2 minute read

Thank you to Brian Huff for historical preservation efforts

Thank you, Grandmaster Brian Huff, for your contribution to the world of taekwondo. Your hard work scanning and preserving the TKDT magazine is a gift to martial artist for many generations to come.

Making History for the Next Generation


A few years ago, GM Jung had numerous photos around 10,000. I expressed to him that I would like to take all the photo albums and scan all the photos to save them on a flash drive for him to look at on his computer at any time. So, I took all the photo albums home and used my basic printer scanner and scanned all his photos. This project was very exciting and rewarding to me to be able to see all the history of Tae Kwon Do photos from when he first opened the dojang until now. About a month ago GM Jung came up with an idea of scanning all the back issues of the TaeKwonDo Times magazines to digitalize them for the next generation of martial artist to look at and to preserve them forever. GM Jung asked me if I would like to take on this project, with excitement again I said I would be happy to. So, I gathered all the back issues of the magazine from the first issue to 2006 and started scanning them on my scanner. After scanning the first 10 magazines I found out this was going to take an exceptionally long time to do scanning one page at a time. So, I went to Amazon and purchased a scanner that scanned books and magazines two pages at a time in which cut my scanning time in half. So, I scanned 150 TaeKwonDo Times magazines. This took many hours to do but worth it. GM Jung took over the publication of the magazine around 2006. This was very difficult for GM Jung because he didn’t speak English well and didn’t know much about computers. GM Jung took the TKDT’s magazine and continued to make it a success worldwide through the present day. I am very proud to have been able to work with GM Jung on the magazine over the years and hope to continue. Thank You GM Jung for this opportunity. Pilsung. GM Brian Huff

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