org.uk

This is your opportunity to speak 1-on-1 with a selection of experts from the UK’s Additive Manufacturing Community. Many of these experts are helping to shape AMUK, which is the new trade association for the sector. At the Knowledge Bar you will also be able to learn more about AMUK and why you should become a member. These are some of the leading lights in the AM industry; if they don’t know the answer to your question, they likely know someone who does!

Additive-X Ltd


Additive-X are Additive - experts!

We’re proud to offer leading 3D printing technology solutions, carefully selected to deliver real benefits, serving our business customers across a wide range of sectors. Our services include Machine sales, Digital Parts Factory, Material sales, Subscription services, Training online and in-person, Support

Advent 3D Ltd B51 www.advent3d.co.uk

Advent 3D Ltd is dedicated solely to the supply and support of the Formlabs range of SLA and SLS 3D printing technologies. On show will be the Form 3+ range and 3L range of desktop SLA printers, together with the exciting Fuse 1+ 30W - Formlabs’ affordable and compact SLS solution capable of producing highly robust end-use parts at very low cost. With its dedication to one brand, Advent3D can offer unmatched service and support to its customers.

Aesub www.aesub.co.uk

AESUB – a revolutionary scanning spray, that helps to digitise reflective and transparent surfaces.

AESUB sprays (Blue, Orange, Green, Yellow and Transparent) enable faster, more efficient and more accurate 3D scanning, no more mess, no more cleaning, easy to apply, thin layer, super quality whilst disappearing after use.. AESUB White is a permanent scanning spray that needs to be removed manually.